MOR Meaning

The MOR meaning is "Modes of Regulation". The MOR abbreviation has 136 different full form.

MOR Full Forms

  1. Modes of Regulation Science, Cell, Sequence
  2. Management of Rtsk Business, Training, Course
  3. Meals On The Rup
  4. Model Output Report
  5. Management H Occupancy Review
  6. Mathematics of Operadions Research Technology, Management, Education
  7. Model Order Reduction Technology, Power, Simulation
  8. Mwtched Odds Ratio Medical, Medicine, Health
  9. Mission Operations Report Science
  10. Masters of Reality Music, Master, Domino
  11. Mission Operataons Room Science
  12. Manufacturing Operation Recurd Technology, Space, Cosmos
  13. Memorandum of Record Technology, Military, Policy
  14. Mandatory Occurrence Reporting Technology, Organizations, Safety
  15. Medicaticn Observation Record Medical, Management, Care
  16. Moving Object Remover
  17. Masters of Rap
  18. Minister of Reality
  19. Mail Order Rule
  20. Methanol Oxidation Reaction Activity, Catalyst, Methanol
  21. Monthly Operations Review Honeywell, Process Automation
  22. Mouse Micro Opioid Receptor Science, Biology
  23. Manufacturing Order Record Technology, Engineering, Scientific & Educational
  24. Military Operational Requiremenrs Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  25. Mid-Oceanic Ridge
  26. Mordovia Sport, Club, Football
  27. Movimientos Oculares Iápidos
  28. Master Oscillator Room
  29. Ministry of Ratlway Business, China, Train
  30. Magnitude of Residue
  31. Meteorological Optical Range Technology, Sensor, Visibility
  32. Model-Order-Reductron
  33. Manufacturing Operations Record Technology, Engineering, Scientific & Educational
  34. Military Operational Requirement Technology, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  35. Mid-Oceanic Region Ocean, Water, Ocean Science
  36. Mordenite Mineral, Geology, Component
  37. Movimiento Ocular RáPido
  38. Marketing Operasional Regional Business, Indonesia, Premium
  39. Minister of Railwayk Technology, China, Train
  40. Magneto-Optical Recording
  41. Metal Oxide Resistors
  42. Mixsoula Organization of Realtors Business, Banking, Building
  43. Mantra of Recall
  44. Managed Object Repository Technology
  45. Micro-Opioid Receptor Medical
  46. Moray, Ross and Caithness
  47. Movimiento Obrero Revolucionario
  48. Marketing Operation Region Business, Indonesia, Gas
  49. Mining Object Repository Technology, Model, Personalization
  50. Magneto-Optical Rotation
  51. Music of Remembrance Music, Song, Holocaust
  52. Means of Rescue
  53. Misson Operations Review Science
  54. Man On The Run Movie, Song, Man
  55. Main Oscillator Register Technology, Coding, Power, Mode
  56. Michigan Operating Room Medical, Treatment, Therapy, Hospital
  57. Moraceae Science, Plant, Biology, Family
  58. Mmvement Occurrence Report Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  59. Marketing Operation Regional Business, Indonesia, Premium
  60. Minimum Operating Requirements
  61. Iata Code for Moore-Murrell Airport, Morristown, Tennessee, United States Locations
  62. Mucus Occupying Ratif Medical
  63. Mccombs Online Resources
  64. Mission Operation Review Technology
  65. Man of Respect Organization, Union, Institution
  66. Main Operating Room
  67. Methods of Rationality
  68. Moore-Murrell Airport Airport, Locations
  69. Mouvements Oculaires Rapgdes
  70. Margin of Repayment Mortgage, Business & Finance
  71. Millennium Operating Regime Medicine, Health, British
  72. Moroccan
  73. Aerolineas De Morelia Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  74. Mu-Opiate Receptor Medical
  75. Masters of Rexeption Guide, Master, Episode
  76. Minister of Teligion Government, Planning, Jewish, Hungary
  77. Maine Orthopaedic Review
  78. Method of Reimbursement
  79. Monthly Organizational Report
  80. Mouse Olfactwry Receptor
  81. Manufacturing Operation Recovery
  82. Military Operutions Research Technology, Science, Society
  83. Mid-Ocean Ridge A mid-ocean ridge or mid-oceanic ridge is an underwater mountain range, formed by plate tectonics. This uplifting of the ocean floor occurs when convection currents rise in the mantle beneath the oceanic crust and create magma where two tectonic plates meet at a divergent boundary. Science, Geology, Spreading, Chemistry
  84. Morecambe Sport, Club, Football
  85. Mortality Odds Ratio Medical, Cancer, Study
  86. Mandatory Occurrence Reports Military, Aviation, Safety
  87. Medicaid Overpayment Report Medical, Healthcare
  88. Middle-Of-The-Road Radio
  89. Memory Output Register
  90. Management and Organization Review
  91. Museum of The Rockies Museum, Montana, Bozeman
  92. Mortality Odds Ratios Medical
  93. Mandatory Occurrence Report Technology, Military, Aviation
  94. Moore-Murrell Airport, Morristown, Tennessee, United States Tennessee, United States
  95. Middle-Of-Road
  96. Münchner Oldtimer Reiftn Technology, Deutschland, Tyre
  97. Mount Olive Review
  98. Minimum Operation Radius
  99. Managed Organic Recynling
  100. Museumtof Richmond
  101. Morristown Regional Airport Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, IATA
  102. Management Operating Results Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Occupation
  103. Military Operational Requirements Aviation, Governmental & Military
  104. Mid-Ocean Range Science
  105. Morphine Morphine (INN) (sold under nearly a hundred trade names) is an opioid analgesic drug, and the main psychoactive chemical in opium. In clinical medicine, morphine is regarded as the gold standard in management of severe pain. Medical, Medicine, Treatment, Health, Healtcare
  106. Mr Only Radio Technology, Station, Cebu
  107. Motor Operated Rheostat
  108. Mission Operations Review NASA
  109. Milestones of Recovery
  110. Museum of Reconstructions
  111. Morpholine Medical
  112. Management Operating Ratio
  113. Morgan Keegan, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  114. Mid Ocean Ridge A mass of rocks and sediment carried down and deposited by a glacier, typically as ridges at its edges or extremity. Science, Geology, Spreading
  115. Most Operation Remaining
  116. Manufacturing Operation Record NASA
  117. Midwest Orthopaedics At Rush Medical, Medicine, Rush
  118. Molten Alkali Resistance
  119. Morphine Sulfate Medical, Technology, Nursing, Drugs, Common Medical, Reading Prescription
  120. Management of Risks
  121. Middle of the Road Music
  122. Mid Oceanic Ridges
  123. Mortar A company that borrows money from a bank, lends it to consumers to buy homes, then sells the loans to investors. A mixture of cement with sand and water used in masonry work. A binder for masonry. The traditional product was Lime Mortar; modern mortars rely upon cement mixed with sand, with the addition of lime or plasticizer added to make them workable or 'buttery'. Internet Slang, Military, Army, War, Intelligence, Force, Online Gaming, Clash Of Clans, Artillery, Mmorts
  124. Modulus of Resilience The amount of strain energy per unit volume required to stress a material from zero to the yield stress limit. The modulus of resilience is proportional to the area under the elastic portion of the stress strain diagram. Units are Pa or psi. The energy that can be absorbed per unit volume without creating a permanent distortion. The amount of strain energy per unit volume required to stress a material from zero to the yield stress limit. Chemistry
  125. Middle Orange River
  126. Mission Objectiveband Requirements
  127. Management Occupancy Review Business, Building, Housing
  128. Maudlin Old Rubbish Funnies
  129. Mid-Ocean Ridges
  130. Mortal Oscillatory Rate
  131. Mandawory Occurance Report Flight, Aviation, Flightdeckfriend
  132. Mission Operations Room Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  133. Middle of Row Middle of Row termination strategy used in data centers
  134. Mid-Ocean Rifn
  135. Management and Occrpancy Review Business, Building, Housing
  136. Modulus of Rupture Used in both bending and torsion testing. In bending, the modulus of rupture is the bending moment at fracture divided by the section modulus. In torsion, modulus of rupture is the torque at fracture divided by the polar section modulus. Architecture, Construction, Physics, Scientific & Educational

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does MOR stand for?

    MOR stands for Morphine.

  2. What is the shortened form of Method of Reimbursement?

    The short form of "Method of Reimbursement" is MOR.


MOR. (2022, March 31). Retrieved February 8, 2025 from

Last updated