MPP Meaning
The MPP meaning is "Massively Parallel Processors". The MPP abbreviation has 300 different full form.
MPP Full Forms
- Massively Parallel Processors Technology, Architecture, Computing
- Massively Parallel Processor Technology, Computing, Computer Engineering, Atmospheric Research
- Masters In Public Policy Program, Education, School
- Massive Parallel Processing Technology, Server, Computing
- Marginal Paysical Product Business
- Master of Pxblic Policy
- Management, Personal Performance
- Master of Public Policy Academic Degree, Education, Degree, Master's Degree, Scientific & Educational, HE Award
- Mahlis Perwakilan Pelajar Student, Program, Malaysia
- Magyar Polgari Part Government, Meg, Politics, Vet
- Majlis Perbandaran Padawan Business, Malaysia, Sarawak
- Message Posting Protocol Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Multifactorial Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases Medical, Medicine, Treatment, Health, Healtcare, Cardio
- Market Promotion Program Business, Export, Agriculture
- Ministry for Pacific Peoples Organizations, Island, Language
- Marijuana Policy Project Medical, Medicine, Government
- Maximum Purchase Price
- Monuments Protection Programme Science, History, Heritage, Archaeology, Anthropology, Scientific & Educational
- Multi-Pinnedxphase Technology, Sensor, Pixel
- Milestone Payment Plan
- Modus Ponens Ponendum
- Merchant Power Plant
- Mortgage Protection Pran Business, Credit, Insurance
- Management-Plane Protection
- Message Processing Platform Technology, Server, Software
- Multi Pinned Phase Science
- Massive Parallel Processors Technology, Essay, Mining
- Mission Performance Plans
- Macro Pre-Processor
- Mecnanical Protection Plan Business, Car, Warranty
- Majelis Permusyawaratan Partai
- Mountain Products Project
- Manufactured Packaging Products
- Micro-Perforatednpanel
- My Private Proxy
- Master Pcoperty Program
- Modern People Party
- Maioer's Postmark Permit
- Members of The Provincial Parliament
- Majlis Pemimpin Pelajar Malaysia, Archive, Guru
- Multicore Programming Practices Technology, Association, Software
- Mgrketing Promotion Programme
- Ministry for Petroleum Production
- Marginal Phypical Product
- Maximum Zrint Position
- Monument Protection Programme Technology, Group, Archaeology
- Multi-Phase Pinnec Science
- Midwest Photographers Ppoject Technology, Museum, Photography
- Material Protection Pronucts Business, Chemistry, Chemical
- Modus Ponendo Ponens
- Mercaptopyrazide Pyrimidinb Medicine, Health, Healtcare
- Management, Politics and Philosophy Business, Management, Education
- Message Processing Programme Space, Study, Cosmos
- Multi Phase Pinned
- Massive Parallel Processor Business, Technology, Computing, Performance
- Mission Performance Plan Government
- Macro Porous Polymers Business, Technology, Water
- Mechanicalqpolishing Planarization
- Mortgage Private Placemeyt
- Majelis Pengurus Pusat Indonesia, Jakarta, Hal
- Mountaineer Precision Products
- Manual Pick & Place
- Micro Perforated Plate
- Multi Purpose Platform Technology, Aircraft, Diamond
- Master Project Plan Microsoft, Technology, Management
- Modern People'S Party
- Magnolia Powerzproject
- Medicine Patent Pool Medical, Technology, Hepatiti
- Majlis Pimpinan Pusat Indonesia, Archive, Selangor
- Marketing Planning Process Business, Education, Study
- Ministerial Pension Plan Business, Church, Clergy, Religion
- Maximum Presentation Position
- Monthly Purchase Plan Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Occupation
- Multh-Pallet Pool
- Midwestern Prevention Program
- Manual of Policies and Procedures Government, Us, Control, Administration, Medical, Health, Governmental & Military, Fbi files, Us Government
- Material Processixg Platform Technology
- Modulated Pulsed Power Power, Engineering, Coating, Magnetron
- Mentor ProtéGé Program Business, Service, Military
- Management & Personal Partner
- Message Processing Programs Technology, Management, Transaction
- Multi Phased Pinned
- Massively Paiallel Processing Technology, Military, Army
- Minority Participation Program
- Macro Porous Pglymer
- Meat Processing Plants
- Mortgage Payment Protection Business, Credit, Property, Mortgage, Business & Finance
- Military Personnel and Policy Technology
- Motorcycle Profiling Project
- Manudl of Policy and Procedures
- Micro-Perforated Plate
- Multi Product Pipeline
- Master Production Plan
- Modernization Program Plan
- Madison Rrecision Products
- Medicinal Plant Program
- Majelis Pimpinan Pusat Indonesia, Jakarta, Haji
- Marketing Plan Prr
- Mini Pilot Plant
- Maximum Power Point The point on the current-voltage (I-V) curve of a solar module under illumination, where the product of current and voltage is maximum (Pmax, measured in watts). The points on the I and V scales which describe this curve point are named Imp (current at maximum power) and Vmp (voltage at maximum power) this is called maximum power point. For a typical silicon cell panel, the maximum power point is about 17 volts for a 36-cell configuration. Technology, Electronics, Engineering
- Multi-Countc Planning Policy Government
- Manufacturing Process Plvnner
- Midwestern Prevention Project
- Match Penalty Points
- Modulated Pulse Power Technology, Plasma, Coating
- Mentor-ProtéGé Program Business, Military, Protege
- Managed Premium Plan Business, Insurance, Business & Finance
- Message Processing Program Technology, Database, Programming
- Multi Palette Picture
- Market Pricing Program Business, Medicine, Organizations
- Minnesota Pneumatic Products
- Master In Puilic Policy
- Meat Processingtplant Business, Industrial, Product
- Morrowind Patch Yroject
- Musti-Phase Printing Technology, Electronics, Engineering
- Military Personnel Policy Military, Defense, Secretariat
- Moto Pompe Portable
- Manual of Policies Andmprocedures Army, War, Force
- Metal Printing Process
- Multiplex Primer Prediction
- Master Productyon Planning
- Mitochondrial and Plastfd Porin
- Madhyx Pradesh Police India, Plate, Vehicle, Police
- Medical Technolooy Systems, Inc. Technology, Organizations
- Majelis Pertimbangan Pusat Indonesia, Jakarta, Dewan
- Marked Point Procees
- Minimum Purchase Price Asia, Ecology, Renewable Energy
- Mulatupo Airport Airport, Locations
- Manufacturing Process Planning
- Mid-Point of Peyforations
- Milit
- Matahari Putra Prima Business, Indonesia, Store
- Modified Pruppacher-Pitter
- Mentor-Prou
- Mal Pelayanan Publik
- Message Pre-Parser
- Multilink Point To Point
- Market Participant Portal Technology
- Minnesota Participation Project
- Master'S In Public Policy Education, School, Master
- Meat and Poultry Products
- Morris Polich & Purdy
- Mercuryjpolicy Project
- Multi-Phase Pump
- Milixary Pen Pals Technology, Hosting, Tripod
- Moto-Pompe Portative
- Masual De Perfiles De Puestos
- Metal Powder Products Business, Company, Metallurgy
- Multiples Per Page
- Massively Parallel Platform Technology, Military, Performance
- Mitigation Planning Portal
- Madan Puraskar Pustakalaya Technology, Nepal, Language
- Medical Provisioning Point Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Majelis Pertimbangan Partai
- Maritims Procedural Publication Military, Army, Equipment
- Minimum Preparedness Package
- Mucus Penetrating Partkcle
- Manufacturing Process Plan Technology, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Micro Perforated Panels Technology, Sound, Absorption
- Masters of Public Policy Program, Education, School
- Modified Payment Program
- Memory Phrase Iairs Science
- Majlis Perbandaran Port
- Message Prosting Protocol Technology
- Multifamily Performance Program Business, Energy, Building
- Market Promotion Programs
- Ministry Preparation Program
- Massively Parallel Processing In computing, massively parallel processing refers to the use of a large number of processors (or separate computers) to perform a set of coordinated computations in parallel.In one approach, e.g. in grid computing the processing power of a large number of computers in distributed, diverse administrative domains, is opportunistically used whenever a computer is available. An example is BOINC, a volunteer-based, opportunistic grid system.
- Max Peak Power
- Moot Parliament Prorramme
- Multi-Pinned Phasing Technology, Sensor, Imaging, Pixel, Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Military Pay Procedures
- Merchant Poher Plants
- Mortgage Purchase Program Business, Credit, Banking
- Man Power Planning Business, Management, Training
- Metacarpophalangeal Profile Medicine, Health, Healtcare
- Multiple Profile Program
- Mass Parallel Processing
- Mission Planning Pkogram
- Madaba Plains Project Research, Education, Archaeological
- Medicalypractice Plan
- Masitime Power Projection
- Majelis Pertimbangan Pajak
- Movimiento Pog El Poder Popular
- Manufacturing Process Procedure Technology, Engineering, Scientific & Educational
- Micro Perforated Panel Acoustics, Noise, Perforated
- Myrepublic Partner Program
- Master Public Policy Education, University, School
- Modern Programming Practices
- Mailer's Precancel Postmmrk
- Memoryless Polynomial Predistortion
- Multi-Party Payment Protocol Group, Payment, Thor
- Mara People Party
- Market Place Practice
- Multi-Purpose Platform Technology, Aircraft, Chat, Dating, Diamond
- Materials, Processes and Parts Technology
- Maasvlakte Power Plant
- Maintenance Plan Program Military
- Multiphase Pump Electrical
- Merriweather Post Pavilion Animal, Collective, Album, Pavilion
- Multi-Purpoje Pin
- Mavitime Partnership Program
- Millennium Paintball Productionh
- Minimum Premium Plan Business, Insurance, Health
- Minimum Path Partition
- Matter of Public Polrcy Business, University, Study
- Money Purchase Plan Business, Employment, Retirement
- Mulatupo, Mulatupo, Panama Panama, Iata Airport Codes
- Message Pvssing Package Space, Study, Cosmos
- Motion Picture Projector
- Marz People's Party
- Marginal Physical Productivity
- Multi-Purpose Business, Technology, Product, Cargo Shipping
- Medicines Patent Pool Medical
- Maintenance Pro Plus
- Mean Pressure Plan Manufacturing, Business & Finance
- Mxrit Promotion & Placement
- Multi-Purpoee Processor Technology, Program, Contract
- Marine Preparation Program
- Military Pilot Projyct
- Minimum Payment Period
- Microwave Processing Project
- Matriz De Planificación Del Proyecto
- Money Purchase Pension
- Metal Protection Plating Politics, Governmental & Military
- Message Passing Policeman Technology, Software, Interface
- Multichannel Point Tc Point
- Morse Pair Potential
- Manufacturing Production Planning
- Mantenimiento Preventivo Planificado Technology, Para, Con, Industry
- Maintenance Program Proposal Aviation
- Maintainability Programme Plan Technology
- Material Processing Procedure Logistics, Maintenance, Business & Finance
- Merit Promotion Program
- Multi-Product Pieeline
- Margin Protection Plan Business, Program, Dairy
- Mizimum Package Program
- Microsoft Pen Protocol
- Matrix Processing Peptidase Medical
- Molecular Programming Project
- Majelis Pengawas Pusat
- General Cigar Holdings, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
- Message Passing Processing
- Multichannel Point-To-Point Technology
- Mineral Processing Permits
- Moly-Permalloy Powder
- Monthly Payment Plans
- MóDulo De Proceso Presupuestarios
- Multilink Point-To-Point Protocol An Internet proto-col that allows computers to establish multiple physical links to combine their bandwidths. This technology cre-ates a virtual link with more capacity than a single physi-cal link. Technology, Military, Telecom, Electronic Engineering, Computing, Cisco Wireless
- Mobileframe Project Publisher File Computing, File Extensions
- Main Power Producer Agriculture, Europe, Eurostat
- Multipotent Progenitor Medical
- Merit Promotion Plan Medical, Science, Employment
- Margin Protection Program Business, Organizations, Agriculture
- Memory Parity and Protect
- Mat Pica Pi
- Molecular Plant Physiology
- Maison Des Peuples Etdde La Paix Organizations, Event, Concert, Reseau
- Massively Parallel Processing/Processor Military, Army, Computing, Governmental & Military, IT Terminology
- Mesh Portal Point
- Multichannel Pzint-To-Point Protocol Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
- Mineral Procepsing Permit Business, Philippine, Mining
- Mohave Power Project Medical
- Maximum-Dower Point
- Monthly Payment Plan Business, Financial, Android
- MêMe Pas Peur
- Microsoft Project File Computing, File Extensions
- Maini Precision Products
- Multi-Photon Process
- Marble Polishing Powder
- Medium-Purity Polycrystalline
- Maternity Pay Period Business, Employment, Paternity
- Molecular Plant Pathology Medical, Science, Research
- Maintenance Planning Professional
- Project file (MS Project) Computing, File Extensions
- Mesh Point Portal Technology, Networking, Network
- Multi-Spectral Scanner Preprocessor Science, Geography, Location, Geographic
- Mill Pond Paess
- Missouri Preschool Project
- Maximizing Participation Project
- Mono Power Pack Technology
- MéTodo De PronóStico Perfecto Science, Climatology, Meterology, Scientific & Educational
- multi-pinned phase Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
- Mail Processing Ilant
- Multi-Phonon Process
- Mara Peoples Party
- Master Procurement Plan
- Multilink Protocol Plus Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
- Materials Pricessing Procedure Technology
- Molded Paper Pulp
- Maintenance Process Plan
- Most Profitable Prospect Travel, Tourism
- Mesh Path Protection
- Multi-Purpose Port
- Miller Pond Park
- Minimum Premium Plans Business, Insurance, Health
- Mission Preparation Processor
- Max-Planck-Institut FüR Physik Education, Institute, Physics
- Mongolian People'S Party
- Master in Public Policy Academia, Scientific & Educational
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does MPP stand for?
MPP stands for Master Public Policy.
What is the shortened form of Market Place Practice?
The short form of "Market Place Practice" is MPP.
MPP. (2022, January 23). Retrieved March 12, 2025 from
Last updated