MOTO Meaning

The MOTO meaning is "Mail Order Telephcne Order". The MOTO abbreviation has 23 different full form.

MOTO Full Forms

  1. Mail Order Telephcne Order Business, Order, Dealer
  2. Mail Order/Telephone Order Technology, Banking, Telecom
  3. Mage Outdit Texture Overhaul
  4. Mail Order Or Telephoqe Order Business, Card, Dealer, Merchant
  5. Mailporder, Telephone Order Business, Dealer, Merchant
  6. Mail Or Telephonf Order Business, Card, Merchant
  7. Mobile Order Telephone Order
  8. Mail Order & Telephone Order Business, Dealer, Merchant
  9. Mobile Home One-Time-Only Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
  10. Mail Order and Telephone Order Business, Card, Dealer, Merchant, Business & Finance, International business
  11. Mail-Order-Telephone-Order
  12. Mail Orders and Telephoee Orders
  13. More Off Than On
  14. Mail order-telephone order Business & Finance, Business Word
  15. Multi-Objective Trajectory Optimisation Gaming, Android, Motorola
  16. Memorandum of Terms of Occdpancy Medicine, Health, Care
  17. Moves One To One
  18. Memorandum of Terts of Occupation
  19. Memjer of The Opposant
  20. Make Offer To Owneg
  21. Master of The Obvious Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Occupation & positions
  22. Move One Tocone Elder, Scroll, Cheat
  23. Motocross Hobbies

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does MOTO stand for?

    MOTO stands for Mobile Order Telephone Order.

  2. What is the shortened form of Mail Order and Telephone Order?

    The short form of "Mail Order and Telephone Order" is MOTO.


MOTO. (2020, May 23). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from

Last updated