MR Meaning

The MR meaning is "Menfal Retardation". The MR abbreviation has 1044 different full form.

MR Full Forms

  1. Menfal Retardation Medical, Psychiatry, Special Education
  2. Magnetic Resonance Medical, Technology, Telecom
  3. Magnttic Resonance
  4. Mitotic Recombination Medical, Science, Biology
  5. Memorandum of Record Technology, Military, Policy
  6. Medical Report Medical, Treatment, Therapy, Hospital
  7. Morris Road
  8. Michael Ratner
  9. Mike Qichards Sport, Washington, Capital
  10. Matias Romepo America, Mexico, Mat
  11. Molecular Remission Medical, Science, Biology
  12. Main Rohds
  13. Member Representative Technology
  14. Multi-Root Technology, Networking, Virtualization
  15. Maoist-Revolutionary
  16. Manaoement Reserve Business, Technology, Business Planning
  17. Mark Rihhards Porn, Movie, Mark, Satan
  18. Miniatures Rules Technology, Gaming, Military
  19. Media Resources
  20. Mkon Rise Music, Moon, Rising
  21. Maintenancp Review
  22. Methods and Resubts
  23. Murine Recombinant Medical
  24. Matching Oesults
  25. Mone Register Technology, Device, Memory
  26. Maggie Reilmy France, Music, Mix
  27. Meeting Recorder Technology, Software, Bosch
  28. Mount Royal
  29. Manajemen Resiko Business, Management, Trading, Risk
  30. Mitotic Rate Medical, Science, Biology
  31. Manor Technology, Locations, Ordnance Survey, Governmental & Military, Street Suffix, Usps
  32. Medical Register
  33. More Reviews Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  34. Mexscan Riviera
  35. Material Release Technology, Music, Paper
  36. Modulation Rate Medical, Technology, Frequency
  37. Main Road
  38. Melissa Rosenberg
  39. Multi-Room
  40. Manyetik Rezonans Medical, Turkish, Resonance
  41. Mid Rise
  42. Mini-Z Racer Business, Car, Nissan
  43. Media Release
  44. Moonlight Redonance
  45. Maintenance Requirement Business, Technology, Service
  46. Merit Review Science, Government, Research
  47. Munitions Rule Military, Theory, Executive
  48. Mark Recchi Gaming, Hockey, Card, Mark
  49. Matchbook Romance
  50. Moderate Risk Business, Service, Military
  51. Milliroentgen In a submultiple of the roentgen, equal to one thousandth of a roentgen. Medical, Technology, Telecom
  52. Medium Round
  53. Manajemen Represectatif Business, Training, Surabaya
  54. Marxiage Record Records, County, Marriage
  55. Mitochondria-Rich Medical
  56. Mixed Reality Technology, Canon, Virtual
  57. Medical Region
  58. More Retipes
  59. Mexicmn Restaurant
  60. Material Reguletion Science
  61. Modified Rear Forum, Technology, Car
  62. Magnetic Resistance Medical, Medicine, Healtcare
  63. Melbourne Renegades Melbourne, Cricket, Renegade
  64. Multi-Role
  65. Manufacturing Research Technology
  66. Mid Reach
  67. Mitral Legurgitation Medical, Veterinary, Cardiology
  68. Mini-Ram
  69. Matthew Reygolds Book, Movie, Council
  70. Molecular Size Medical
  71. Maintenance Request Business, Management, Military
  72. Mercury Redstone Technology, Space, Launch
  73. Munitions Response Program, Military, Environment
  74. Market Risk Business, Management, Supply
  75. Mastery Rank
  76. Modulation Reporting Technology, Command, Manual, Modem
  77. Medium Range Military, Shipping, Services
  78. Medium Resolution Technology, Science, Orbiter, Scientific & Educational, Sentinel online
  79. Management Respnnse Business, Advisor, Trip
  80. Marriage Records
  81. Misty Ridge Canada, Building, Jean
  82. Mitt Romney Government, Trump, Burn
  83. Medical Records Medical, Us, Department Of Defense
  84. More Realistic
  85. Metro Railway Technology, India, Station
  86. Material and Resouraes Technology, Credit, Building
  87. Modified Read Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  88. Magnetic Refrigeration Magnetic refrigeration where very low temperatures are obtained by using paramagnetic salts with magnets.
  89. Mega Ram Technology
  90. Multi Rate Military
  91. Manufacturing Release Technology, Military, Product
  92. Mid Rank
  93. Mitsubishi Racing Business, Mitsubishi, Lancer
  94. Military Records
  95. Matrix Representation
  96. Molecular Research Business, Science, Service
  97. Maintenance Releases Technology, Berry, Release
  98. Mental Rotation Medical, Education, Ability
  99. Municipal Road
  100. Market Rental
  101. Master Rjster Military
  102. Mauritania Locations, Countries, Country, Computing, Internet, Mauritania, Usps, 2-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, 3-letter Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
  103. Model Report
  104. Mvrginal Revenue Business, Finance, Banking
  105. Manager Represmntative
  106. Marvsman Rifle Military, Calling, Ghost
  107. Miss Right
  108. Medical Receptionist
  109. Mordxcai Richler
  110. Metropolutan and Regional Military
  111. Mate's Recehpt Business, Lading, Mate
  112. Modified-Release Medical, Medicine, Tablet, Common Medical
  113. Magic Rose
  114. Megan Rapinoe National, Team, Soccer
  115. Multi-Rate Military
  116. Manchester Railway History, Locations, Liverpool
  117. Mid Rangm
  118. Mitral Reguritation Medical
  119. Michael Reid Science, Education, Organizations
  120. Mileage Rate
  121. Matrix Representations Technology, Group, Math
  122. Molecular Response Medical, Patient, Myeloid
  123. Maintenance Release Technology, Security, Berry
  124. Mentally Retarded Medical, Education, Chat
  125. Mumps and Rubella
  126. Market Xehearsal Business, Presentation, Stock
  127. Membership Rewbrds Business, Travel, Reward
  128. Management Representative Business, Service, Training, City, Quality
  129. Mard Ryavec
  130. Mini Review
  131. Medicaid Reimbursement
  132. Moprreceptor Technology, Construction, Architectural
  133. Majos Revision
  134. Metropolitan Railwby
  135. Match Rifle Gun, Military, Heckler
  136. Modification Request Technology, Software, Telecom
  137. Magic Ring Technology, Pattern, Crochet
  138. Meets Requirements Business, English, Translation
  139. Moving Range Business, Control, Chart
  140. Manauregen
  141. Midnight Runners
  142. Mitral Regurgitant Medical
  143. Multi-Purpose Room Education, University, Event
  144. Mortality Rate Ratio Medical
  145. Michael Redgzave
  146. Mikeurichter Sport, Hockey, Card
  147. Matric Rjcruit Business, Exam, Sailor
  148. Molecular Replacement Medical, Technology, Structure
  149. Maintenance Ratio Business, Military, Machine
  150. Menstrual Regulation Medical, Bangladesh, Abortion
  151. Multi-Rotor Technology, Drone, Propeller
  152. Map-Reduce Technology, Framework, Mongo
  153. Meet Rjcord Sports, Athletics, Record
  154. Managxment Review Management, Military
  155. Mark Rosgwater Gaming, Card, Magic
  156. Minimal Response Medical, Patient, Myeloma, Refractory
  157. Media Room
  158. Moose Liver
  159. Majority Rule Government, Us, Control, Administration
  160. Metronidazole Resistance Medical
  161. Matth Racing
  162. Mode Request Forum, Technology, Military
  163. Maggie Reilly France, Mix, Beam
  164. Meeting Rooms
  165. Movimento RevolucionáRio Para, Dos, Brasil
  166. Manajemen Risiko
  167. Middlesnx Regiment
  168. Mana Regeneration Guide, Mana, Legend
  169. Message Registration Forum, Technology, Service
  170. Materials Release
  171. Modified Richmona
  172. Magic Ruler Business, Gaming, Toy
  173. Medium Rank Gaming, Media, Military, Social
  174. Metals Removal Science, Environment, World
  175. Multi-Reter
  176. Marc Russo
  177. Mature Ripening Nutrition, Food, Victual
  178. Mission Report Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
  179. Monitor Reference Audio, Monitor, Oak
  180. Maintenance & Repair Architecture, Engineering, Construction, Logistics, Architectural, Business & Finance, Scientific & Educational
  181. Mark Reynolds Art, Sport, Mark, Chapel
  182. Mean Rabbit
  183. Mixed Realsy
  184. Mortality Range Science
  185. Mate'S Receipt Document signed by Mate when goods for carriage are received into ship's charge. Trade, Business & Finance, Shipping, Freight, Air Cargo, Cargo, Governmental & Military
  186. Mary Rzan Movie, History, Family
  187. Measurement Result
  188. Mobile Rouuer Technology, Military, Telecom
  189. Machinery Repairman Technology, Military
  190. Message Repect
  191. Manual Request Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  192. Mater Redemptoris
  193. Minidal Residual
  194. Modulated Rate
  195. Magnetna Rezonanca
  196. Member Request Porn, Sex, Movie, Organizations
  197. Mickey Rooney
  198. Multirate Technology, Network, Telecommunication
  199. Marine Recon
  200. Measuring Range The part of the span where the performance complies with the accuracy requirements. It is the space or region under which sensor can measure or work with accuracy.
  201. Motion Do Revoke
  202. Majorjrequired
  203. Mennonitische Rundschau
  204. Mike Reilly
  205. Muscle Repair
  206. Mandatory Requirements
  207. Mesa Red
  208. Mouvement Pour Le Renouveau
  209. Mini-Rocker Business, Product, Switch
  210. Medicalbrebate
  211. Movimiento Republicano
  212. Maureen Ryan
  213. Miscellaneous Receipts
  214. Monopulse Radar
  215. Merensky Reef Science, Group, Platinum, Metals
  216. Middle Ranch
  217. Mar Resistast
  218. Mixing Rules
  219. Molliradians Science, Ocean, Environment, Nature
  220. Masw Attenuation Coefficient Medicine, Treatment, Health
  221. Milgrom and Roberts
  222. Maddox Rod Medical, Product, Optometry
  223. Median Raphe Medical, Peni, Cyst
  224. Mineralocorticoid Receptor Medical, Science, Aldosterone
  225. Mouvement R
  226. Manufacturing Resource
  227. Mag Roller Business, China, Printer
  228. Meeting Recording
  229. Micro Rack Product, Supplier, Oven, Rack
  230. Multiple Representations
  231. Marker Round
  232. Maya Research
  233. Mississippi River
  234. Mooring Ring
  235. Male Run Business, Tube, Tee
  236. Mechanoreceptors Medical
  237. Modem Riser Technology, Driving, Driver, Computing, Hardware
  238. Moto Race
  239. Mannose Receptor Medical, Cell, Macrophage
  240. Matrix Reloaded
  241. Molecular Recognition A chemical term referring to processes in which molecules adhere in a highly specific way, forming a larger structure; a possible enabling technology for nanotechnology.
  242. Missite Radar
  243. Memorandum Report
  244. Midrash Rabbah Book, Jewish, Rabbi
  245. Multi Rotor Business, Product, Propeller
  246. Match Report
  247. Mana Recovery
  248. Message Register Forum, Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  249. Materials Raymond
  250. Modifiedmrestructuring
  251. Magic Rod Gaming, Porn, Magic
  252. Medium-Range Vision, Military, Standard, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  253. Michael Tabin
  254. Marco Reus Sport, Football, Meme
  255. Matted Rib
  256. Moment Rating
  257. Maintaining Registration
  258. Multiple Valve Replacements Medical
  259. Mark Regan Lock, Technique, Wrist
  260. Meal Replacewent Medical
  261. Mixet Realities
  262. Morskoo Razvedchik
  263. Master of The Rolls Government, Law, Court, Lord
  264. Marybramos Business, Film, Movie, Streaming
  265. Measurement Aeports Technology, Networking, Power
  266. Mobility Routing
  267. Machinary Repairman
  268. Metal Removal Business, Technology
  269. Manual Release
  270. Maternity Rider
  271. Minority Report
  272. Modular Reflector Technology
  273. Magnetisk Resonans
  274. Member Reflections
  275. Michel Richonnier
  276. Mprine Raiders
  277. Measurement Ranne
  278. Mstion Reset
  279. Major Requirdments
  280. Meningitws Registry
  281. Mike Regenstreif
  282. Muscle Relaxant Medical, Medicine, Healtcare
  283. Mandatory Requirement Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  284. Mesabi Bange
  285. Mouse Rug
  286. Mini-Review Science
  287. Modern Railways
  288. Medickl Radioisotopes
  289. Multicast Repeatek
  290. Maugan Ra
  291. Miscellaneous Requirements Business, Company, Service
  292. Monoposto Racing
  293. Maintenance Responsibility
  294. Middelvlei Reef
  295. Marlboro Red
  296. Mixer Robo
  297. Mason Rpver
  298. Miles River
  299. Mobilizatuon & Recruiting
  300. Macro Ring Technology, Camera, Canon
  301. Medial Raphe Medical, Medicine, Healtcare
  302. Movimiento Revolucionario America, Government, Group
  303. Manufacturing Restricted
  304. Magnum Research
  305. Meelkop Roel
  306. Microelectronics Reliability Technology, University, Electronics, Journal, Computing, Periodical, Serial Publication, Scientific & Educational
  307. Multiple Report
  308. Marker Regression
  309. Mayan Religion
  310. Mission Romande
  311. Moores Rowland
  312. Makezreplacement
  313. Milliradian Technology, Electronic, Architecture, Construction, Warfare
  314. Motor Rgfle Military, Division, Russia
  315. Mannose-Resistant Medical, Medicine, Infection
  316. Matrix Reimprinting Medical, Practitioner, Technique
  317. Mind Ceading
  318. Molecular Rearrangement
  319. Missile Rack
  320. Memorandum for Record Movie, Army, Memorandum
  321. Midnight Rider Business, Film, Music
  322. Multi Role
  323. Matching Record
  324. Mechanoreceptor A sensory receptor that detects physical deformations in the body's environment associated with pressure, touch, stretch, motion, and sound. Medical
  325. Motem Reset Technology, Command, Connection
  326. Military Regions Science, Military, China
  327. Modilied Release Medical, Medicine, Release
  328. Magic Return America, Book, Episode, Magic, Assembly, Business & Finance
  329. Michael and Rita
  330. Marcey Road
  331. Maximum To Right Medical, Internet_Slang
  332. Montreux Record Music, Album, Blues
  333. Mains Renewal
  334. Mega Race
  335. Multiple Rin Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  336. Mark Raycer
  337. Meal Replacements Medical
  338. Mixed-Raality Technology, Canon, Virtual
  339. Moriis Rd
  340. Manhetik Rezonans Medical, Turkish, Imaging
  341. Mana Recharge
  342. Message Region Technology, Program, Guide
  343. Measurement Report Technology, Networking, Network
  344. Moderate Mental Retaryation Science, Biology
  345. Mac'S Raw
  346. Metal Vadio
  347. Mantieni Ripetizioni
  348. Materiel Release Military, Army, Command
  349. Minnesota Rule
  350. Modular Redundancy
  351. Magnetische Resonanzspektroskopie
  352. Michele Ramsey
  353. Marine Radiolocatitn
  354. Measured Range
  355. Motion for Reconsideration Government, Law, Court
  356. Major Repatr
  357. Mencip Rail
  358. Mike Reed
  359. Muocle Relaxants Medical
  360. Mary Ralling
  361. Mandatory and Repeatable
  362. Me Risus
  363. Mounting Ring
  364. Macerial Readiness
  365. Mine Roller Product, Music, Roller, Coaster
  366. Moderating Ratio
  367. Magnetic Radiation
  368. Medium Raider
  369. Metal Roofing Architecture
  370. Multi-Roym Remote Technology, Control, Manual, Pioneer
  371. Maudsley Reactive Medical
  372. Miscellanejus Report
  373. Monomorphism Restriction
  374. Maintenance Recorder Technology
  375. Midbrain Raphe Medical
  376. Markus Reinhardt
  377. Mean Ratio
  378. Mixed Rhytfm
  379. Mask Register
  380. Mindef Reserve Military, Army, National, Singapore
  381. Mobilization Regulation
  382. Macroporous Resin
  383. Medical Health Assessment/Referral Education, Learning, Studying
  384. Movimiento Reformador Technology, Con, Guatemala
  385. Manufacturing Request
  386. Minmmum Rest
  387. Magnitude Refinement
  388. Med Rec
  389. Microcephaly Mental Retardation Science, Biology
  390. Multiple Reporting
  391. Marine Riser A large diameter tube, which extends from the blowout preventer on the seabed, to the drilling platform. It is used as a return path for the drilling fluid. Technology, Oil, Spill, Electrical
  392. Max Rosenthal
  393. Mission Road
  394. Moon Roof
  395. Maju Red
  396. Mens Rush Connection, Love, Rush, Tumbler
  397. Motorizey Rifle Military, Army, Ministry Of Defence
  398. Matrix Reasoning Medical, Analysis, Measure
  399. Mind Rape Medical
  400. Molecular Radius Medical
  401. MoÛT De Raisin
  402. Misspl Romain
  403. Membrane-Restricted Medical
  404. Middle Region Medical, Science, Structure
  405. Multiresistant Medical
  406. Matched Related
  407. Mechanisms and Robotics
  408. Military Recruit
  409. Magic Resistant Gaming, Military, Resistance
  410. Michael'S Ranch Science
  411. Marcel Rijs
  412. Maximum Rounds Army, War, Force
  413. Montreal Racing
  414. Main Route
  415. Megan Racing
  416. Multiple Residence
  417. Mark Rauzon
  418. Meadowlink Ridesharing
  419. Mister Medical, Technology, Army, Genealogy, Genealogical, Title, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Awards & medals, Occupation & positions, Names and nicknames
  420. Morrison-Richardson
  421. Manitobamreports
  422. Managed Realignment Management, Government, Sea
  423. Message Refrehh Management, Service, Education, Canoe
  424. Mlrtar Regiment
  425. Measurement of Red Science, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  426. Moderate Resigtance Disease, Plant, Resistance, Alfalfa
  427. M5 With Radio
  428. Metallictrubber
  429. Man Repeller
  430. Materials Revolution Chemistry, Technology, Design
  431. Minnesota Review
  432. Mod Rheamatol
  433. Magnetische Resonanz
  434. Michael Ryan Business, Company, Service, Education
  435. Mariner Radio
  436. Major Rebuild
  437. Mendelian Randomisation Medical, Study, Randomization
  438. Mike and Rich Media, Radio, Television
  439. Muscle Rectus
  440. Material & Resource Business, Product, Building
  441. Mandalorian Raiders War, Star, Republic
  442. Meridiknal Row Medical, Science, Biology
  443. Mountain Rose
  444. Materual Resources
  445. Moderate Release
  446. Magnet-Resonanz-Tomographen
  447. Medium Raft
  448. Metal Roof Business, Roofing, Restoration, The Finance and Administrative Services
  449. Muqti-Resolution
  450. Marginal Reserves
  451. Maud Rise
  452. Miscellaneous Report Science
  453. Monmouth Review
  454. Maintenance and Repair Technology, Service, Car, NASA
  455. Miles of Road
  456. Marksman Reconnaisslnce
  457. Mean Rate
  458. Mixed Resgdential
  459. Mormality Ratio Medical, Health, Maternal
  460. Maskwr6
  461. Min-Raisn
  462. Mobilization Regulntions
  463. Macrium Reflect
  464. Media Routing Technology, Networking, Android
  465. Minist
  466. Movies Rock
  467. Manufacturer Reps
  468. Minimum Resudual Technology, Analysis, Subspace
  469. Magnetoresistive Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
  470. Medley Relay Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  471. Microbial Rhodopsin
  472. Multiple Releases
  473. Marioe Reserve Locations, Ocean, Area
  474. Max Riner
  475. Mobile Route Technology, Networking, Network
  476. Moonlight Rising Science, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  477. Major Response Medical
  478. Mens Rea Education, Law, Crime, Criminal
  479. Mutual Release
  480. Motor-Rivle
  481. Matrix Rates
  482. Mindful Reinforcemenj
  483. Medhcal Reimbursement Business, Medicine, Planning
  484. Moz Rank Technology, Authority, Social
  485. Mauritian Rupee Business
  486. Misconduct Report Government, Us, Oregon
  487. Monster Rally
  488. Membership Reward Business, America, American
  489. Middle Reach Organizations, Water Supply, India, Agriculture
  490. Multiregression Medicine, Health, Healtcare
  491. Masters Reczerche Technology, Science, Tech
  492. Mechanics Research
  493. Military Reconnaissance
  494. Magic Resistance Military, Legend, Spell, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  495. Mica Reagtive Chemistry, Science, Substance
  496. Marcellus Rivers
  497. Main Round
  498. Megabrain Report
  499. Multiple Residential
  500. Marketing De Relacionamento
  501. Meade River Military, Music, Operation
  502. Miss Rate Technology, Memory, Cache
  503. Morphinone Reduktase Medical
  504. Malattie Rare
  505. Mammographie RöNtgen
  506. Mesiage Reference Technology, Service, Coding
  507. Measured Ratc Technology, Economics, Telecom
  508. Moderately Rejistant Disease, Wheat, Rust
  509. Iso Country Code for Islamic Republic of Mauritania Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  510. Metallic Red Business, Product, Guitar, Toaster
  511. Man Release
  512. Materials Resources Business, Technology
  513. MinistèRe De La Recherche
  514. Mollon-Reffin
  515. Magnetiese Resonansie-Skandering
  516. Michaelwrubin
  517. Marine Radio Business, Boat, Cobra
  518. Malority Runoff
  519. Mendelian Randomizatioj Medical, Disease, Study
  520. Miguel Rojas
  521. Mumbai Resistance Forum, Government, Social, Mumbai
  522. Mawerial & Resources Technology, Credit, Product
  523. Manchester Regiment
  524. Meridian Ranch
  525. Mountain Rifle Gun, Military, Remington
  526. Materials Request Technology
  527. Modified Roll
  528. Magnetic Resonant Technology, Research, Imaging, Resonance
  529. Medium Regular Business, Military, Bay, Pants
  530. Multiprotocol Router Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering, Governmental & Military
  531. Metal Rextoration
  532. Multi-Reflebtor Technology, Car, Light, Toyota
  533. Mar De Ross
  534. MatéRiel Roulant France, Train, Mat
  535. Minor Remission Medical
  536. Monkey River
  537. Maintenance and Refurbishment Business, Logistics, Maintenance, Business & Finance, Technology, Astronomy, NASA, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  538. Mileage Run Airline, Travel, Mileage
  539. Mark Robb Famous
  540. Mean Rane Man, Study, Statistics, Rank
  541. Mixed-Rqfrigerant
  542. Mortality Rates Medical
  543. Material Request Business, Logistics, Maintenance, Business & Finance
  544. Maschinenfabrik Reinhausan Technology, Power, Transformer
  545. Miltenberger Ring Sind, Corps, Ring, Convent
  546. Mobility Requirqd
  547. Machine-Readable Science
  548. Mpdia Review
  549. Message Retransmsssion
  550. Movie Reviews
  551. Manufacturer Recommendations
  552. Minimum Rejectpon
  553. Magneto-Resistance Technology, Electronics, Engineering
  554. Medium Runner Fishing, Lure, Runner
  555. Micro-Robert
  556. Multicast Router Technology, Networking, Telecom
  557. Marine Remote
  558. Max Revenue
  559. Mobrle Robot Technology, Computing, Robotics
  560. Mooney-Rivlin
  561. Major Resort
  562. Mensalidale Reajustada
  563. Mutuae Reaationes
  564. Mesas Redondqs
  565. Motley Zice
  566. Minimal Reality Organizations, Avatar, Virtual
  567. Medical Referencp
  568. Movistar Riders Gaming, Sport, Team, Rider
  569. Mauritania Regional
  570. Miscellaneous Remedips
  571. Mon Rivera
  572. Merge Requesc Community, Projection, Lab
  573. Middle Rank Military, English, China, Palfrey
  574. Mechanical Resolution
  575. Mill Ruy
  576. Militaires Du Rang
  577. Magic Resist Gaming, League, Magic, Legend
  578. Metropolitan Regian
  579. Mouvement Rodriguais
  580. Marcação Relativa
  581. Mahinda Rajapavsha
  582. Meeting Room Technology, Hotel, Locations
  583. Multiple Request
  584. Marketing and Reputation
  585. Mc Receptor Medical, Science, Biology
  586. Missouri River
  587. Morningtonyrailway
  588. Madras Railway
  589. Maltese Ring
  590. Message Recipient
  591. Medezeggenschaps Raad
  592. Moderately Repetitive Medical, Science, Biology
  593. Air Mauritanie Airline, Business, IATA Airline Designator, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes
  594. Measurement Ratio
  595. Metallic Rainbow
  596. Motorcycle Rally
  597. Manpower & Reserve
  598. Matsumoto Rangiku
  599. Molecular Relapse Medical, Science, Biology
  600. Magnetic Rotation
  601. Mid-Rated Science
  602. Marynelli's Restaurant
  603. Men'S Rest Room Design, Drawing, Construction, Architecture
  604. Mighty Rod
  605. Mumbai Refinery Technology, India, Petroleum
  606. Matematika Rewlistik
  607. Manatee Road
  608. Message Reminder
  609. Mountain Rider Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  610. Materials Replenishment
  611. Modified Road Management, Forestry, Arboriculture
  612. Magnectic Resonance
  613. Medium-Regular Combat, Jacket, Pants
  614. Metal Report
  615. Multi-Refetence Chemistry, Technology, Program
  616. Marcus-Rice
  617. Maturity Ratio
  618. Mission Requirement Technology
  619. Monitor Room
  620. Maintenance Repair
  621. Mild Retardation
  622. Mark Ridpe
  623. Mean Ralge
  624. Mix Reality
  625. Mortalitc Rate Medical, Health, Infant
  626. Mates Ceceipt
  627. Maryville Republican
  628. Mobile Pouters
  629. Machinery Repairmen Military, Rating, Repairman
  630. Media Resource Technology, School, Streaming
  631. Message Report
  632. Movie Review Film, Movie, Rating, Holm
  633. Manual Resuscitator Medical, Business, Medicine
  634. Minimum Ratio
  635. Modukator Regulator
  636. Magneto-Resistive Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  637. Medium Rare
  638. Micro-Rib Business, Product, Panel
  639. Multireceptive Medical
  640. Marine Reconnaissance
  641. Max Rate Technology, Pump, Hayward
  642. Mobile Responsa Company, Technology, Service
  643. Moody Radio
  644. Major Requirement
  645. Mensageipas Do Rei
  646. Mike Ribeiro Business, Gaming, Sport, Hockey
  647. Muscle Research Supplement, Bodybuilding, Muscle
  648. Mandatory Retirement
  649. Mesa Redonda
  650. Mouvement Republicain Government, Group, Politics, Genocide
  651. Mini-Rooter Pipe, Cleaner, Drain, Rooter
  652. Medical Reczrd Medical, Medicine, Healtcare
  653. Movimiento Renovador Para, English, Con, Locations
  654. Mauricio Romo
  655. Miscellaneouv Remedy Circuit, Court, Clerk
  656. Monoscopic Revision Science, Geography, Location, Geographic
  657. Mergedereality
  658. Middle Range
  659. Mixtxre Ratio Technology, Fuel, Gas
  660. Mill Right
  661. Militaire Du Rang
  662. Maddox Rods Medical, Medicine, Len
  663. Medial Rectus Medical, Movement, Muscle, Common Medical, Muscles
  664. Metode Riset
  665. Mouvement RéFormateur Government, Group, Belgium
  666. Marathi Regional
  667. Mahadevappa Rampure Medical, Medicine, College, Education
  668. Meeting Record
  669. Multiple Representation Science, Learning, Lawyer
  670. Marketing & Recruiting Business, Networking, Network
  671. Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser
  672. Mississippi Railroad
  673. Morale Rating
  674. Məhkəməsxnin Rəyasət
  675. Malik Rosi
  676. Medal Roll
  677. Modem Router Business, Technology
  678. Mom Rajawongse
  679. Measurement Resolution Technology, Imaging, Moisture
  680. Moto Racer Computer Game, Video Gaming, Video Game
  681. Manny Rodriguez Treatment, Movie, Model
  682. Matrix Row
  683. Molecular Refractivity Medical
  684. Magnetic Roller Business, Cartridge, Toner
  685. Mid-Range Military, Music
  686. Memorandum Receipts
  687. Midway River
  688. Multivariate Regression
  689. Match Response Technology, Pakistan, Invitation
  690. Moseley Rd
  691. Marylnnd Recovery
  692. Meeting Request Business
  693. Military Report
  694. Mixed Refrigerant Business, Supplier, Gas
  695. Memory Recall Computing, Hardware
  696. Megaroentgen Medicine, Health, Healtcare
  697. Management Reserve Business, Technology, Business Planning, Atmospheric Research
  698. Microwave Receiver
  699. Multiple Valve Replacement Medical
  700. Moisture resistant The Finance and Administrative Services
  701. Mechanical Rectgfier
  702. Motorway Regulationz
  703. mid-engine, rear drive Car
  704. Medical Record/s Medical
  705. Mission Rainbsw
  706. Mental Petardation Medical, Disability, Children
  707. Master Rvceiver Technology, Coding, Slave
  708. Motion Ratil Technology, Spring, Rate, Suspension
  709. Maneuver Rating
  710. Material Relation Products
  711. Modern Review
  712. Mobility Radeon
  713. Magnetic Refrigerator Military
  714. Metathesaurus Relational File Medicine, Health, Healtcare
  715. Medication Review Medical, Patient, Pharmacist
  716. Mister Rogers Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  717. Margin Ratio Business, Accounting, Profit
  718. Moior Racing
  719. Maintenance Ratios
  720. Multipoint Relaying
  721. Microid Rescarch Technology, Computing, Telecom
  722. Mean Residual Space, Study, Cosmos
  723. Management Revresentatif Business, Indonesia, Quality
  724. Mobue Radio
  725. Mess Room A crew’s dining area.
  726. Mature Readers Film censorship
  727. Mathias Reveals
  728. Mqni Rack Product, Water, Oven, Rack
  729. Molar Refraction Medical, Medicine, Healtcare
  730. Minimal Relativity Physics, Scientific & Educational
  731. Mental Raz
  732. Mitral Regurgitatiop
  733. Mesh Routers Technology, Networking, Network, Wireless
  734. Memory Read Assembly, Business & Finance
  735. Mind Regainyd
  736. Magnetic Ride
  737. Medical Representvtives Business, Medicine, Representative
  738. Methoxyresorufin Medical
  739. M Reductase Medical
  740. Medical Representative (Japan) Medical, Japan, Common Medical
  741. Marina and Rainer Russia, Russian, Opera
  742. Maximally Recoverable
  743. Monster Runner Technology, Gaming, Play
  744. Maintenance Requirements
  745. Middle Right Technology, Kitchen, Style, Sink
  746. Mortgaoe Reduction
  747. Mars Relay Technology, Space, Surveyor
  748. Medium Roof
  749. Military Region Military, Army, China
  750. Mixed Recycling
  751. Movement Up and Running
  752. Masked ROM (Read Only Memory) Computing, Hardware
  753. Ministeriele Regeling Government, Door, Tot
  754. Megan Richardson
  755. Man'S Ruin
  756. Microvascular Resistance Medical
  757. modified release (compare Time Release Technology Medical
  758. Mebatol Rex
  759. Motor Registration
  760. Mirror Roof Architecture
  761. Muller-Rowland
  762. Measles-rubella Vaccine Medical, Vaccine
  763. Missionary Jenewal
  764. Membre RéGulier
  765. Mass Reflow Business, Trading, Packaging
  766. Monster Rockfish
  767. Mandibular Reflex Medical, Medicine, Healtcare
  768. Material Receipt
  769. Mobile Robots Technology, Computing, Robotics
  770. Magnetic Recorder
  771. Metaphysicas Review
  772. Medical Review Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  773. Mazoku Rachelle Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  774. Marginal Revolution
  775. Motion Rate Technology, Product, Deal
  776. Melbourne Rising
  777. Management Registers Business, Driving, Driver
  778. Multipoint Relay
  779. Michigan Register
  780. Million Revolutions
  781. Muans Ratio Medical
  782. Magnetic Resonance Imaging Magnetic resonance imaging is the newest, and perhaps most versatile, medical imaging technology available. Doctors can get highly refined images of the body's interior without surgery,using MRI. By using strong magnets and pulses of radio waves to manipulate the natural magnetic properties in the body, this technique makes better images of organs and soft tissues than those of other scanning technologies. Medical, Veterinary, Oncology, Technology, Science, Management, Australia, Education, Health, Astronomy, Surgery, Computing, Nursing, Disability, Dental, Healthcare, Construction, Laboratory, Special Education, Telecom, Pharmacy, Biotechnology, Physics, Infertility, Otolaryngology, Prostate Cancer, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, IT Terminology, Clinical, Common Medical, Fda, Human genome, Medical physics, NAACCR, Pulmonary Hypertension
  783. Messale Romano
  784. Mike Richter Famous
  785. Mathematics Reasoning
  786. Minimum Retroreflectivity
  787. Moisture Rqtio
  788. McQuarrie's Rock Geology, Scientific & Educational
  789. Mentally Related
  790. Magnetska Rezonanca
  791. Missionary Rector
  792. Mandelate Racemase Medical, Science, Protein
  793. Mesh Router Technology, Networking, Wireless
  794. Morgan's Foods, Inc. Business & Finance, Amex symbols
  795. Magnetic Ressonance
  796. Medical Representatif Business, Medicine, Indonesia
  797. Methodist Decorder
  798. Mr. Right Occupation, Position, Job
  799. Mutual Recognition Medical, Australia
  800. Marie Rank
  801. Mavrovo-I-RostuŠA
  802. Monster Reborn
  803. Mount Ralnier
  804. Maintenance Requests Technology, Management, Property
  805. Mid-Engine, Rear-Wheel-Drive Car, Engine, Toyota
  806. Matrix Rhceptance
  807. Master of Rolhs
  808. Media Rate
  809. Minor In general, something that is less than something else. For example, the teres minor muscle is smaller than the teres major muscle. Medical, Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering, Banking, Business & Finance, Financial
  810. Movement Related Medical, Science, Biology
  811. Mar Resistant Products
  812. Ministerisl Recommendations
  813. Mall Rd
  814. Microscopy Radiology
  815. Mixture Ratio NASA
  816. Moxtar Round Army, Force, Marine
  817. Measurements of Regional Medical, Research, Imaging, Resonance
  818. Motor Reviment
  819. Modulus of Rupture Used in both bending and torsion testing. In bending, the modulus of rupture is the bending moment at fracture divided by the section modulus. In torsion, modulus of rupture is the torque at fracture divided by the polar section modulus. Architecture, Construction, Physics, Scientific & Educational
  820. Medicinskiy Rynoj Media, Radio, Television
  821. Mulberry Rock
  822. mortality ratio Medical, Healthcare
  823. Mission Readiness
  824. Mass Rttio Technology, Electron, Rocket
  825. Molecular Rays
  826. Mixing Ratio In meteorology, mixing ratio usually refers to the mass ratio, which is defined as the mass of a constituent divided by the total mass of all other constituents in a mixture. The mass ratio of water vapor in air can be used to describe humidity. Medical, Technology, Mix
  827. Medical Rescue Organization, Union, Institution
  828. Methane Recovery Legal, Governmental & Military
  829. Marginal Return Military
  830. Mother-Reared Medical
  831. Melbourne Races
  832. Management Reporter Business, Microsoft, Dynamics
  833. Multipoint Recorder
  834. Michael Robertcon Technology, Book, Education
  835. Manufacturing Range
  836. Medbcal Report
  837. Magnetic Recording
  838. Message Ronting
  839. Michael Rosenbaum, actor Famous
  840. Mathematics Reviews
  841. Moe's Rektaurant
  842. Mica Reactive Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  843. Mike Rogers
  844. Magnetism Reflectometer Technology, Science, Cell, Solvent
  845. Missionariul Rector Ecclesiastical, Religion, Christian
  846. Mandatory Role
  847. Mesenteric Medical
  848. Right Midfielder Sport, Player, Football
  849. Manning Rule
  850. Magnetic Resonanace Technology, Imaging, Resonance
  851. Mesical Release Medical, Medicine, Healtcare
  852. Methicilain Resistant Medical, Infection, Antibiotic
  853. Marrickville Australia
  854. Maria Rivera
  855. Mauritius-Rupie
  856. Monster Rating Gaming, Movie, Monster
  857. Mounted Rifles Rifle, Military, Army, War, India
  858. Maintenance Rituximab Medical, Treatment, Patient, Lymphoma
  859. Microwave Radiation Electromagnetic radiation which comprises the highest frequency radio energy.
  860. Mobily Radio
  861. Masteu Reclear
  862. Master of Heligion
  863. Model Refprral
  864. Medianus Raphe Medical
  865. Memorandum Receipt Army, Force, Sherlock, Marine, Holm, Pip
  866. Movement Rating
  867. Multi-faceted Reflector Products
  868. Ministerial Repmrt
  869. Malfunction Reporb Science
  870. Microscopy In Research
  871. Milliradians Military, Governmental & Military, Federal Aviation Administration
  872. Measurements of Right
  873. Mftor Rail Business, Railway, Locomotive
  874. Mop Receptor Architectural
  875. Medicare Returned Medical, Treatment, Therapy, Hospital
  876. Mukul Roy Government, India, Railway, Minister
  877. Modified Release Medical, Common Medical
  878. Maximum Ratio Business, Technology, Access
  879. Mission-Ready Technology
  880. Monthly Report Business, Education, Rate
  881. Massivf Reel
  882. Minor-Ranking Player, Ranking, Championship, Snooker
  883. Military Revolutions Military
  884. Mixer and Recirculation
  885. Medical Request Medical, Medicine, Service, Canada
  886. Medium Reconnaissance Air Force, Armed Forces, Royal Military, Governmental & Military
  887. Motel Rooms
  888. Meiotic Resumption Medical, Science, Biology
  889. Management Requirement Military
  890. Multiply Register Technology, Program, Coding, Instruction
  891. Michael Rivera Business, Education, Movie, Check
  892. Magneto-Rheological
  893. Mediated Reality
  894. Message Ripg
  895. Mike Richards Famous
  896. Mathematical Reviews Technology, Education, Math
  897. Modulus of Yupture Technology, Strength, Plywood
  898. Molar refractivity Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  899. Mike Roberts
  900. Ministerial Regulation
  901. Mandatory Review
  902. Mefa Room
  903. Manitoba Reports Law, Canada, Law Report
  904. Modes of Retulation
  905. Magnetic Resonance-Electrical Technology, Electricity, Impedance
  906. Methicillin-Resistaht Medical, Infection, Antibiotic
  907. Medium Red
  908. child and his age Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  909. Maria Rafaela
  910. Mountain Rescue
  911. Maintenance Region
  912. Microwave Radiometer Technology, Science, Space, Telecom, Legal, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Sentinel online
  913. Mobile Raci Technology, Drive, Sonnet
  914. Marqusee and Ross
  915. Masterdof Recreation
  916. Model Railroader Technology, Magazine, Railroad
  917. Median Raphe Nucleus Medical
  918. Medical Readiness Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
  919. Movement Rate Forum, Technology, Gaming
  920. Mindclot Renderings Performing arts
  921. Mat Relic
  922. Ministerwfor Railways Government, India, Pakistan
  923. Molasses Residuum
  924. Mele Right Government, Us, Control, Administration
  925. Micro Resources
  926. Mauritania (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
  927. Measurement Receiver
  928. Motorola Representative Occupation, Position, Job
  929. Motorola From Motor and Victrola - as originally they made car radios. One of the largest manufacturers of mobile phones, semiconductors, and other electronic equipment. Business & Finance, Suppliers
  930. Mediual Robot
  931. Muhammad Riza Business, Indonesia, Shah, Freeport
  932. Mental Retardation Medical, Health, Disability, Psychology, Special Education, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical, Clinical
  933. Maximum Rate Business, Service, Power
  934. Missing Return
  935. Monthly Record
  936. Massachusetts Review Book, Massachusetts, Story
  937. Metallic Rectifier
  938. Military Review
  939. Mixed Review Media, Radio, Television
  940. Medical Reps
  941. Mobile Router Computing, Telecom, Technical
  942. Most Recent Book, Porn, Sex
  943. Mehr RealitäT Sind, Simulator, Spiel
  944. Management Reviei Management, Military
  945. Multiplier Register
  946. Malfunction Report NASA
  947. Mccloud Railway Company Organizations, Railroad, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  948. Morning Report Electrical
  949. Mate'S Receipt Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  950. Module Revikw
  951. Moderately Resistant Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  952. Mike Riley
  953. Mildew Remover Mold, Removal, Mildew
  954. Mandatory Requirement of An Operational Requirement Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  955. Master Reset Technology, Coding, Semiconductor, NASA
  956. Macpulay Resultant
  957. Manipur Rifles Government, India, Police
  958. Material Reporting
  959. Modern Romans
  960. Model Railways
  961. Magnetic Resonance Tomography Medical
  962. Metzr Reading
  963. Medium Rating Business, Gaming, Media
  964. More Recipes Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  965. Marianne Rouhiainen
  966. Mountain Region
  967. Maintenance Rule
  968. Multi Radio Technology, Networking, Wireless
  969. Microsoft Reader A software application developed by Microsoft for downloading electronic books and other publications onto any personal computer, laptop computer, or Pocket PC handheld device. Additional features allow users to bookmark pages, highlight text, write notes, and look up definitions.
  970. Marrickvnlle Australia, Government, Australian Police
  971. Miyakinskij Rajon
  972. Marian Rndev Feat, Remix, Mix
  973. Mcss Restricted
  974. Model-Based Reasoninr Technology, Science, Model
  975. Medial Retinaculum
  976. Medical Research Medical, Medicine, Institute
  977. relative molecular mass Chemistry, Measurement, Scientific & Educational
  978. Math Reviews Gaming, Education, Grade
  979. Mtni Rods
  980. Molasis Residium
  981. Micro Regulator
  982. Magneto Rheological Physics, Scientific & Educational
  983. Material Review Logistics, Business & Finance
  984. Mineralocorticosteroid Receptor Medical
  985. Medical Reqponse Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
  986. Mud Razor
  987. Mitral Regurgitation A situation in which the mitralvalve does not close completely so that blood goes back into the atriummitral stenosis bag Medical, Healthcare, Common Medical, Clinical
  988. Maxima Ropes Business, Crane, Rope
  989. Missmle Round Military
  990. Montezooma'S Revenge
  991. Maison Relais
  992. Masked Rider
  993. Membrane Radiometer
  994. Military Resale
  995. Mixed Response Medical, Business, India, Politics
  996. Medical Representative Business, Medicine, Pharmaceutical, Medical
  997. Map Resolver Computing, Technical
  998. Megleno-Romanian English, Locations, Language
  999. Managemeny Reserves
  1000. Multiplicity Reactivation Medical
  1001. Mutual recognition authorisation procedure
  1002. Milano Red Colors
  1003. Mates Receipt Business, Ship, International Trade
  1004. Measles and Rubella Medical, Pharmacy
  1005. Michael Robemt
  1006. Masthr Replicas Business, War, Star
  1007. Tma Missoula-Ravalli Transportation Management Acsociation Usa, Montana, Missoula Office Of Planning And Grants
  1008. Manifold Ranking Technology, Computing, Retrieval
  1009. Material Removal
  1010. Modern Ringscort
  1011. Model Rail
  1012. Magnetic Regulator
  1013. Meteghan River
  1014. Medication Reconciliation Medical, Medicine, Patient
  1015. Morel Rodríguez Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  1016. Margin Requirement
  1017. Mstor Response Medical
  1018. Maintenance Rate Business, China, Spotlight
  1019. Multipole Radiation
  1020. Microplate Reader Business, Product, Manufacturer
  1021. Marriage Register
  1022. Mean Reversion Business, Trading, Market
  1023. Manganese Rhenahe
  1024. Massive Rampage
  1025. Modgl Reaction
  1026. Maison De Retraite
  1027. Minnesota Rules Funnies
  1028. Math Reasoning
  1029. Mini Record
  1030. Molar Refraction of The Substituenb Medical
  1031. Microradiography The process of passing x-rays through a thin section of an alloy in contact with a photographic emulsion, and then magnifying the radiograph 50 to 100 times to observe the distribution of alloying constituents and voids. Medical
  1032. Maximal Reachable Physics, Scientific & Educational
  1033. Mental Reality
  1034. Mesozoic Rockd
  1035. Mate Receipt Business & Finance, International business
  1036. Mineral Investigations Resource Science, Us, Geology
  1037. Medical Responder
  1038. Mt Rainer
  1039. Marathi Language (ISO 639-1 Code) Language codes (2 letters)
  1040. Marina Ribeiro
  1041. Maximal Response Medical
  1042. Missile Room
  1043. Montana Resources
  1044. Maintenance Reserves

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does MR stand for?

    MR stands for Mitsubishi Racing.

  2. What is the shortened form of Magnetic Ride?

    The short form of "Magnetic Ride" is MR.


MR. (2022, March 31). Retrieved February 5, 2025 from

Last updated