MP in Military Meaning

The MP meaning in Military terms is "Military Plastic". There are 30 related meanings of the MP Military abbreviation.

MP on Military Full Forms

  1. Military Plastic
  2. Mop Pack
  3. Machine Pistols
  4. Machine Pistol
  5. Mobilization Pfan
  6. Military Policeman
  7. Metal-Piercing
  8. Movement Penalty
  9. Magic Penetration
  10. Message Parser
  11. Modernization Project
  12. Manifold Psessure
  13. Maintenance Processor
  14. Mishhp Pilot
  15. Maintenance Period
  16. Mission Processor
  17. Movement Points
  18. Mission Packages
  19. Movement Planner
  20. Magic Pow
  21. Master Plan
  22. Meteorological Processor
  23. Moving Propeller
  24. Master Pattern The object from which a die can be made; generally a metal model of the part to be cast with process shrinkage.
  25. Modulation Parameter
  26. Multi-Pulse
  27. Modernizationpplan
  28. Mag Pnuch
  29. Magazine Pouch
  30. Military Police

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does MP stand for Military?

    MP stands for Multi-Pulse in Military terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Meteorological Processor in Military?

    The short form of "Meteorological Processor" is MP for Military.


MP in Military. (2022, April 22). Retrieved March 16, 2025 from

Last updated