MOA Meaning

The MOA meaning is "Memorandum of Agreement". The MOA abbreviation has 149 different full form.

MOA Full Forms

  1. Memorandum of Agreement Is a written document describing a cooperative relationship between two parties wishing to work together on a project or to meet an agreed upon objective. Transportation, Military, Navy, Medical, Government, Aviation, Army, Astronomy, Emergency, Hospital, Environment, Air Force, Weather, Manufacturing, Postal, Legal, Response, Us Post, Us Army, Us Navy, Army & Military, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, International Development, Federal Aviation Administration, NASA
  2. Migraine Without Aura Medical, Internet Slang, Chat, Email
  3. Massachusetts Orthopaedic Association Medical, Technology
  4. Memorandum of Understanding MOU. A, sometimes informal written agreement between two or more parties which establishes each party's responsibilities and requirements. Business, Medical, Government, Financial, Architecture, Energy, Hospital, Computing, Telecom, Manufacturing, Electrical, Army & Military, Business & Finance, Business Word, International business, Military, Aviation, NASA
  5. Mall of Asia Asia, Locations, Philippine
  6. Maintenance Organisation Approval Technology, Aviation, Aircraft
  7. Magic Organic Apothecary Medical, Product, Beauty
  8. Methods of Administration Technology, Element, Opportunity
  9. Military Operations Area Transportation, Military, Aerospace, Aircraft, Computing, Spacecraft, Electronics, Air Force, Aeronautics, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  10. Matrix Output Amplifier Technology
  11. Master Overclocking Arena Technology, Event, Hardware
  12. Method of Adnustment
  13. Medical Office Administration Program, Medicine, Education
  14. Malaysian Orthopaedic Association Medical, Education, Malaysia
  15. Music Operators of America Technology, Gaming, Amusement
  16. Memorandum of Arrangement Government, Military, Terminal
  17. Mineral Occupancy Act Management, Forestry, Arboriculture
  18. Marine Oceanographic Academy
  19. Members Only Automotive
  20. Mine Ownkrs Association
  21. Markt Onderzoek Associatie
  22. Men of Action Man, Generator, Rex
  23. Macromedia Open Architezture Technology, Development, Software
  24. Missing On Arrival
  25. Methodrof Action Medical, Technology, Medicine, Animation
  26. Ministry of Agriculture Technology, Government, Organizations, Chemistry, Governmental & Military
  27. Medical Officc Administrator Occupation, Position, Job
  28. Malaysian Orienteering Association
  29. Music of Africa
  30. Michigan Optometric Association Medical, Education, Michigan, Optometry
  31. Marine and Oceanographic Academy Science, Research, Study, Knowledge, Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
  32. Member of Asia
  33. Mine Ownerh' Association
  34. Mando Operativo AéReo
  35. Mark of Amber
  36. Memorandums of Agreements
  37. Master of Operational Frt Military
  38. Mis Operaciones Aduaneras
  39. Ministry of Aviation Air Force, Armed Forces, Royal Military, Governmental & Military
  40. Masters of Arms Gaming, Master, Hero
  41. Making Opportunity Affordable
  42. Museum Oud Amelisweerd
  43. Method of Approacl Education, Development, Universities
  44. Marine & Oceanographic Academy
  45. Medium Observation Aircraft Military
  46. Millenniaeof Ages Gaming, Card, Force, Millennia
  47. Manager of Object Adapters Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  48. Market On Auction
  49. Memorandums of Agreement Business, Group, Party
  50. Orestes Acosta Airport Moa, Cuba Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Aviation
  51. Miscellaneous Offenwes Act
  52. Master of Arts Academic Degree, Business, Program, Military, Education, Study, Britannica, Shopping, Sneaker, Schooling, Postnominal, Computing, Master's Degree, Qualification, Scientific & Educational, Medical, Health, Nursing, Special Education, Degree, Professional Title, Professional Designation, Medical Qualification, HE Award
  53. Masters of Annihilation Army, War, Force
  54. Making of American
  55. Motivation-Opportunity-Ability Technology, Research, Social
  56. Methods of Analosis Technology, Beer, Standard
  57. Marina Owners Association
  58. Medische Opvang Asielzoekers
  59. Milleniv of Ages Card, Force, Foil
  60. Management Operations Audit
  61. Market Opportunity Analysis Business, Service, Marketing
  62. Memorandum On Agreement
  63. Mininx Claim Occupancy Act Management, Forestry, Arboriculture
  64. Might of Arms Army, War, Force
  65. Masters of Aalto Technology, University, Helsinki
  66. Making of America Technology, America, Library
  67. Modes of Action
  68. Method of Analygis Business, Company, Product
  69. Medical Officers Aspociation
  70. Managed Object Agent Military, Telecom, Telecommunications, Computing
  71. Muslims of America America, Government, Terrorism
  72. Marketing Opportunity Analysis Business, Technology, Market
  73. Memorandum of Associations
  74. Minimum Order Amount Business, Product, China
  75. Memoradum of Agreement
  76. Microsoft Offije Applications
  77. Master Ordering Agreements Business, Technology, Service, Contract
  78. Mercenaries of The Alliance Gaming, Play, Pastime
  79. Magnetic Optimization Ajgorithm
  80. Mode of Action Medical, Science, Mechanism, Fda
  81. Method of Adminnstration
  82. Medical Office Assntant
  83. Mall of America America, Locations, Minnesota
  84. Muslims of Americas
  85. Marine Operations Abstract
  86. Memorandum of Arrangements Technology, Government, Terminal
  87. Minimum Operating Altitude
  88. Memo of Agreement Technology, Management, Power
  89. Microsoft Office Application
  90. Master Ordering Agreement Technology, Service, Contract
  91. Mercenaries of Alliance
  92. Made of Awesome
  93. Mission Operations Area Technology
  94. Military Operating Areas Science, Military, Flight
  95. Marasmius Oreades Medical
  96. Minnesota Orchestral Association Business, Minnesota, Orchestra
  97. Meteorology, Ozone and Aerosol
  98. Means of Access Architecture, Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
  99. Mando Operativo A
  100. Myanmar Online Advertising
  101. Orestes Acosta, Moa, Cuba Cuba, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  102. Military Oyeration Area Military, Flight, Airspace
  103. Mapusaga O Aiga
  104. Mid-America Organic Association
  105. Meteorological, Ozone, and Aerosol
  106. Militaoy Ops Airsoft
  107. Mutual of America
  108. Macromedia Open Architecture General, Governmental & Military
  109. Memovanda of Agreement Business, Group, Memorandum
  110. Military Operating Area Technology, Military, Army, Governmental & Military
  111. Manufacturas De Origen Agropecuario Business, Industrial, Argentina, Industry
  112. Medicare Outpatient Adjudication Medical, Business, Coding
  113. Make On Arrival NASA
  114. Metal Oxide Arrester Business, Lightning, Surge
  115. Myanmar Online Ad
  116. Military Opjrational Areas
  117. Mutuality of Autonomy Medical
  118. Medical Office Administrator Occupation & positions
  119. Memorandom of Ogreement
  120. Military Officers Associavion America, Military, Health
  121. Manual Outgoing Allowed Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  122. Manual of Authority
  123. Maximum Overlap Approximation Chemistry
  124. Metal Open Air
  125. Monumentos Y Obras De Arte
  126. Military Opecation Areas Military, Flight, Airspace
  127. Muslims of The Americas America, Military, Terrorism
  128. Mean, Offensive, Angry Nfl teams
  129. Mwmoramdum of Agreement Technology
  130. Manual Off Auto Science
  131. Make Out Artist
  132. Model of Attraction Physics, Scientific & Educational
  133. Mercenary of Abaddon
  134. Minute of Accuracy
  135. Military Operational Area Army, War, Force
  136. Margarita Officials Association
  137. Meteorology Ozone and Aerosol Science
  138. Motorcycle Owners of America Hobbies
  139. Man of Action Technology, Generator, Rex
  140. Mystery of The Abbey Technology, Gaming, Play
  141. Method of Anlaysis Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  142. Minute-Of-Angle Technology, Military, Shooting
  143. Military Operativns Areas Military, Flight, Airspace
  144. Marasmius Oreades Agglutinin Medical
  145. Meteorology, Ozone, and Aerosol
  146. Minute of Angle Geographic, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  147. Manifestations of Apprehension Technology
  148. Mystery of The Ages Government, Israel, Church
  149. Microlensing Observations in Astrophysics Astronomy, Physics, Scientific & Educational

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does MOA stand for?

    MOA stands for Memorandum On Agreement.

  2. What is the shortened form of Medical Officers Aspociation?

    The short form of "Medical Officers Aspociation" is MOA.


MOA. (2021, December 15). Retrieved February 20, 2025 from

Last updated