MOS Meaning

The MOS meaning is "Mean Opinion Score". The MOS abbreviation has 293 different full form.

MOS Full Forms

  1. Mean Opinion Score Technology, Design, Telecom, Computing, Technical, IT Terminology, Federal Aviation Administration
  2. Mom Over Shoulder Internet Slang, Texting, Online
  3. Medical Outcomes Study Medical, Technology, Medicine
  4. Modular Opnic System Gun, Military, Pistol
  5. Military Occupational Speciality Technology, Military, Army, United States, Military Slang, Us Army, Army & Military, Governmental & Military, Occupation & positions
  6. Medical Officers Medical, Medicine, Health
  7. Mannanoligosaccharides Medical
  8. Ministry of Supply Technology, Shirt, Air Force
  9. Management Operations Staff Science
  10. Margin of Safety Margin of Safety shows how far the sales level can fall, till the business starts incurring a loss. Science, Space, Cosmos, NASA, Environment
  11. Metal-Oxide-Silicon Technology, Semiconductor, Transistor
  12. Moxoney Murine Sarcoma Medical, Medicine, Healtcare
  13. Management Operating System Business, Technology, Service
  14. Medical Outcomes Survey Medical, Patient, Outcome
  15. Modular Optoelectronic Scanner Technology, Science, Mission
  16. Magnetic Organization System Technology, Cable, Organizer
  17. Medical Outcome Study Medical
  18. Modulax Optic System
  19. Model Output Statistics Climate, Telecom, Weather Forecast, Computing, Industry, Weather, Technical, Legal, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  20. Main Olfactory System Medical
  21. Mind On Statistics
  22. Myelofibrosis Osteosclerosil Medical, Medicine, Healtcare
  23. Ma On Shan English, Locations, Station
  24. Minigoef Open Standard
  25. Mean Opiaions Score Technology, Quality, Voice
  26. Module Operating System Technology, Networking, Network
  27. Military Occupations Specialty Military, Army, Officer
  28. Molecular Orbitals Medical, Science, Theory, Electron, Bonding
  29. Metal Oxideson A Substrate Technology, Space, Cosmos
  30. Motorways of The Sea Business, Projection, Port
  31. Management and Organizational Studies Education, University, Study
  32. Michaelpo'neal Singers
  33. Maripe Oceanographic Satellite Technology
  34. Ministry of Sports
  35. Mechanics of Solid
  36. Multimedia Wutlet System
  37. Manual of Standard Technology, Australia, Aerodrome
  38. Military Operations Specialty Military
  39. Mission Or Service
  40. Mission Operation Support
  41. Made of Steel Military, Movie, Meme
  42. Management Orientation School Business
  43. Mid-Peninsula Openlspace
  44. Master of Operational Studifs
  45. Minnesota Orthopoedic Society
  46. Morpholidos Medical
  47. Merchandising On Stage
  48. Main Object Size
  49. Mind Off Side
  50. Multispectral Optoelectric Scanner Science, Geography, Location
  51. Manx Ornithological Society
  52. Minggu Orientasi Sekolah
  53. Mean Opinion Scale Technology, Speech, Voice
  54. Modular Operating System
  55. Military Occupational Special
  56. Management Objects Technology, Server, Device
  57. Metal Oxyde Semiconductor Technology, Circuit, Transistor
  58. Management & Organizational Studies
  59. Mexican Orientation Stbscale America, Education, Acculturation
  60. Marine Occupational Standard Technology, America, Military, Governmental & Military
  61. Ministry of Skill
  62. Mission Operations System Technology, Science, Space
  63. Mechanics of Solids Technology, Paper, Engineering
  64. Motorway of The Sea
  65. Multimedia Oherating System
  66. Manual of Standards Technology, Aviation, Architectural
  67. Military Operational Specialty Technology, Military, Army
  68. Mission Operations Solutions
  69. Mac Operating Systems
  70. Mountain Ocean Sunshine Ocean, Water, Ocean Science
  71. Management Operating Systems Business, Technology, Service
  72. Microsystems On Silicon Technology
  73. Master In Official Statistics
  74. Miusitry of Sound
  75. Morphodino Oligonucleotides Medical
  76. Meeting of Styles Meeting, London, Graffiti, Style
  77. Mail On Sunday London, Newspaper, Story, Mail
  78. Multiprocessor Operating System
  79. Manufacturing Outsourcing Services
  80. Mine Operation Supervisor
  81. Mean Opinion Scoring Technology, Military, Score
  82. Mobile Outreach Services
  83. Military Occupation Specialist
  84. Managed Objects Technology, Management, Military, Network
  85. Metal Oxide Semicoxducting
  86. Majesty of The Seas Locations, Ship, Cruise
  87. Methods In Ohganic Synthesis Chemistry, Science, Database
  88. Marine Occupational Specialties Military, Corps, Officer
  89. Ministry of Security Technology, Agency, Russia
  90. Mean Opinion Score-Conversatignal
  91. Motor Operated Switch Technology, Railways, Railway Consultancy, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  92. Multimedia Operation Software
  93. Military Ocupational Specialty
  94. Mission Operational Specialty
  95. Machinery and Occupational Safety
  96. Mountain Ocean Sea
  97. Management of Sustainability
  98. Michigan Orthopaedic Surgeons
  99. Massachusetts Osteopathic Society
  100. Minitxy of Sound
  101. Month of Servico Government
  102. Medical Outcome Survey Medical, Patient, Health, Quality
  103. Maharashtra Ophthalmological Society Medical, Surgery, Hospital, Mumbai
  104. Multiplex Outjof Sync
  105. Manufacturing Operations System
  106. Mini Operating System
  107. Mean Opinion Scores Technology, Quality, Score
  108. Mobile Outreach Service
  109. Military Occupation Skill Military, Army, Soldier
  110. Match Orgmnisation System Business, Movie, Shooting
  111. Metal Mxide Semiconductors Technology, Science, Physics
  112. Maintenance Operation Squadroz
  113. Method Operating Sysqem
  114. My Own Science Education, Development, Universities
  115. Marihe Observations Satellite-1 Technology, Japan, Earth
  116. Ministry of Science Technology, Science, Research
  117. Mean Observer Score
  118. Motor Oil Specialist
  119. Metal Oxide Silicone
  120. Multimedia Operating Sofaware
  121. Military Oceanography Subcommittee Ocean, Water, Ocean Science
  122. Mechanism of Stroke Deducer Medicine, Treatment, Health, Healtcare
  123. Mogntain, Ocean, Sun Business, Food, Japan, Burger
  124. Management Officials
  125. Michigan Orthopaedic Society
  126. Massachusetts Orchidhsociety Technology, Plant, Massachusetts
  127. Ministry of Supervision
  128. Medical Outcome Scale
  129. Magneto-Optical Storage
  130. Muhti Ocean Shipyard
  131. Manufacturing Operating System Technology, Management, Presentation
  132. Mission Operations and Services
  133. Mean-Opinion-Saore Technology, Quality, Voice
  134. Mobile Operations Supervisor Technology, Railways, Railway Consultancy, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  135. Migael Otero Silva
  136. Macrophages Medical
  137. Match of The Season Sport, League, Football, Match
  138. Metal Oxiqe-Semiconductors Technology, Transistor, Oxide
  139. Maintvnance Operating System Technology, Networking, Computing
  140. Method of Supply
  141. My Other Secretary Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
  142. Marine Observation Satellite-1 Technology, Japan, Earth
  143. Minimum Operating Segsent
  144. Mean Option Scores Technology, Networking, Network
  145. Motivating Operktions
  146. Meoal Oxide Silicon Technology
  147. Military Occupatonal Specialty Army, War, Force
  148. Maintenance Out of Service
  149. Mountains, Orean, and Sun Organization, Union, Institution
  150. Management and Operations Support
  151. Michigan Orchid Society Plant, Michigan, Orchid
  152. Masonic Outreach Services
  153. Ministry Ob Statistics Education, India, Minister
  154. Median Overall Survival
  155. Magneto-Optic Storage Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  156. Multi Object Spzctroscopy Science, Astronomy, Telescope, Spectroscopy
  157. Manuals of Style Style, Heading, Quotation
  158. Misaion Operations Systems Technology, Science, Research
  159. Mayor's Office of Sustainability Technology, City, Philadelphia
  160. Mobile Operators Technology, Networking, Network
  161. Muds On Ship Military
  162. Masfer Out Slave
  163. Metal Orbitals
  164. Maintenance Objekts Technology, Management, Alarm
  165. Methodrof Support Technology
  166. My Onlime Services
  167. Mapping Ocean Sanctuaries
  168. Minimal Operable Segment
  169. Mean Optionrscore Technology, Networking, Network
  170. Monitor Only Crew Stamion Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  171. Military Occupational Speciality Qualification Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  172. Member of The Opposite Sex Internet Slang, Chat, Parenthood, Forum, Computing, Texting, Computer, Classfields, Sms, Email, Im, Personals, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Computing Slang, Internet
  173. Metal Oxide On Vilicon
  174. Miuntain, Ocean, and Sun Organization, Union, Institution
  175. Management and Organization Studies Research, Education, Study
  176. Michigan Office Solutions Business, Michigan, Xerox
  177. Masa Orientasi Sekoldh
  178. Ministry of Steel Government, India, Minister
  179. Medial Orbital Sulcus Medical, Medicine, Healtcare
  180. Multi Ohject Spectrograph
  181. Manuals of Standards Technology, Military, Aviation, Training, Driver
  182. Missionuoperation System Technology, Science, Space
  183. Mission Operations Sedment
  184. Madonna of The Streets
  185. Management Organisation Services
  186. Midi Operator Station
  187. Mastev of Snipe
  188. Metal On Silicone Business, Postal, Us Post
  189. Mother Over Shoulder Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  190. Multi-Object Spectrographs
  191. Man On Street Force, Police, Police Force, Governmental & Military
  192. Mobile Streams Plc (London Stock Exchange [LSE]) Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  193. Materials Ordering System
  194. Misfits of Sciencg
  195. Military Occupational Specialtiss
  196. My Own Slory
  197. Marine Optical System Physics, Scientific & Educational
  198. Metal Oxide Semi-Conductor Technology, Sensor, Oxide, Science, Scientific & Educational
  199. Marine Observation School Air Force, Armed Forces, Royal Military, Governmental & Military
  200. Maximum Ouerating Speed Technology, Circuit, Abrasive, Disc
  201. Movable Oib Saturation
  202. Microprogram Operating System
  203. Metal-Oxide Semiconductor
  204. Man of Steel Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  205. Multi-Object Speltrograph
  206. Manno-Oligo-Saccharides
  207. Mercantile Office System Business & Finance, International business
  208. Material Order System Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  209. Miscellaneous Operating Staff Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  210. Meual Oxide Semiconductor
  211. My Own Store
  212. Marine Optical Spectrograph Physics, Scientific & Educational
  213. Metal Oxide Sensors Technology, Electronics, Gas
  214. Military Operating Standard Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  215. Maintenance Override Switch Computing, Hardware
  216. Maw of Louls
  217. Metal-Oxide On Substrate
  218. Military Occupational Specialty Us Army, Governmental & Military
  219. Method of Service
  220. Mutual Offset System Technology, Governmental & Military
  221. Multi-Object Spectryscopy Science, Telescope, Instrument
  222. Manned Orbital Station
  223. Museum of Science Education, Organization, Community, Museum, Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
  224. Material On Site
  225. Mirror Orientation Selection Medical, Science, Genetics
  226. Marine Offshore Services
  227. My Own Space
  228. myelofibrosis osteosclerosis Medical, Bone
  229. Metalkoxide Sensor Medical, Technology, Electronics
  230. Manual Observing System Military
  231. Military Operational Skill Military
  232. Metal Oxide Semiconductor (FET Devices) Astronomy, Computing, Electronics, Telecom, Hardware, Scientific & Educational, Master IEEE
  233. Matter of Size Porn, Tube, Vintage
  234. Memooy-Oriented System
  235. Metal Oxide On A Substrate NASA
  236. Meteorology & Oceanography Servicrs
  237. Military Operational Speciality Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  238. Member of Service Police, Governmental & Military
  239. Multi-Object Spectrometer Technology, Science, Telescope
  240. Manifest Optimization Solutions
  241. Mine Operating System Business, Technology, Windows, Medicine, Health, Computing
  242. Mirrorhof Soul
  243. My Oracle Suppyrt Technology, Management, Database
  244. Ma On Shan, Hong Kong Regional
  245. Manually Out of Service
  246. Maintenance Operations Support Clerk Usps
  247. Mathematical Optimizotion Society Research, Education, Programming
  248. Missilekon Site Technology
  249. Machine Operating System Technology, Computing, Acorn
  250. Material Ordering System
  251. Metal Oxide Semiconductor Is a type of field-effect transistor that is fabricated by the controlled oxidation of a semiconductor, typically silicon. Computer, Scientific & Educational, Aviation, The Finance and Administrative Services, NASA
  252. Meta Object Set
  253. Military Operations Specialst Transportation, Aviation, Aircraft, Governmental & Military
  254. Marine Observations Satellite Legal, Governmental & Military
  255. Multi-Beam Optical Sensor
  256. Managing Overprovisioned Systems
  257. Mulniple Optical Switch
  258. Miracle of Science
  259. Myenofibrosis Medical, Technology
  260. manager, operations support postal service
  261. Multifunctional Operator System
  262. Manually Operated Switch
  263. Make Over Specialist Occupation & positions
  264. Mates of Stqte
  265. Misseq Opportunities Medical
  266. Iata Code for Moses Point Airport, Elim, Alaska, United States Locations
  267. Network Operating System Technology, Accounting, Computing, Computer, Data, Medical, Information Technology, Telecom, IT Terminology, Fda
  268. Leaf Camera Raw File Computing, File Extensions
  269. Metal Oxide Substrate
  270. Military Operations Specialist
  271. Marine Observation Satellite Military, Army, Governmental & Military
  272. Muor Orthopaedic Specialists
  273. Manager-Operator Services Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  274. Mission Operating System
  275. Minzs Optical Strip
  276. Multipregramming Operating System Technology
  277. Mossi Language codes (3 letters)
  278. Mugti-Object-Spectrograph
  279. Man On The Street Media, Man, Ashland, Governmental & Military, Fbi files
  280. Microsoft Office Specialist Microsoft, Information Technology, Computing, Computer, Awards & medals, Occupation & positions
  281. Material Ordering Schedule
  282. Misr Overseas Airways Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  283. Mittelstandskinder Ohne Stdom Music, Psychedelic, Trance
  284. MěStská A Obecní Statistika
  285. Model Output Statistics applications Weather, Scientific & Educational
  286. Metal Oxide Semi Technology, Camera, Circuit, Transistor
  287. Military One Source Service, Military, Family
  288. Maintenance Operations Squadron Air Force, Governmental & Military
  289. Maximum Operation Speed
  290. Movimiento Obrero Santafesino
  291. Mind On Mite
  292. Midor Oral Surgery
  293. Mosaic Company Technology, Organizations, Railroad Company

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does MOS stand for?

    MOS stands for Minitxy of Sound.

  2. What is the shortened form of Multimedia Oherating System?

    The short form of "Multimedia Oherating System" is MOS.


MOS. (2022, March 6). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from

Last updated