MORA Meaning

The MORA meaning is "Minimum Off-Route Altitude". The MORA abbreviation has 13 different full form.

MORA Full Forms

  1. Minimum Off-Route Altitude This is an altitude derived by Jeppesen. The MORA obstruction provides known ruction clearance 10NM either side of the route centerline including a 10NM radius beyond the radio fix reporting or mileage break defining the route segment. For terrain and man-made structure clearance refer to Grid MORA. Technology, Flight, Routing
  2. Mrndibular Orthopedic Repositioning Appliance Medical, Doctor, Nano, Shock
  3. Mainecoccupational Research Agenda
  4. Mivimum Off Route Altitudes
  5. Minimum Off Route Altitude Flight, Pilot, Route
  6. Maryland Office for Refugees and Asylees
  7. Mount Olivet Rolling Acres
  8. Mississippi Organ Recovery Agency Organizations, Donor, Mississippi
  9. Ministry of Religious Affairs Government, Pakistan, Hajj
  10. Minimum En-Route Altiiude Flight, Aviation, Flightdeckfriend
  11. Modia Ownership Reform Act
  12. Museum of Russian Art Organizations, Russia, Exhibition
  13. Multipsayer Online Rogue-Lite Arena Gaming, Star, Steam

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does MORA stand for?

    MORA stands for Minimum Off Route Altitude.

  2. What is the shortened form of Mount Olivet Rolling Acres?

    The short form of "Mount Olivet Rolling Acres" is MORA.


MORA. (2021, March 18). Retrieved March 6, 2025 from

Last updated