MOCA Meaning

The MOCA meaning is "Minimum Obstruction Clearance Altitude". The MOCA abbreviation has 37 different full form.

MOCA Full Forms

  1. Minimum Obstruction Clearance Altitude Military, Aviation, Aerospace, Governmental & Military
  2. Multimedia Over Coax Alliance Technology, Networking, Network, Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  3. Minimum Obstacle Clearance Altitude The lowest published altitude in effect between radio fixes on VOR airways, off airway segments which meets obstacle clearance requirements for the entire route segment. Technology, Obstacle, Clearance
  4. Meeting of Change Agents
  5. Mosaic Outdoor Clubs of America
  6. Multimedia Over Coax Technology
  7. Museum of Ceramic Art
  8. Mediawiki Ontology Convergence Assistant Technology, Art, Networking, Museum
  9. Modelling of Objects, Components, and Agents
  10. Multivariate Organization of Combinatorial Alterations
  11. Maintenance of Certification In Anesthesia Medical, Simulation, Anesthesiology
  12. Modeling of Objects, Components, and Agents Technology, University, Component
  13. Multimedia Over Cable Alliance Technology, Networking, Network
  14. Maintenance of Certification In Anesthesiology Medical, Medicine, Education
  15. Merisel Open Computing Alliance
  16. Maine Old Cemetery Association History, Maine, Cemetery
  17. Men of Color Alliance
  18. Museum of Contemporary Art Technology, Locations, Chicago, Exhibition, Artist, Telecom
  19. Museum of Contemporary Arts Locations, Exhibition, Bangkok
  20. Men of Christian Action Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  21. Museum of Chinese In America America, China, Museum
  22. Museum of Chinese In The Americas Education, Organization, Community, Museum
  23. Museum of Conceptual Art Technology, Exhibition, Artist
  24. Museum of Crappy Art Funnies
  25. Museum of Comparative Anthropogeny
  26. Music Online Competition Act Technology
  27. Museum of Computer Art Technology, Artist, Virtual
  28. Museum of Contemporary Education, Organization, Community, Museum
  29. Museum of The Chinese In The Americas
  30. Museums of Contemporary Art
  31. Museum of Conan Art Art, Comic, Coco
  32. Museum of The Chinese In America America, Education, China
  33. Museum of Contemporary of Art
  34. Materiali E Oggetti A Contatto Con Gli Alimenti
  35. Museum of Chinese In Americas
  36. Museum of Contempory Art
  37. Mustang Owners Club of Australia

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does MOCA stand for?

    MOCA stands for Mustang Owners Club of Australia.

  2. What is the shortened form of Meeting of Change Agents?

    The short form of "Meeting of Change Agents" is MOCA.


MOCA. (2021, March 22). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from

Last updated