MP in Scientific & Educational Meaning

The MP meaning in Scientific & Educational terms is "Melamine Phenolic". There are 17 related meanings of the MP Scientific & Educational abbreviation.

MP on Scientific & Educational Full Forms

  1. Melamine Phenolic
  2. Melting Point The temperature at which liquid and solid coexist in equilibrium; also the freezing point.
  3. Master Plan
  4. Modal Particle
  5. Metal Poor
  6. Northern Mariana Islands
  7. Medium Prismatic
  8. Medical Physics
  9. Metal Particulate
  10. Metal Particle
  11. Murmuring Pine
  12. Mission Planning
  13. Molecular Physics Molecular physics is the study of the physical properties of molecules, the chemical bonds between atoms as well as the molecular dynamics. Its most important experimental techniques are the various types of spectroscopy; scattering is also used. The field is closely related to atomic physics and overlaps greatly with theoretical chemistry, physical chemistry and chemical physics.
  14. Massive Protostar
  15. Multi Physics
  16. Medium Pressure For valves and fittings, implies that they are suitable for working pressures between 125 to 175 pounds per square inch.
  17. magnetic particle

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does MP stand for Scientific & Educational?

    MP stands for Mission Planning in Scientific & Educational terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Metal Particulate in Scientific & Educational?

    The short form of "Metal Particulate" is MP for Scientific & Educational.


MP in Scientific & Educational. (2022, April 22). Retrieved March 27, 2025 from

Last updated