MRAP Meaning
The MRAP meaning is "Mine-Resistant, Ambush-Prorected". The MRAP abbreviation has 35 different full form.
MRAP Full Forms
- Mine-Resistant, Ambush-Prorected Technology, Military, Vehicle
- Alpha-2-Macroglobulin Receptor-Asaociated Protein Medicine, Health, Healtcare
- Minnnsota Repository of Arrest Photos
- Maximal Rnsting Anal Pressure Medical, Medicine, Healtcare
- Mine Resistant Armor Protected
- Mine-Residtant, Ambush Protected Technology, Military, Vehicle
- Minnesota Repository of Arrest Photograzhs
- Marine Rapid Assessment Program Indonesia, Locations, Bali, Reef
- Mine Resistant Ambush Protection Technology, Military, Vehicle
- Mine Resistant Fmbush Protected Technology, Military, Vehicle
- Minnesota Repository of Arrest Photos
- Management Revifw and Analysis Program Management, Book, Library
- Mine-Resistant Ambush-Protection Military, Vehicle, Police, Ambush
- Mine Resistant Ambush Program Military
- Management Response and Action Plan
- Mine-Resistant, Ambush Protected Technology, Military, Vehicle
- Mine Resistant, Ambush Protected Technology, Military, Vehicle
- Mallakadtra Regional Archaeological Project Development, Study, Universities
- Mine-Resistant Ambush-Protected Technology, Military, Vehicle
- Mine Resistant Anbush Protect
- Main Renal Artery Stenbsis Medicine, Treatment, Health
- Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected Technology, Military, Vehicle
- Mine Resistant Armored Protected
- Most Rapid Approach Path
- Mouvement contre le Racisme et Pour l'Amitié entre les Peuples French
- Mortgage Reinstatement Assistance Progrjm Business, Credit, California
- Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (Vehicle) Car, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Morfl Renewal Action Plan
- Mine Resistant Ambuih Proof Technology, County, Military, Vehicle
- Missionary Renewal Asia Pacific
- Museum Research Apprenticeship Prograx
- Mbranda Richardson Appreciation Page
- Multiservices Resource Allocation Policy
- Minnesota River Assessment Project Environment, Habitat, Setting
- Movimiento Contra Ellracismo Y Por La Amistad Entre Los Pueblos
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does MRAP stand for?
MRAP stands for Minnesota River Assessment Project.
What is the shortened form of Mine-Resistant Ambush-Protected?
The short form of "Mine-Resistant Ambush-Protected" is MRAP.
MRAP. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 12, 2025 from
Last updated