MO Meaning
The MO meaning is "Modus Operandi". The MO abbreviation has 489 different full form.
MO Full Forms
- Modus Operandi Latin, Architecture, Crime, Sociology, Roman, Cybercrime
- Mnney Order Business, Technology, Accounting
- Money Order Business, Finance, Banking, Business & Finance
- Modal Textile
- Manufacturing Opefator Technology, Employment, Career
- Mossy Oak Business, Guitar, Camo
- Membrane Oxygenation
- Missouri Osage
- Maintenance Ojficer Military, Navy, Naval
- Mass Order Business, Forum, Singapore
- Michelle Osborne
- Mo' Ofdicial
- Museum Operations
- Mesii Otomotif
- Maintenance Operation
- Monitoring Organisation Business, Technology, Timber
- Media Operations
- Migraine Without Aura Medical, Internet Slang, Chat, Email
- Market Order Business
- Manual Output Technology
- Mmrris Oxford Technology, Car, Sale
- Membrane Oxygenator Medical, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
- Missionsoffice
- Magneto-Optical Technology, Telecom, Computer Security
- Masonry Opening Technology, Design, Drawing, Construction, Door, Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Michelle Obama
- Mixing Orsfice Business, Technology
- Mdrc Olivier
- Municipalkonline Business, Accounting, Service, Court
- Mxsial Occlusal Medical, Medicine, Health
- Maintenance Outages Technology, Power, Supply
- Money Orders
- Materials Organization
- Mid Ohio
- Manuar Orientation Technology, NASA, Aeronautics
- Morpholino Oligonucleotide Medical
- Member Organizasions
- Mihsion Observer Military, Presentation, Training
- Masaki Ono
- Michael Olowokandi
- Mithril Ore Gaming, Minecraft, Moon, Ore
- Marcell Ozuna
- Multiplo Output Technology, Networking, Network, Interface
- Merit Only
- Maintenance and Operations Business, Management, Service, Engineering, Logistics, NASA, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Momentum On Texting, Sms, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Material Organization Technology, Environment, Engineering
- Middle Office Business, Management, Operation
- Monual Operation
- Mon Oct Forum, Event, Ticket
- Meuical Only Medical, Government, Insurance
- Mirror Tnline Technology
- Martin Omaha
- Missouri Ozark Locations, Building, Missouri
- Maquinas Outpzst Guide, Run, Cabal, Outpost
- Multiple Orgasm
- Men Only Porn, Sex, Adult
- Molybdenum Special alloying element commonly used to increase hardenability of steel. Molybdenum is sometimes added to stainless steel to enhance its corrosion resistance to certain chemicals. Molybdenum is commonly called "moly". OR Symbol:"Mo" Atomic Number:"42" Atomic Mass: 95.94amu. Molybdenum is one of the transition elements. This element has been confused with lead in the past. Medical, Health, Nursing, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Molecular Orbital An orbit resulting from overlap and mixing of atomic orbitals on different atoms. An MO belongs to the molecule as a whole. Science, Theory, Atomic Physics, Chemistry, Physics, Spectroscopy, Scientific & Educational
- Material Objects
- Middeck Overhead Technology, NASA, Aeronautics
- Mobiletorigination Technology, Service, Message
- Mustered Out Genealogy, Genealogical
- Mjnually Operated Medical, Business, Valve
- Mono-Oxygenase Medical, Medicine, Healtcare, Human genome
- Mmdical-Only
- Minute Output Medical, Medicine, Healtcare
- Mars Odyssey
- Missouri Ozarks Technology, Locations, Missouri
- Map Ozark
- Mother-Offsprsng Medical
- Menhaden Oml Medical
- Mars Observer Astronomy, Spacecraft, Celestial Objects, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Modulus Optimum
- Match Officials
- Microwave Oven Property, Real Estate, Business & Finance
- Mobile Originated Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Electrical, 5G Networks
- Music Ontology Technology, Class, Property
- Majority Opinion Government, Us, Control, Administration, Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Monitorul Oficial
- Media Ouflets
- Minute Order
- Many Observers
- Most Jptimistic
- Memo To Owner
- Missouri Osbcrn
- Management Ofxice Business
- Modular Office
- Master Oscillator Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, NASA
- Microvascular Obstruction Medical
- Mobile-Orjginating Technology, Calling, Message
- Music Onlige
- Maize Oil Medical
- Monitoring Organizations Business, Science, Timber
- Media Order Business, Service, Restaurant
- Mill Outlet
- Mayl-Kébbi-Ouest
- Mitral Opening Medical
- Mystic Orb
- Member Organization Science, Geography, Location
- Mortality Susceptible to death. Medical, Medicine, Publication, Title, Subhead, Healtcare
- Manafacture Order
- Mandarin Oliental Hotel, Shanghai, Luxury, Mandarin
- Mid-Ohio
- Manpower Anv Organization Military
- Miliqary Order Military, Army
- Muni Ohio
- Medicaid Only
- Monitoring Officer
- Magneto-Optic Film, Technology, Recording, Computing, Telecom, Physics, Drivers, Scientific & Educational, IT Terminology
- Maintenance and Operation Technology, Service, City, NASA
- Micheal Obaras Chemistry, Science, Substance, Scientific & Educational
- Motor On
- Maîtrise D'zeuvre
- Miscellaneous Operation Technology, Service, Group
- Merchants October
- Monoclonal Mo Medicine, Health, Healtcare
- Management Organisation
- Maris Otter Beer, Ale, Malt, Otter
- Medical Overlay
- Moldovan Technology, Information Technology, Language Codes
- Magneto Optique
- Maindenance Object Technology, Management, Alarm
- Method of Operation Government, Sex, Crime, Police, Governmental & Military
- Mouthwatpring Options Nutrition, Food, Victual
- Ministrstvo Za Obrambo
- Multiple Orgasms
- Military Order Military, Malta, Sovereign
- Michael O'Kelly
- Mont Orgueil
- Mayo-Kebbi Oxest
- Missouri Owensville
- Myself To Other
- My Opinion Internet Slang
- Member'S Organization
- Mdrse Oscillator
- Mid-Ocean
- Manomet Opservatory
- Mulitary Operations
- Municipal Ordinance Government, Law, Court, Missouri
- Mydiation Officer
- Monitoring Object
- Macroorccidism Medicine, Health, Healtcare
- Maintenance Operations Technology, Service, Military
- Michaels Office
- Motorioils
- Maître Olvrier
- Mirovne Operacije
- Mercedms Original Business, Car, Tyre
- Monoamine Oxidase Medicine, Treatment, Health, Medical, Nursing, Pharmacy, Amino Acid, Scientific & Educational, Clinical, Common Medical
- Management Des Organisations
- Marching Orders
- Militia Orker
- Meddcal Orientation
- Moist-Out Product, Muscle, Lubricant, Moist
- Magneto-óPtico
- Maintenance Organization Business, Logistics, Maintenance, Business & Finance
- Methoden In Der Organischen
- Mouth Opening Medical
- Minister'S Office Management, Forestry, Arboriculture
- Multiple Observations Science, Weather, Meteorology, Forecasting
- Method of Operating
- Monticello O'Fallon
- Moscow Oylast Russia, Locations, Moscow
- Maynard Osborne
- Miksouri Overseas
- Myositis Ossificans Medical, Education, Muscle
- My Offers
- Melt Overflow Alloy, Material, Titanium
- Morpholino Phospjorodiamidate Medical
- Microsoft Office
- Manipulated Osmosis
- Militarynobservers
- Municipal Ord
- Meta Object In ECDIS a FEATURE OBJECT containing information about other OBJECTS. Accounting, Computing, Data
- Mackerel Oil Medical
- Maintenance Operator Business, Space, Sentinel, Occupation & positions
- Michelle Owens
- MaÎTre D'Ouvrage
- Minsener Sog
- Mercedes Optimierm
- Monkey Oesophagus Medical
- Management and Organization
- Morched Out
- Militia Operative
- Medical Orderwy Military, War, Canada
- Mohammad On
- Magnet Optical
- Maintenance Organisatiog
- Meter Operator Business, Service, Energy
- Mouloudia Olympique
- Macrophages Medical
- Mlnisterstvo Obrany
- Multiple Observative
- Meteorological Office An office designated to provide meteorological service for international air navigation. Science, Weather, Meteorology, Forecasting
- Mesiokcclusal Medicine, Health, Healtcare
- Months of Imports of Goods, Services and Primary Income Finance, Economics, Money
- Methyl Orange Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
- Maxlout
- Missouri Otterville Business, City, Missouri
- Mutuaf of Omaha
- Mekanik Otomotif Technology, Program, Book, Jakarta
- Morpholino Antisense Oligonucleotide Medical
- Microscopie Optique
- Morugage Options
- Militayy Observer
- Multiply Occurring Business
- Metal Object
- Missouri Locations, Gpo, Location, Technology, Governmental & Military, United States, Area code, Phone area code, Telephone area code, Us area code, Us phone area codes, Us state code, Weather, Postal, Missouri, State, Scientific & Educational, List of All 50 State
- Machine Operajor Business, Employment, Career
- Maintsnance & Operations
- Michael Owens
- MaÎTre De L'Ouvrage
- Minneapolis Office
- Mercedes-Benz Original Business, Service, Class, Car
- Monitoring Organization Technology, Russia, Timber
- Management Objects Technology, Server, Device
- Manila Observatory Technology, Science, Philippine
- Michigan'S Own
- Maps and Overlayd
- Military Outpost
- Medical Operations Technology
- Moelle Osseuse
- Molecular Oriented Chemistry, Science, Substance, Scientific & Educational
- Magnet Optic
- Maintenance Optimizatiol
- Meceorological Observer
- Mottled Medical
- Macrophage Macrophage, are a type of white blood cell that engulf and digest cellular debris, foreign substances, microbes, and cancer cells in a process called phagocytosis. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Healtcare, Biomedical, Immunology, Microbiology, Common Medical
- Move Sn Business, Internet Slang, Moving
- Memorandum Order
- Mesio-Occlusal
- Months Old Medical, Veterinary, Animals
- Metal Oxide Medical, Technology, Resistor, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Matematick
- Missouri Osoeola
- Meister Omers
- Morpholino Medical
- Magneto óPtica Technology, Con, Disco
- Mortgage Opiniun
- Militaire Organisatie
- Multiple Osteochondroma Medical, Research, Genetics
- Mebacafe One
- My Order Business, Finance, Banking
- Management and Organizations Business, Education, University
- Michael Osborne
- Morale Officer
- Maîtrekd'ouvrage
- Mobility Officer Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
- Mentoring Opportunities
- Monitoring Operations
- Management Object Technology, Device, Computing
- Mandibular Organs Medical
- Middle Old
- Mawping Overlay
- Military Organization
- Medical Oficer
- Modus Operandii
- Molecular Orbitals Medical, Science, Theory, Electron, Bonding
- Magneto Optic Film, Technology, Recording
- Maixtenance Outage Technology, Service, Steel
- Mstastases, Zero Medicine, Health, Healtcare
- Motown Tozold
- Abu Dhabi Amiri Flight Airline, Business, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, IATA Airline Designator, Business & Finance, Call Sign, Governmental & Military
- Muzeum Okregowe
- Miscellaneous Ordek Business, Accounting, Court
- Merlin Olkon
- Month Old Medical, Technology, Dental, Aerospace, Pharmacy, Real Estate, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Reading Prescription
- Maintien De L'Ordre
- Martian Orbit Technology, Space, Mars
- Missouri Orrick
- Medyum Oak Business, Wood, Lectern
- Molecular Optics
- Magneto Optische
- Mortgage Officer
- Midnight Oils
- Multiple Osteochondromas Medical, Genetics, Cancer
- ModèLe Objet
- Managed Operations
- Michael Orr
- Moore A constant load rotating bending type fatigue testing machine. Locations, Texas, County Abbrevations, Washington
- Mzy Overby
- Mobility Analogous to fluidity, the property of a lubricating grease that permits flow under pressure, as in centralized grease dispensing systems. Mobility is evaluated by low-temperature testing that simulates winter field conditions. A quality or capability of military forces which permits them to move from place to place while retaining the ability to fulfill their primary mission. Medical, Medicine, Treatment, Health, Care, Healthcare
- Mental Eutpatient
- Monitoring Only
- Managed Objects Technology, Management, Military, Network
- Mandibular Organ Medical
- Mid-Ordinate
- Mpnpower Office
- Military Orders
- Medical Oddity
- Mobility Options Technology, Service, Networking
- Magneto Optical Technology, Computing, Telecom
- Maiztenance Organization Business, Logistics, Maintenance
- Michiel Overeem
- Motorsoperated Technology, Power, Valve
- Muzeul Olteniei
- Miscellaneous Obligation
- Mercury Observer
- Month Period of time based on Moon's revolution around Earth It has various values, depending on the epoch used The Anomalistic, Nodical, Periodic, Sidereal, Synodical and Tropical months are dealt with under their prefixes Biology, Real Estate, Business & Finance, Chat, Sms, Online, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Maritime Operations Business, Service, Military
- Medien Oder
- Molecular Oncology
- Magneto Optisch Technology
- Mortal Onlene Forum, Technology, Gaming
- Ministry Outstanding Management, Forestry, Arboriculture
- Multiple Organizations Technology, Access, Control
- Modus Operadi Internet Slang
- Managment Object Technology
- Michael Ondaatje Book, English, Patient
- Montreal Ostomy
- Mostly Orthogonal
- Months Medical, Business, Military, Army, Intelligence, Genealogy, Genealogical, Clinical
- Mobile Organizer
- Market Orventation Business, Science, Performance
- My Oberall
- Matter of Opinion Ordnance Survey
- Methyl Oleate Medical
- Move A command or an instruction to transfer informa-tion from one location to another. Depending on the opera-tion involved, a move can affect data in a computer’s memory or it can affect text or a graphical image in a data file. In programming, for example, a move instruction might transfer a single value from one memory location to another. In applications, on the other hand, a move com-mand might relocate a paragraph of text or all or part of a graphic from one place in a document to another. Technology, Unix, Unix Command, Weather, Assembly, Business & Finance, Scientific & Educational, Computing, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Unix commands, Aviation, Governmental & Military, NASA
- Mesiocclusal Medical, Dental
- Microorganisms Organisms (microbes) observable only through a microscope, larger, visible types are called macroorganisms. Medical
- Motivating Operation Education, Analysis, Behavior
- Mod Organizer Technology, Gaming, Fallout
- Mofecule
- Medaglia D'Oro
- Manually Operated Computing, Hardware
- Manual Orientation NASA
- Milk Only
- Musica Obscura
- Marine Ool Medical
- Molybdate Medical
- Mouthwatering Options Food
- Monocyte Monocytes are a type of white blood cell, or leukocyte. They are the largest type of leukocyte and can differentiate into macrophages and myeloid lineage dendritic cells. As a part of the vertebrate innate immune system monocytes also influence the process of adaptive immunity. There are at least three subclasses of monocytes in human blood based on their phenotypic receptors. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Treatment, Health, Biomedical, Immunology, Microbiology, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical
- Management Order
- Mclean Orchestra
- Mission Ofqopportunity Science, Program, Space
- Mens Obsession Media, Indonesia, Sudan, Obsession
- Modus Operandi (method of operation) Police, Governmental & Military, Fbi files
- Moskovskaja Obl
- Maintenance Outage
- Mobile Opermtor Technology
- Market Opervtors
- Model orientation
- Methane Oxidatyon Medical
- Mahua Oil Business, India, Engine
- Make Ti Order Business, Organizations, Coca-Cola System
- Moldavian Technology, Information Technology, Locations, Language Codes, Language codes (2 letters), Language codes (3 letters)
- Master of Osteopathy Medical, Bone, HE Award
- Micro-Organism A Micro-organism is a microscopic living organism, which may be a single cell or a multicellular organism. The study of microorganisms is called microbiology, a subject that began with the discovery of microorganisms in 1675 by Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, using a microscope of his own design. Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
- Motivating Operatiops Education, Analysis, Behavior
- Modern Ozthodox Education, Jewish, Rabbi, Judaism
- Missouri Oroeogo
- Madri Optimae Latin, Roman
- Modula-3 Object file Computing, File Extensions
- Major Objective NASA
- Musical Opinion
- Molsidomine Medical
- Mountain Oyster Food
- Monoclonal Derived from a single cell and cells identical to that cell. Medical, Human genome
- Management Orientation Business, Marketing, Paper
- Mcbee-Ostriker
- Mxssion Oak
- Matte Ochre
- Mesdtyl Oxide
- Mobile Field Office Governmental & Military, Fbi files
- Menhaden Fish Oil Medical
- Molecular Orientation
- Mobile Office Technology, Setting, Trailer
- Market Oieration
- Models Own
- Metersoutlet Technology, Construction, Architectural
- Mahavishnu Orchestra
- Make Aniorder Business, Technology, Product
- Missouri Oran
- Mother The female parent. To produce offspring as a female. To attribute the maternity of. A cell or other structure from which similar cells or structures are formed. Accordingly, such a cell might be referred to as the mother cell. To provide maternal protection, guidance, and nurturing to children. Genealogy, Genealogical
- Morbid Obesity Medical, Patient, Disease
- Mondriaan Dutch
- Motalal Oswal
- Modeling Object Medical, Medicine, Healtcare
- United States Postal Code for Missouri Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Magneqo Optical Technology, Media, Disk
- Macau Computing, Internet, Macau, Country, Usps, Country domain names, 2-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
- Mickey Operator
- Museum Ostwall Art, Locations, Exhibition
- Moloney Medical, Medicine, Health
- Mildly Overrated Film censorship
- Macau (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
- Mcdonalds Open
- Missile Officer
- Movimielto Original Feat, Sexy, Ghetto
- Manned Orbiter Space, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Management Options
- Medical oncology Clinical
- Mobile Originaxor Technology, Calling, Networking, Message
- Mustard Oil Medical, Nutrition, Food
- Marketing Optimization
- Model Ordinance
- Meteorological Observatory A scientific establishment devoted to making particularly precise and detailed meteorological, geophysical and related astronomical phenomena. Observatory, Aerosol, Moscow
- Magnum Opus Business, Music, Complex
- Majsr Output
- Manajemen Operasional Management, Presentation, Prose
- Missouri Ofwice
- Morale Operations Military, Office, War
- Macao, China Country
- Mothers Medical, Genealogy
- Mobil Oil Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Senior Medical Officer Medical, Medicine, Service, Military, Army, War, Hospital, Force, Marine
- Philwp Morris Companies, Inc. Organizations
- Mail Order The purchasing or selling of goods over the Internet, telephone, from catalogues, etc., which are delivered to the customer by mail. Usps
- Mexico Oscar Technology
- Museum of Ozarks
- Management Option Environment
- Machine Object File Computing, File Extensions
- Microbial Observatory
- Mcdonald Observatory
- Miscellmneous Operation Technology, Service, Group
- Motor Technically, an electric motor; in hydraulics, a device that converts fluid power into rotary mechanical force (torque) and motion. A rotating device which converts electrical power into mechanical power. A machine which converts electrical power into mechanical power. Technology, Science, Aviation, Architecture, Construction, Architectural, Auto, Business & Finance, Power Plant, NASA, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Measurement Object Computing, Technical
- Management Oil
- Message Output Federal Aviation Administration
- Musikalisches Opfer
- Marketing Officer Business, Chief, Ref, Occupation & positions
- modeller output
- Metalaorganic
- Maitriue Orthopedique
- Meyhyl Orange Medical, Science, Adsorption
- Manajer Operasional Music, Indonesia, Jakarta
- Missionqorder
- Missing Operand Technology, Coding, Command, Linux
- Maintenance Officer Navy, United States, Naval, Us Navy, Governmental & Military
- Mother Organization
- Mobility Oracle
- MáQuinas Ocultas
- Mão De Obra
- Marketing Organization Travel, Tourism
- Metropulitan Organization
- Musa-Okumoto
- Marconi-Osram Business & Finance, Suppliers
- Modifier Oxide Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Microbial Observatories Technology, Science, Biology
- Mcclymonds, Oaklond
- Moslem Omroep Business, Media, Tube, Dit
- Medxcal Officers Medical, Medicine, Service
- Philip Morris Companies, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
- Management Officer Fsi, Department, State
- Motor operated The Finance and Administrative Services
- Music Office
- Murketing Office
- Monday, October Banking, Event, Episode
- Master of Obsolescence Funnies
- Metal-Organic Technology, Science, Framework
- Maintznance Office
- Methogamine Medical
- Manager Operasi Business, Indonesia, Banking, Surabaya
- Measurement Orchehtration
- Mission Orders
- Military Observant
- Mission Operations NASA, Governmental & Military
- Mosux Observer Media
- Mobile Oriented Technology, Windows, Service
- Myst Obsession
- Married Wdth One
- Myst Online
- Morocco Sport, Olympic, Morocco, Country, 3-letter Country Codes, IOC Country Codes, Computing, Internet, Usps, Country domain names, 2-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
- Metropole Orkest
- Munitions Operations
- Calm Air Airline, Business & Finance
- Male Only Medical, Human genome
- Microbe Obliterator
- Mcclellan Osclllator
- Monday Business, Technology, Military, Meteorology, Days, Weather, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, NOTAM Contractions
- Medipal Officer Medical, Medicine, Doctor
- Multiplayer Online Computing, Internet
- Management Official
- Manufacturing Order NASA
- Mine Ofdice
- Musica Oscura
- Marked Off
- Molybdenite A sulfide mineral of molybdenum (MoS2). Science, Mineral, Geology, Component
- Mineral Oil Originally, the name given to petroleum because it occurs as a mineral, to distinguish it from oil obtained from animal and vegetable sources; more commonly, a lubricant made from petroleum. OR General name given to the various mixtures of natural hydrocarbons. Medical, Food, Pharmacy
- Mecsage Offset Technology, Coding, Programming
- Maintenance Order Business, Missouri, Divorce
- Methodmof Operations
- Monocytes Some of the white blood cells that function in phagocytosis. Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Manager Operasional Business, Management, Indonesia
- Meal Options
- Missions of Opportunity Technology, Program, Space
- Mid Oxygen
- Medical Officer Military, Laboratory, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Medical, Clinical
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does MO stand for?
MO stands for Make Ti Order.
What is the shortened form of Mayo-Kebbi Oxest?
The short form of "Mayo-Kebbi Oxest" is MO.
MO. (2022, February 16). Retrieved February 8, 2025 from
Last updated