MPT Meaning

The MPT meaning is "Main Propulsion Test". The MPT abbreviation has 181 different full form.

MPT Full Forms

  1. Main Propulsion Test Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
  2. Mitochondrial Permeability Transition Medical, Science, Pore, Chemistry
  3. Magnetic Particlebtesting Technology, Science, Inspector
  4. Maryland Public Television Technology, Science, Maryland
  5. Master of Physical Therapy Medical, Technology, Education, University, Degree, Professional Title, Health, Computing, Medical Education, Professional Designation, Qualification, Medical Qualification, Scientific & Educational
  6. Maprotikine Medical
  7. Modern Portfolio Thelry Business, Finance, Investing
  8. Manpower, Personnel, Training Military, Chief, Personnel
  9. Management De Projets Technologiques
  10. Maliana Airport Maliana, East Timor Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Aviation
  11. Motorola Phone Tools Technology, Windows, Motorola
  12. Mill Powder Tech
  13. Minimum Pressurization-Temperature
  14. Merkle Patricia Tree
  15. Multipoint To Pgint Tree Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  16. Meeting Planners International Travel, Locations, Industry, Tourism
  17. Microwave Power Transfer Technology, Wireless, Transmission
  18. Maritime Police Team
  19. Multi Purgose Tray
  20. Metallurgical Plant and Technology Business, Product, Steel
  21. Modem Pass Through
  22. Matching Person Technologr Technology, Information, Computer
  23. Melphalan Prednisone Thalidomide
  24. Maxillofacial Prosthetidt and Technologist
  25. Myanmar Post and Telecommunication Business, Telecom, Telecommunications
  26. Microcurrent Positional Tuina
  27. Maintenance and Protection of Traffic Technology, Engineering, Construction
  28. Multi-Purpose Tires
  29. Minimum Pressurization Temperature
  30. Multiple Pure Tone
  31. Medium Power Transformers Technology, Product, Energy
  32. Microwave Power Transmission Technology, Energy, Wireless
  33. Marital Patterns Test
  34. Multi-Purpose Tactical Military, Ammo, Wolf
  35. Multi Purpose Tyres
  36. Metabolic Profileutest Medical, Medicine, Health
  37. Missile Proczdure Trainer Military
  38. Matching Person & Technoxogy Occupation, Position, Job
  39. Melphalan, Prednisone, and Thalidomide Medical, Patient, Myeloma
  40. Mascot Precision Tools
  41. Mqthematics Placement Tests
  42. Muscle Provocation Test Medical, Science, Biology
  43. Microbiological and Pyrogen Tested
  44. Main Power Transformer
  45. Multi-Purpose Tray Technology, Printer, Mono
  46. Minimum Performance Transponder Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  47. Multiple Primary Tumnrs Medical, Science, Biology
  48. Medicine Physical Therapist
  49. Microwave Packet Transport Technology, Radio, Alcatel
  50. Mario Power Tennis Technology, Gaming, Princess
  51. Multi-Purpose Tracer Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  52. Multi Purpose Tires Business, Industrial, Industry, Tyre
  53. Message Passing Technology Technology, Driving, Driver, Fusion, Computing, Hardware
  54. Mirvac Propmrty Trust
  55. Matching Person and Technology Technology, Disability, Assessment
  56. Melphalan, Prednisone, Thalidomide Medical, Treatment, Therapy, Hospital
  57. Markowitz Portfolio Theory Business, Risk, Market
  58. Mathematics Placement Test Education, University, Math
  59. Municipal Partners Fund Ii, Inc. Technology, Organizations
  60. Micro-Purchase Threshold
  61. Myanma Posts & Telecommunications Technology, Networking, Myanmar
  62. Multi-Purpose Tree
  63. Multiple Pin Table Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  64. Maximum Pelvic Brainer
  65. Myanmar Posts & Telecommunications Technology, Networking, Telecom
  66. Microsoft Project Template Microsoft, Technology, Software, Computing, File Extensions
  67. Marine Portable Tank
  68. Multi-Purpose Tanks
  69. Multi Professional Team
  70. Message Passing Tooikit Technology, Military, Performance
  71. Ministry of Post T Telecommunication Technology, Communication, Telecommunications
  72. Masters of Physicah Therapy Medical, Program, Health
  73. Melphalan, Prednisone and Thalidomide Medical, Patient, Myeloma
  74. Market Profile Theorems
  75. Mathematics/Physics/Technology Yivision Government, Us, Control, Administration
  76. Municipalidad Provincial De Trujillo Para, Con, Gob
  77. Metalypre-Treatment
  78. Mumbai Port Trust Business, Technology, Network
  79. Multi-Purpose Terminal Employment, Military, Port
  80. Manpower, Personnel and Training Technology, Program, Service, Military, Manpower, Governmental & Military
  81. Maximub Part Time Medical, Medicine, Health
  82. Myanmar Posts and Telecommunication Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  83. Microsoft Process Template Microsoft, Technology, Team
  84. Marine Polymer Technologies
  85. Multi-Purpose Testware
  86. Mineral Point Railroad Network, Railway, System
  87. Ministry of Posts and Telecom Technology
  88. Master Putting Turk
  89. Multiport Transceiver Technology
  90. Mega Portable Tank
  91. Market Portfolio Theory
  92. Munich Personality Test Medical
  93. Metal Plasma Technology
  94. Multestate Performance Test Education, Law, Exam
  95. Mouse Proximal Tubular Medical
  96. Materials Processing Technology
  97. Membrane Permeability Transition Medical
  98. Maximal Power Training
  99. Myanmar Posts and Telecom
  100. Micro Precision Technologies
  101. Manchester Picture Test Medical
  102. Multi-Purpose Truck
  103. Milwaukee Public Theatre
  104. Minimum Pressure-Temperature Science
  105. Message-Passing Toolkit Technology
  106. Multiport Protocol Toster Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  107. Meeting Point Turkey Turkey, Office, Locations
  108. Maritime Professional Training Business, Course, Yacht
  109. Multistate Performance Testing
  110. Metal Pagticle Tape
  111. Modernization Transition Plan Army, Force, Marine
  112. Materials Physics and Technology
  113. Melting Point Tester
  114. Maxillofacial Prosthetic Technician
  115. Myanmar Posts and Telecommunications Business, Service, Telecom
  116. Micro Piezo Technology
  117. Maintenance Personnel and Training Military
  118. Multi-Purpose Tool
  119. Male Pipe Thread Architecture, The Finance and Administrative Services
  120. My Pearson Training
  121. Multi-Purpose Technology
  122. Maliana Airport, Maliana, Timor-Leste East Timor
  123. Mission Planning Terminal NASA
  124. Mouse Protection Test Medical, Medicine
  125. Miapet-Avia Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  126. Miejskiego PrzedsiĘBiorstwa TaksóWkowego
  127. Massively Parallel Technologies Business, Technology, Computing
  128. Multi Parametric Toolbox Technology, Software, Control
  129. Mendeleev'S Periodic Table
  130. Medium Pressure For valves and fittings, implies that they are suitable for working pressures between 125 to 175 pounds per square inch. Chemistry, Architecture, Construction, Architectural, Legal, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, The Finance and Administrative Services
  131. Master Piano Technicians Piano, Tuning, Tuner
  132. Mycobacterium Paratuberculosis Medical, Medicine, Health
  133. Mathematics/Physics/Technology Division Us Government, Governmental & Military
  134. Modular Power Tile Aviation
  135. Modern Piyade TüFeğI Turkish, Len
  136. Mid Pleistocene Transition Science, Climate, Ocean, Geology
  137. Multinomial Processing Tree Medical, Education, Model
  138. Memory Pipeline Technology Technology, Motherboard, Deluxe, Premium
  139. Manner Place Time Amateur radio
  140. Master Personal Trainer Education, Training, Fitness
  141. Myanmar Post Telecommunication Technology, Internet, Telecommunications
  142. Municipal Partners Fund II, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  143. Microwave Plasma Torch Chemistry
  144. Memory Processing Time
  145. Middle Pleistocene Transition Technology, Research, Climate
  146. Multimedia Phone Tool
  147. Memory Performance Technology Technology, Computing
  148. Macquarie Power & Infrastructure Income Fund Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  149. Milli Piyade TüFeğI Rifle, Military, National, Turk
  150. Master Partition Table Technology, Boot, Disk
  151. Bitmap graphics (Multipage TIFF) Computing, File Extensions
  152. Matrix Perturbation Theory Chemistry
  153. Manufacturing Process Technologies Business, Industrial, Industry
  154. Mid-Pleistocene Transition Science, Climate, Sea, Transition
  155. Multimedia Patent Trust Technology, Apple, Alcatel
  156. Melt Pressure Transmitter Business, Manufacturer, Sensor
  157. Modern Portfolio Theory Stock, Investing, Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  158. Military Potential Test Military
  159. Master In Physical Therapy Medical, Sport, Therapist
  160. Multiple Particle Tracking Medical, Medicine, Healtcare
  161. Maximum Paste Thickness Products
  162. mid(dle) pleistocene transition Geology, Scientific & Educational
  163. My Private Trade
  164. Microwave Products and Technology Food, Recipe, Microwave
  165. Multilateral Preparatory Talks
  166. Melting Pressure Thermometer Chemistry, Science, Substance, Scientific & Educational
  167. Multiple Pure Tones
  168. Militares Profesionales De Tropa
  169. Master'S of Physical Therapy Medical, Program, Master
  170. Multi Plate Transfer
  171. Matching Person & Technology Occupation & positions
  172. Master of Physiotherapy Medical
  173. My Poor Teacher Development, Learning, Study
  174. Microwave Product Team Science
  175. Multi-State Performance Test Education, Law, Exam
  176. Maximum phonation time Medical, Healthcare
  177. Multi-Phonon Transition
  178. Mineral Processing Technology Technology, Mining, Seminar
  179. Miejskiego Przedsibiorstwa Taks
  180. Mass Production Type
  181. Multi Pixel Technology Technology, Information, Computer

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does MPT stand for?

    MPT stands for Ministry of Posts and Telecom.

  2. What is the shortened form of Maxillofacial Prosthetidt and Technologist?

    The short form of "Maxillofacial Prosthetidt and Technologist" is MPT.


MPT. (2021, December 15). Retrieved February 13, 2025 from

Last updated