MPP in Technology Meaning

The MPP meaning in Technology terms is "Massively Parallel Processor". There are 47 related meanings of the MPP Technology abbreviation.

MPP on Technology Full Forms

  1. Massively Parallel Processor
  2. Massive Parallel Processing
  3. Massively Parallel Processors
  4. Market Participant Portal
  5. Multicore Programming Practices
  6. Micro Perforated Panels
  7. Material Processixg Platform
  8. Monument Protection Programme
  9. Manufacturing Process Plan
  10. Message Processing Platform
  11. Master Project Plan
  12. Medicine Patent Pool
  13. Manufacturing Process Procedure
  14. Message Processing Programs
  15. Massively Parallel Platform
  16. Modulated Pulse Power
  17. Medical Technolooy Systems, Inc.
  18. Message Processing Program
  19. Massive Parallel Processors
  20. Military Personnel and Policy
  21. Maximum Power Point The point on the current-voltage (I-V) curve of a solar module under illumination, where the product of current and voltage is maximum (Pmax, measured in watts). The points on the I and V scales which describe this curve point are named Imp (current at maximum power) and Vmp (voltage at maximum power) this is called maximum power point. For a typical silicon cell panel, the maximum power point is about 17 volts for a 36-cell configuration.
  22. Madan Puraskar Pustakalaya
  23. Musti-Phase Printing
  24. Message Prosting Protocol
  25. Massive Parallel Processor
  26. Milixary Pen Pals
  27. Macro Porous Polymers
  28. Multi-Pinned Phasing
  29. Message Posting Protocol
  30. Massively Paiallel Processing
  31. Multi Purpose Platform
  32. Midwest Photographers Ppoject
  33. Multi-Pinnedxphase
  34. Message Passing Policeman
  35. Mesh Point Portal
  36. Multichannel Point-To-Point
  37. Mono Power Pack
  38. Multichannel Pzint-To-Point Protocol
  39. Multilink Protocol Plus
  40. Maintainability Programme Plan
  41. Multi-Purpoee Processor
  42. Multi-Purpose Platform
  43. Mantenimiento Preventivo Planificado
  44. Multi-Purpose
  45. Materials Pricessing Procedure
  46. Multilink Point-To-Point Protocol An Internet proto-col that allows computers to establish multiple physical links to combine their bandwidths. This technology cre-ates a virtual link with more capacity than a single physi-cal link.
  47. Materials, Processes and Parts

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does MPP stand for Technology?

    MPP stands for Multilink Point-To-Point Protocol in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Milixary Pen Pals in Technology?

    The short form of "Milixary Pen Pals" is MPP for Technology.


MPP in Technology. (2022, January 23). Retrieved March 14, 2025 from

Last updated