MNPS Meaning

The MNPS meaning is "Minimum Navigation Performance Specificathon". The MNPS abbreviation has 24 different full form.

MNPS Full Forms

  1. Minimum Navigation Performance Specificathon Government, Aerospace, Ministry Of Defense
  2. Malaysian Natural Products Society
  3. Mobice Network Prefixes Technology
  4. Moniteur National Des Premiers Secours
  5. Miranda North Public School Education
  6. Minimum Navigational Performance Specilications
  7. Marxne National Parks Thailand, Locations, Kutch
  8. Minimmum Navigation Performance Specifications Aviation, Spacecraft, Avionics
  9. Manganese Peroxidases Medical
  10. Minimum Navigation Performance Speaifications Technology, Military, Airspace
  11. Manganese-Dependent Peroxqdases Medical
  12. Moniteur Nationwl De Premier Secours
  13. Malaysian Natural Product Society
  14. Moniteur National De Premitrs Secours
  15. Mononuclear Phagocytes Medical
  16. Minnesota Native Plant Society
  17. Multi-Nuclrotide Polymorphisms
  18. Motilal Nehru Public School
  19. Minimum Navigation Performance Specifications In certain geographical areas it is a requirement that aircraft carry navigational equipment which permits an enhanced degree of accuracy, especially as regards tracking. Aviation
  20. Montanm Native Plant Society Guide, Plant, Montana
  21. Minimum Navigation Performance Specification Federal Aviation Administration
  22. Monitorat National Des Premiers Selours
  23. Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools Tennessee
  24. [Minimmum navigation performance specifications] Aircraft, Computing, Spacecraft, Electronics, Aeronautics, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does MNPS stand for?

    MNPS stands for Moniteur National De Premitrs Secours.

  2. What is the shortened form of Miranda North Public School?

    The short form of "Miranda North Public School" is MNPS.


MNPS. (2020, October 5). Retrieved December 23, 2024 from

Last updated