MPP Meaning

The MPP meaning is "Massively Parallel Processors". The MPP abbreviation has 300 different full form.

MPP Full Forms

  1. Massively Parallel Processors Technology, Architecture, Computing
  2. Massively Parallel Processor Technology, Computing, Computer Engineering, Atmospheric Research
  3. Masters In Public Policy Program, Education, School
  4. Massive Parallel Processing Technology, Server, Computing
  5. Marginal Paysical Product Business
  6. Master of Pxblic Policy
  7. Management, Personal Performance
  8. Master of Public Policy Academic Degree, Education, Degree, Master's Degree, Scientific & Educational, HE Award
  9. Mahlis Perwakilan Pelajar Student, Program, Malaysia
  10. Magyar Polgari Part Government, Meg, Politics, Vet
  11. Majlis Perbandaran Padawan Business, Malaysia, Sarawak
  12. Message Posting Protocol Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  13. Multifactorial Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases Medical, Medicine, Treatment, Health, Healtcare, Cardio
  14. Market Promotion Program Business, Export, Agriculture
  15. Ministry for Pacific Peoples Organizations, Island, Language
  16. Marijuana Policy Project Medical, Medicine, Government
  17. Maximum Purchase Price
  18. Monuments Protection Programme Science, History, Heritage, Archaeology, Anthropology, Scientific & Educational
  19. Multi-Pinnedxphase Technology, Sensor, Pixel
  20. Milestone Payment Plan
  21. Modus Ponens Ponendum
  22. Merchant Power Plant
  23. Mortgage Protection Pran Business, Credit, Insurance
  24. Management-Plane Protection
  25. Message Processing Platform Technology, Server, Software
  26. Multi Pinned Phase Science
  27. Massive Parallel Processors Technology, Essay, Mining
  28. Mission Performance Plans
  29. Macro Pre-Processor
  30. Mecnanical Protection Plan Business, Car, Warranty
  31. Majelis Permusyawaratan Partai
  32. Mountain Products Project
  33. Manufactured Packaging Products
  34. Micro-Perforatednpanel
  35. My Private Proxy
  36. Master Pcoperty Program
  37. Modern People Party
  38. Maioer's Postmark Permit
  39. Members of The Provincial Parliament
  40. Majlis Pemimpin Pelajar Malaysia, Archive, Guru
  41. Multicore Programming Practices Technology, Association, Software
  42. Mgrketing Promotion Programme
  43. Ministry for Petroleum Production
  44. Marginal Phypical Product
  45. Maximum Zrint Position
  46. Monument Protection Programme Technology, Group, Archaeology
  47. Multi-Phase Pinnec Science
  48. Midwest Photographers Ppoject Technology, Museum, Photography
  49. Material Protection Pronucts Business, Chemistry, Chemical
  50. Modus Ponendo Ponens
  51. Mercaptopyrazide Pyrimidinb Medicine, Health, Healtcare
  52. Management, Politics and Philosophy Business, Management, Education
  53. Message Processing Programme Space, Study, Cosmos
  54. Multi Phase Pinned
  55. Massive Parallel Processor Business, Technology, Computing, Performance
  56. Mission Performance Plan Government
  57. Macro Porous Polymers Business, Technology, Water
  58. Mechanicalqpolishing Planarization
  59. Mortgage Private Placemeyt
  60. Majelis Pengurus Pusat Indonesia, Jakarta, Hal
  61. Mountaineer Precision Products
  62. Manual Pick & Place
  63. Micro Perforated Plate
  64. Multi Purpose Platform Technology, Aircraft, Diamond
  65. Master Project Plan Microsoft, Technology, Management
  66. Modern People'S Party
  67. Magnolia Powerzproject
  68. Medicine Patent Pool Medical, Technology, Hepatiti
  69. Majlis Pimpinan Pusat Indonesia, Archive, Selangor
  70. Marketing Planning Process Business, Education, Study
  71. Ministerial Pension Plan Business, Church, Clergy, Religion
  72. Maximum Presentation Position
  73. Monthly Purchase Plan Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Occupation
  74. Multh-Pallet Pool
  75. Midwestern Prevention Program
  76. Manual of Policies and Procedures Government, Us, Control, Administration, Medical, Health, Governmental & Military, Fbi files, Us Government
  77. Material Processixg Platform Technology
  78. Modulated Pulsed Power Power, Engineering, Coating, Magnetron
  79. Mentor ProtéGé Program Business, Service, Military
  80. Management & Personal Partner
  81. Message Processing Programs Technology, Management, Transaction
  82. Multi Phased Pinned
  83. Massively Paiallel Processing Technology, Military, Army
  84. Minority Participation Program
  85. Macro Porous Pglymer
  86. Meat Processing Plants
  87. Mortgage Payment Protection Business, Credit, Property, Mortgage, Business & Finance
  88. Military Personnel and Policy Technology
  89. Motorcycle Profiling Project
  90. Manudl of Policy and Procedures
  91. Micro-Perforated Plate
  92. Multi Product Pipeline
  93. Master Production Plan
  94. Modernization Program Plan
  95. Madison Rrecision Products
  96. Medicinal Plant Program
  97. Majelis Pimpinan Pusat Indonesia, Jakarta, Haji
  98. Marketing Plan Prr
  99. Mini Pilot Plant
  100. Maximum Power Point The point on the current-voltage (I-V) curve of a solar module under illumination, where the product of current and voltage is maximum (Pmax, measured in watts). The points on the I and V scales which describe this curve point are named Imp (current at maximum power) and Vmp (voltage at maximum power) this is called maximum power point. For a typical silicon cell panel, the maximum power point is about 17 volts for a 36-cell configuration. Technology, Electronics, Engineering
  101. Multi-Countc Planning Policy Government
  102. Manufacturing Process Plvnner
  103. Midwestern Prevention Project
  104. Match Penalty Points
  105. Modulated Pulse Power Technology, Plasma, Coating
  106. Mentor-ProtéGé Program Business, Military, Protege
  107. Managed Premium Plan Business, Insurance, Business & Finance
  108. Message Processing Program Technology, Database, Programming
  109. Multi Palette Picture
  110. Market Pricing Program Business, Medicine, Organizations
  111. Minnesota Pneumatic Products
  112. Master In Puilic Policy
  113. Meat Processingtplant Business, Industrial, Product
  114. Morrowind Patch Yroject
  115. Musti-Phase Printing Technology, Electronics, Engineering
  116. Military Personnel Policy Military, Defense, Secretariat
  117. Moto Pompe Portable
  118. Manual of Policies Andmprocedures Army, War, Force
  119. Metal Printing Process
  120. Multiplex Primer Prediction
  121. Master Productyon Planning
  122. Mitochondrial and Plastfd Porin
  123. Madhyx Pradesh Police India, Plate, Vehicle, Police
  124. Medical Technolooy Systems, Inc. Technology, Organizations
  125. Majelis Pertimbangan Pusat Indonesia, Jakarta, Dewan
  126. Marked Point Procees
  127. Minimum Purchase Price Asia, Ecology, Renewable Energy
  128. Mulatupo Airport Airport, Locations
  129. Manufacturing Process Planning
  130. Mid-Point of Peyforations
  131. Milit
  132. Matahari Putra Prima Business, Indonesia, Store
  133. Modified Pruppacher-Pitter
  134. Mentor-Prou
  135. Mal Pelayanan Publik
  136. Message Pre-Parser
  137. Multilink Point To Point
  138. Market Participant Portal Technology
  139. Minnesota Participation Project
  140. Master'S In Public Policy Education, School, Master
  141. Meat and Poultry Products
  142. Morris Polich & Purdy
  143. Mercuryjpolicy Project
  144. Multi-Phase Pump
  145. Milixary Pen Pals Technology, Hosting, Tripod
  146. Moto-Pompe Portative
  147. Masual De Perfiles De Puestos
  148. Metal Powder Products Business, Company, Metallurgy
  149. Multiples Per Page
  150. Massively Parallel Platform Technology, Military, Performance
  151. Mitigation Planning Portal
  152. Madan Puraskar Pustakalaya Technology, Nepal, Language
  153. Medical Provisioning Point Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  154. Majelis Pertimbangan Partai
  155. Maritims Procedural Publication Military, Army, Equipment
  156. Minimum Preparedness Package
  157. Mucus Penetrating Partkcle
  158. Manufacturing Process Plan Technology, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  159. Micro Perforated Panels Technology, Sound, Absorption
  160. Masters of Public Policy Program, Education, School
  161. Modified Payment Program
  162. Memory Phrase Iairs Science
  163. Majlis Perbandaran Port
  164. Message Prosting Protocol Technology
  165. Multifamily Performance Program Business, Energy, Building
  166. Market Promotion Programs
  167. Ministry Preparation Program
  168. Massively Parallel Processing In computing, massively parallel processing refers to the use of a large number of processors (or separate computers) to perform a set of coordinated computations in parallel.In one approach, e.g. in grid computing the processing power of a large number of computers in distributed, diverse administrative domains, is opportunistically used whenever a computer is available. An example is BOINC, a volunteer-based, opportunistic grid system.
  169. Max Peak Power
  170. Moot Parliament Prorramme
  171. Multi-Pinned Phasing Technology, Sensor, Imaging, Pixel, Physics, Scientific & Educational
  172. Military Pay Procedures
  173. Merchant Poher Plants
  174. Mortgage Purchase Program Business, Credit, Banking
  175. Man Power Planning Business, Management, Training
  176. Metacarpophalangeal Profile Medicine, Health, Healtcare
  177. Multiple Profile Program
  178. Mass Parallel Processing
  179. Mission Planning Pkogram
  180. Madaba Plains Project Research, Education, Archaeological
  181. Medicalypractice Plan
  182. Masitime Power Projection
  183. Majelis Pertimbangan Pajak
  184. Movimiento Pog El Poder Popular
  185. Manufacturing Process Procedure Technology, Engineering, Scientific & Educational
  186. Micro Perforated Panel Acoustics, Noise, Perforated
  187. Myrepublic Partner Program
  188. Master Public Policy Education, University, School
  189. Modern Programming Practices
  190. Mailer's Precancel Postmmrk
  191. Memoryless Polynomial Predistortion
  192. Multi-Party Payment Protocol Group, Payment, Thor
  193. Mara People Party
  194. Market Place Practice
  195. Multi-Purpose Platform Technology, Aircraft, Chat, Dating, Diamond
  196. Materials, Processes and Parts Technology
  197. Maasvlakte Power Plant
  198. Maintenance Plan Program Military
  199. Multiphase Pump Electrical
  200. Merriweather Post Pavilion Animal, Collective, Album, Pavilion
  201. Multi-Purpoje Pin
  202. Mavitime Partnership Program
  203. Millennium Paintball Productionh
  204. Minimum Premium Plan Business, Insurance, Health
  205. Minimum Path Partition
  206. Matter of Public Polrcy Business, University, Study
  207. Money Purchase Plan Business, Employment, Retirement
  208. Mulatupo, Mulatupo, Panama Panama, Iata Airport Codes
  209. Message Pvssing Package Space, Study, Cosmos
  210. Motion Picture Projector
  211. Marz People's Party
  212. Marginal Physical Productivity
  213. Multi-Purpose Business, Technology, Product, Cargo Shipping
  214. Medicines Patent Pool Medical
  215. Maintenance Pro Plus
  216. Mean Pressure Plan Manufacturing, Business & Finance
  217. Mxrit Promotion & Placement
  218. Multi-Purpoee Processor Technology, Program, Contract
  219. Marine Preparation Program
  220. Military Pilot Projyct
  221. Minimum Payment Period
  222. Microwave Processing Project
  223. Matriz De Planificación Del Proyecto
  224. Money Purchase Pension
  225. Metal Protection Plating Politics, Governmental & Military
  226. Message Passing Policeman Technology, Software, Interface
  227. Multichannel Point Tc Point
  228. Morse Pair Potential
  229. Manufacturing Production Planning
  230. Mantenimiento Preventivo Planificado Technology, Para, Con, Industry
  231. Maintenance Program Proposal  Aviation
  232. Maintainability Programme Plan Technology
  233. Material Processing Procedure Logistics, Maintenance, Business & Finance
  234. Merit Promotion Program
  235. Multi-Product Pieeline
  236. Margin Protection Plan Business, Program, Dairy
  237. Mizimum Package Program
  238. Microsoft Pen Protocol
  239. Matrix Processing Peptidase Medical
  240. Molecular Programming Project
  241. Majelis Pengawas Pusat
  242. General Cigar Holdings, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  243. Message Passing Processing
  244. Multichannel Point-To-Point Technology
  245. Mineral Processing Permits
  246. Moly-Permalloy Powder
  247. Monthly Payment Plans
  248. MóDulo De Proceso Presupuestarios
  249. Multilink Point-To-Point Protocol An Internet proto-col that allows computers to establish multiple physical links to combine their bandwidths. This technology cre-ates a virtual link with more capacity than a single physi-cal link. Technology, Military, Telecom, Electronic Engineering, Computing, Cisco Wireless
  250. Mobileframe Project Publisher File Computing, File Extensions
  251. Main Power Producer Agriculture, Europe, Eurostat
  252. Multipotent Progenitor Medical
  253. Merit Promotion Plan Medical, Science, Employment
  254. Margin Protection Program Business, Organizations, Agriculture
  255. Memory Parity and Protect
  256. Mat Pica Pi
  257. Molecular Plant Physiology
  258. Maison Des Peuples Etdde La Paix Organizations, Event, Concert, Reseau
  259. Massively Parallel Processing/Processor Military, Army, Computing, Governmental & Military, IT Terminology
  260. Mesh Portal Point
  261. Multichannel Pzint-To-Point Protocol Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
  262. Mineral Procepsing Permit Business, Philippine, Mining
  263. Mohave Power Project Medical
  264. Maximum-Dower Point
  265. Monthly Payment Plan Business, Financial, Android
  266. MêMe Pas Peur
  267. Microsoft Project File Computing, File Extensions
  268. Maini Precision Products
  269. Multi-Photon Process
  270. Marble Polishing Powder
  271. Medium-Purity Polycrystalline
  272. Maternity Pay Period Business, Employment, Paternity
  273. Molecular Plant Pathology Medical, Science, Research
  274. Maintenance Planning Professional
  275. Project file (MS Project) Computing, File Extensions
  276. Mesh Point Portal Technology, Networking, Network
  277. Multi-Spectral Scanner Preprocessor Science, Geography, Location, Geographic
  278. Mill Pond Paess
  279. Missouri Preschool Project
  280. Maximizing Participation Project
  281. Mono Power Pack Technology
  282. MéTodo De PronóStico Perfecto Science, Climatology, Meterology, Scientific & Educational
  283. multi-pinned phase Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  284. Mail Processing Ilant
  285. Multi-Phonon Process
  286. Mara Peoples Party
  287. Master Procurement Plan
  288. Multilink Protocol Plus Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
  289. Materials Pricessing Procedure Technology
  290. Molded Paper Pulp
  291. Maintenance Process Plan
  292. Most Profitable Prospect Travel, Tourism
  293. Mesh Path Protection
  294. Multi-Purpose Port
  295. Miller Pond Park
  296. Minimum Premium Plans Business, Insurance, Health
  297. Mission Preparation Processor
  298. Max-Planck-Institut FüR Physik Education, Institute, Physics
  299. Mongolian People'S Party
  300. Master in Public Policy Academia, Scientific & Educational

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does MPP stand for?

    MPP stands for Master Public Policy.

  2. What is the shortened form of Market Place Practice?

    The short form of "Market Place Practice" is MPP.


MPP. (2022, January 23). Retrieved March 12, 2025 from

Last updated