MR in Technology Meaning

The MR meaning in Technology terms is "Magnetic Resonance". There are 127 related meanings of the MR Technology abbreviation.

MR on Technology Full Forms

  1. Magnetic Resonance
  2. Mone Register
  3. Milliroentgen In a submultiple of the roentgen, equal to one thousandth of a roentgen.
  4. Mega Ram
  5. Manaoement Reserve
  6. Molecular Replacement
  7. Modulation Reporting
  8. Meeting Recorder
  9. Modulation Rate
  10. Medium Resolution
  11. Modified Rear
  12. Maintenance Requirement
  13. Multi-Rotor
  14. Memorandum of Record
  15. Matrix Representations
  16. Modified Read
  17. Maintenance Releases
  18. Metro Railway
  19. Map-Reduce
  20. Multi-Root
  21. Mixed Reality
  22. Manor
  23. Material Release
  24. Modification Request
  25. Maintenance Release
  26. Mercury Redstone
  27. Manufacturing Research
  28. Miniatures Rules
  29. Material and Resouraes
  30. Mode Request
  31. Magic Ring
  32. Member Representative
  33. Manufacturing Release
  34. Moprreceptor
  35. Multi-Refetence
  36. Macro Ring
  37. Mesiage Reference
  38. Mixtxre Ratio
  39. Materials Request
  40. Multiple Rin
  41. Magnetoresistive
  42. Metal Removal
  43. Measured Ratc
  44. Machinery Repairman
  45. Meeting Room
  46. Mixed-Raality
  47. Maschinenfabrik Reinhausan
  48. Multicast Router
  49. Magneto-Resistance
  50. Mobile Rouuer
  51. Max Rate
  52. Mandatory Requirement
  53. Mission Requirement
  54. Movimiento Reformador
  55. Iso Country Code for Islamic Republic of Mauritania
  56. Media Routing
  57. Mawerial & Resources
  58. Multiprotocol Router
  59. Mister
  60. Multirate
  61. Magneto-Resistive
  62. Modem Router
  63. Mission Report
  64. Media Resource
  65. Match Response
  66. Miss Rate
  67. Moz Rank
  68. Message Registration
  69. Modem Riser
  70. Mumbai Refinery
  71. Maintenance Recorder
  72. Minimum Resudual
  73. Measurement Resolution
  74. Masters Reczerche
  75. Mobile Route
  76. Multi-Roym Remote
  77. Message Register
  78. Motem Reset
  79. Materials Revolution
  80. Maintenance and Repair
  81. Milliradian
  82. Modular Reflector
  83. Measurement Aeports
  84. Marine Riser A large diameter tube, which extends from the blowout preventer on the seabed, to the drilling platform. It is used as a return path for the drilling fluid.
  85. Mobrle Robot
  86. Multi-Reflebtor
  87. Magnetic Resonant
  88. Message Region
  89. Materials Resources
  90. Maintenance and Refurbishment
  91. Microelectronics Reliability
  92. Measurement Report
  93. Manual Request
  94. Mobile Responsa
  95. Master Reset
  96. Model-Based Reasoninr
  97. Microwave Radiometer
  98. Manifold Ranking
  99. Mission-Ready
  100. Master Rvceiver
  101. Movement Rate
  102. Mesh Routers
  103. Management Reserve
  104. Microid Rescarch
  105. Motion Ratil
  106. Mass Rttio
  107. Mobile Robots
  108. Mesh Router
  109. Maximum Ratio
  110. Michael Robertcon
  111. Magnetism Reflectometer
  112. Maintenance Requests
  113. Mars Relay
  114. Monster Runner
  115. Mixing Ratio In meteorology, mixing ratio usually refers to the mass ratio, which is defined as the mass of a constituent divided by the total mass of all other constituents in a mixture. The mass ratio of water vapor in air can be used to describe humidity.
  116. Magnetic Resonanace
  117. Mathematical Reviews
  118. Modulus of Yupture
  119. Magnetic Resonance-Electrical
  120. Multi Radio
  121. Motion Rate
  122. Minor In general, something that is less than something else. For example, the teres minor muscle is smaller than the teres major muscle.
  123. Mobile Raci
  124. Multiply Register
  125. Model Railroader
  126. Middle Right
  127. Magnetic Resonance Imaging Magnetic resonance imaging is the newest, and perhaps most versatile, medical imaging technology available. Doctors can get highly refined images of the body's interior without surgery,using MRI. By using strong magnets and pulses of radio waves to manipulate the natural magnetic properties in the body, this technique makes better images of organs and soft tissues than those of other scanning technologies.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does MR stand for Technology?

    MR stands for Iso Country Code for Islamic Republic of Mauritania in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Miniatures Rules in Technology?

    The short form of "Miniatures Rules" is MR for Technology.


MR in Technology. (2022, March 31). Retrieved March 3, 2025 from

Last updated