MO in Science Meaning

The MO meaning in Science terms is "Monitoring Organizations". There are 16 related meanings of the MO Science abbreviation.

MO on Science Full Forms

  1. Monitoring Organizations
  2. Molecular Orbital An orbit resulting from overlap and mixing of atomic orbitals on different atoms. An MO belongs to the molecule as a whole.
  3. Multiple Observations
  4. Micheal Obaras
  5. Member Organization
  6. Molecular Oriented
  7. Manila Observatory
  8. Molecular Orbitals
  9. Meteorological Office An office designated to provide meteorological service for international air navigation.
  10. Microbial Observatories
  11. Motor Technically, an electric motor; in hydraulics, a device that converts fluid power into rotary mechanical force (torque) and motion. A rotating device which converts electrical power into mechanical power. A machine which converts electrical power into mechanical power.
  12. Meyhyl Orange
  13. Metal-Organic
  14. Molybdenite A sulfide mineral of molybdenum (MoS2).
  15. Market Orventation
  16. Mission Ofqopportunity

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does MO stand for Science?

    MO stands for Molecular Orbitals in Science terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Molecular Oriented in Science?

    The short form of "Molecular Oriented" is MO for Science.


MO in Science. (2022, February 16). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from

Last updated