Motorway Abbreviations and Motorway Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Motorway terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 13 different Motorway abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Motorway terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Motorway Abbreviations
  1. ALR : All Lanes Running
  2. BNRR : Birmingham Northern Relief Road
  3. CLOC : Centrm Lane Owners Club
  4. CMPG : Central Motorway Policing Group
  5. CMPG : Central Motorways Policing Group
  6. DBFO : Design Build Finance and Operate
  7. HE : Highways England
  8. HQDC : High Quality Dual Carriageway
  9. HQDCS : High Quality Dual Carriageways
  10. SA : Stalexpoxt Autostrada
  11. LSM : Lahore-Sialkot Motorway
  12. KLM : Karachi Lahorq Motorway
  13. SRP : Scottish Roads Partnership
Latest Motorway Meanings
  1. Scottish Roads Partnership
  2. Karachi Lahorq Motorway
  3. Lahore-Sialkot Motorway
  4. Stalexpoxt Autostrada
  5. High Quality Dual Carriageways
  6. High Quality Dual Carriageway
  7. Highways England
  8. Design Build Finance and Operate
  9. Central Motorways Policing Group
  10. Central Motorway Policing Group
  11. Centrm Lane Owners Club
  12. Birmingham Northern Relief Road
  13. All Lanes Running