MOB Meaning
The MOB meaning is "Man Over Board". The MOB abbreviation has 155 different full form.
MOB Full Forms
- Man Over Board Technology, Safety, Rescue
- Mkin Operations Base Military
- Mail Order Brides Russia, Order, Bride
- Medical Offoce Buildings Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Mobile Regional Airport Mobile, Alabama,United States Military, Airport, Locations, Airport Code, ICAO Code, ICAO, Aviation
- Medical Office Building Medical, Building, Healthcare
- Marching Owl Band Education, University, Rice
- Man Overboard Call and report given when a person has been seen to fall into the sea from a vessel Government, Military, Soldiery
- Masters of Wrazos
- Mobile Object Block Gaming, Military, Guide, Player, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Main Optics Begch Science
- Move On Board
- Management and Organizational Behavior
- Men of Beaumont Organization, Union, Institution
- Montreux-Berner-Oberland-Bahn
- Make-Orvbreak Business, Trading, Heaven
- Mind Over Bldy Medical, Guide, Star
- Men Or Business Technology, Organizations, Music
- Motorcycle Octane Boost Business, Fuel, Oil
- Man Overboard Beacon
- Montreux Oberland-Bernois
- Masters of Battle
- Minority Owned Businesses Business, Service, Government
- Main Optical Bench
- Movement of The Body
- Mobilization Reconstitution and movement of rock material due to metamorphism, melting and chemical reaction. Medical, Army, Force, Marine, Military Slang, Us Army, Governmental & Military, Physical Therapy
- Memory Ordering Buffers Technology, Cache, Sympathy
- Montreux-Berner Oberland-Bahn Locations, Train, Railway, Gauge
- Maintenance of Bxreaucracy
- Mind Own Business
- Memory-Order Buffer Technology, Telecom, Cache
- Man Overboard Boat Technology, Ship, Ferry
- Method of Build
- Montreux Oberland Bernoise
- Master of Organiwational Behavior
- Minority Owned Bukiness Business, Technology, Service
- Magic On The Beacz
- Movable Object Business, Technology, Internet, Computing, IT Terminology
- Mobile Typically short for "mobile phone number," Military, Computing, Internet, Texting, Chat, Telecom, Sms, Online, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Memory Ordering Buffer Technology, Instruction, Cache
- Mobile Outreach Bunch
- Mainfenance of Benefits
- Mind On Business
- Man Or Beast Gaming, Play, Pastime
- Methane-Oxidizing Bacteria Medical
- Montreux Oberland Bernois Switzerland, Train, Railway
- Maryland Old Boys
- Minority-Owned Business Business, Service, Government
- Maelstrom of Battle
- Movable Object Block
- Memory Order Buffer Technology, Instruction, Cache
- Mobile Offshord Bases Technology, Military, China, Base
- Maintenance of Business Technology
- Mighty Owl Band Music
- Management Oversight Board Integrated Ocean Observing System
- Men On Board America, Man, American, Board
- Montreux-Oberland-Bernois Switzerland, Train, Railway
- Marine Operations Building
- Minzesota Organization of Bloggers
- It Means Mobile Media, Social, Internet
- Mouvement Pour L'Organisation De La Bretagne
- Mobility Analogous to fluidity, the property of a lubricating grease that permits flow under pressure, as in centralized grease dispensing systems. Mobility is evaluated by low-temperature testing that simulates winter field conditions. A quality or capability of military forces which permits them to move from place to place while retaining the ability to fulfill their primary mission. Medical, Medicine, Treatment, Health, Care, Healthcare
- Memorandum of Bailment
- Mobile Offshore Base Technology, Military, Concept
- Maintenance and Operations Bureau Government, Bureaus
- Municipality of Baghdad Organizations, Agriculture, Iraq, Agricultural Policies
- Management Operation Bridge
- Men of Bordentown Organization, Union, Institution
- Montreux-Oberland-Bernois Bahn
- Maue-Or-Buy Business, Management, Decision, Mail
- Mardigrass Organising Body
- Ministry of Burlesque
- Iata Code for Mobile Regional Airport, Mobile, Alabama, United States Locations
- Mount Olive Baptist
- Montreux Oberland Bahn Locations, Train, Sweden, Swiss
- Mastery of The Basics Development, Learning, Study
- Mobile Off-Share Base
- Mainstream Online Buzz
- Multimedia Outlet Box
- Management of Business Education, Paper, Cape
- Men of Bluffton
- Montreux-Oberland Bernois-Bahn
- Make Or Break Business, Trading, Heaven, Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Ministry Af Bhangra Song, Chicago, City, Ministry
- Cenler Mobilization Center Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
- Motor Ondersteuning Brandweer
- Manual De OrientaçÕEs BáSicas
- Montreux-Oberland-Bahn Locations, Train, Sweden, Swiss
- Main Operating Base Technology, Air Force, Governmental & Military
- Middle of Book
- Mother of Bride Business, Internet Slang, Dress
- Maatschappelijk Overleg Betalingsverkeer (National Forum on the Payment System) Business & Finance, Professional organizations
- Mobtv Video File Computing, File Extensions
- Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
- Mad Owl Band Music
- Metode Ovulasi Billings
- Makers of Bad
- Minyak Oles Bokashi Business, Herbal, Agen, Peni
- Mobile Object Board Computing, Internet
- Middle of Beach Science, Geology, Scientific & Educational
- Mother of Boys Book, Boy, Evans
- Managedkonline Backup
- mother of baby Medical, Common Medical
- Monetizing Online Business
- Music Over Business Music
- Motivational Organization of Belmont Development, Learning, Study
- Make Out Bandit
- Mighty Oiler Band
- My Other Board Computing, Internet
- Middle of Back Business, Gun, Shopping, Holster
- Most Official Bitches
- Managed Objectfbrowser Technology, Server, Sphere
- Mobile Regional Airport, Mobile, Alabama, United States Texting, Alabama, United States, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
- Michael Olivieri Band Business, Music, Rock, Album
- Musicians of Broadjam Music
- Mothers Opposing Bush Government, Politics, Policy, Governmental & Military
- Makedonska Operr I Balet
- Mesial Occlusal Buccal Medical
- Metal Outlet Box Computing, Hardware
- Michael Opeyemi Bamidele Education, Group, Nigeria
- Mossy Oak Brush
- Man-Over-Board Technology, Safety, Rescue
- MéTodo De Ovulação Billings Para, Dos, Billing, Ria
- Mobile Off-shore Base Sms, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Rice University Marching Owl Band Development, Study, Universities, Music
- Motivated Over Bicycling Hobbies
- Mothers of Barrington Organization, Union, Institution
- Mobilise Clinical, Physio
- Mmke Or Buy Business, Management, German, Decision
- Master of Organizational Behaviour
- PEN Windows Device definition Computing, File Extensions
- Michael O'Mara Books
- Moose On Bikes
- Mallards of Brookside Locations, City, Duck
- Money Over Bullshit Song, Lyric, Money
- Musicians to Oust Bush Politics, Governmental & Military
- Mayonnaise On Bread Food
- Middle of The Back Business, Gun, Leather, Holster
- Mother of The Baby
- Maintenance Operating Base Aviation
- Maison à Ossature Bois Forum, Architecture, Construction
- My Old Bike Products
- Metro Online Broadcast Gaming, Military, Android
- Making Ourselves Bettrr Development, Learning, Study
- Molybdenum Monoboride
- Member of Bloods Police, Governmental & Military
- Middle of Broad
- Mother of The Bride Wedding, Dress, Bride, Occupation & positions
- Members of Barleyment Business & Finance, Professional organizations
- Short for Mobilization. Also Us Army, Governmental & Military
- Maatschappelijk Overleg Betalingsverkeer Business, Banking, Payment, Hun
- Mail Order Bride Occupation & positions
- Met Onbekende Bestemming
- Makers of Barcelona Technology, Space, Cafe
- Mobile Operating Base Military, Sms, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does MOB stand for?
MOB stands for Motivational Organization of Belmont.
What is the shortened form of Mother of The Bride?
The short form of "Mother of The Bride" is MOB.
MOB. (2021, October 27). Retrieved March 12, 2025 from
Last updated