MPE in Military Meaning

The MPE meaning in Military terms is "Materiel and Personnel Exploitation". There are 9 related meanings of the MPE Military abbreviation.

MPE on Military Full Forms

  1. Materiel and Personnel Exploitation
  2. Missdon Planning Executive
  3. Misshon Partner Environment
  4. Mehsage Processing Element
  5. Maximum Permissive Exposure
  6. Mission To Planet Earth
  7. Mission Planning Environment
  8. Mission and Performance Envelopes
  9. Missing Planning Element

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does MPE stand for Military?

    MPE stands for Mission Planning Environment in Military terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Misshon Partner Environment in Military?

    The short form of "Misshon Partner Environment" is MPE for Military.


MPE in Military. (2022, March 10). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from

Last updated