MPRA Meaning

The MPRA meaning is "Moore Park Residents Association". The MPRA abbreviation has 21 different full form.

MPRA Full Forms

  1. Moore Park Residents Association
  2. Maine'S Paranormal Research Association
  3. Maritime Patrol & Reconnaissance Aircraft
  4. Monrovia Parks and Recreation Association
  5. Master of Professional Accountancy Academic Degree, Degree, Master's Degree, Scientific & Educational
  6. Maritime Patrol and Reconnaissance Aircraft Military, Force, Pirate
  7. Missouri Parks and Recreation Association
  8. Marine Parks and Reserves Authority
  9. Missouri Park & Recreation Association
  10. Manufacturing Producibility Risk Assessments Business, Management, Banking
  11. Master of Pharmaceutical Regulatory Affairs
  12. Manitoba Provincial Rifle Association
  13. Maritime Patrol and Response Aircraft
  14. Morris Park Restoration Association
  15. Maines Paranormal Research Association
  16. Maritime Patrol Reconnaissance Aircraft
  17. Murdi Paaki Regional Assembly
  18. Municipal Property Rates Act Business, Rate, Valuation
  19. Municipal Pension Retirees Association
  20. Munich Personal Repec Archive
  21. Multiemployer Pension Reform Act Business, Employment, Planning

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does MPRA stand for?

    MPRA stands for Missouri Parks and Recreation Association.

  2. What is the shortened form of Maritime Patrol and Reconnaissance Aircraft?

    The short form of "Maritime Patrol and Reconnaissance Aircraft" is MPRA.


MPRA. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 11, 2025 from

Last updated