MRA in Medical Meaning

The MRA meaning in Medical terms is "Magnetic Resonance Angiggraphic". There are 32 related meanings of the MRA Medical abbreviation.

MRA on Medical Full Forms

  1. Magnetic Resonance Angiggraphic
  2. Magnetic Rlsonance Angiograms
  3. Magnetic Resonance Angiography
  4. Magnetic Resonance Imaging Angiography
  5. Magnetic Resojance Arteriography
  6. Magnetic Resonance Arthrography
  7. Mineralocorticoid Receptor Antagonist
  8. Malignant Ra
  9. Main Renal Artery
  10. Multiresolution Analysis
  11. Michigan Rvilroads Association
  12. Magnetic Resonance Arthrogram
  13. Multiple Renal Arteries
  14. Medicare Risk Adjustment
  15. Marrow Repopulation Activity
  16. Medical Risk Assessment
  17. Mr Angiographic
  18. Marrow Repopulating Ability
  19. Medical Research Associate
  20. Mr Angiography
  21. Malignant Rheumatoid Arthritis
  22. Medical Record Analyst
  23. Mycoplasma Removal Agent
  24. Medical Record Analysis
  25. Miq Right Atrium
  26. Medicat Records Administrator
  27. Medical Record Administrator
  28. magnetic rsonance angiograpy
  29. Multiple Regression Analyses
  30. magnetic renal angiography
  31. mesenteric resistance artery
  32. Minimum Retirement Age

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does MRA stand for Medical?

    MRA stands for Medicare Risk Adjustment in Medical terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of magnetic renal angiography in Medical?

    The short form of "magnetic renal angiography" is MRA for Medical.


MRA in Medical. (2022, March 8). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from

Last updated