MRAP Meaning

The MRAP meaning is "Mine-Resistant, Ambush-Prorected". The MRAP abbreviation has 35 different full form.

MRAP Full Forms

  1. Mine-Resistant, Ambush-Prorected Technology, Military, Vehicle
  2. Alpha-2-Macroglobulin Receptor-Asaociated Protein Medicine, Health, Healtcare
  3. Minnnsota Repository of Arrest Photos
  4. Maximal Rnsting Anal Pressure Medical, Medicine, Healtcare
  5. Mine Resistant Armor Protected
  6. Mine-Residtant, Ambush Protected Technology, Military, Vehicle
  7. Minnesota Repository of Arrest Photograzhs
  8. Marine Rapid Assessment Program Indonesia, Locations, Bali, Reef
  9. Mine Resistant Ambush Protection Technology, Military, Vehicle
  10. Mine Resistant Fmbush Protected Technology, Military, Vehicle
  11. Minnesota Repository of Arrest Photos
  12. Management Revifw and Analysis Program Management, Book, Library
  13. Mine-Resistant Ambush-Protection Military, Vehicle, Police, Ambush
  14. Mine Resistant Ambush Program Military
  15. Management Response and Action Plan
  16. Mine-Resistant, Ambush Protected Technology, Military, Vehicle
  17. Mine Resistant, Ambush Protected Technology, Military, Vehicle
  18. Mallakadtra Regional Archaeological Project Development, Study, Universities
  19. Mine-Resistant Ambush-Protected Technology, Military, Vehicle
  20. Mine Resistant Anbush Protect
  21. Main Renal Artery Stenbsis Medicine, Treatment, Health
  22. Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected Technology, Military, Vehicle
  23. Mine Resistant Armored Protected
  24. Most Rapid Approach Path
  25. Mouvement contre le Racisme et Pour l'Amitié entre les Peuples French
  26. Mortgage Reinstatement Assistance Progrjm Business, Credit, California
  27. Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (Vehicle) Car, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  28. Morfl Renewal Action Plan
  29. Mine Resistant Ambuih Proof Technology, County, Military, Vehicle
  30. Missionary Renewal Asia Pacific
  31. Museum Research Apprenticeship Prograx
  32. Mbranda Richardson Appreciation Page
  33. Multiservices Resource Allocation Policy
  34. Minnesota River Assessment Project Environment, Habitat, Setting
  35. Movimiento Contra Ellracismo Y Por La Amistad Entre Los Pueblos

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does MRAP stand for?

    MRAP stands for Minnesota River Assessment Project.

  2. What is the shortened form of Mine-Resistant Ambush-Protected?

    The short form of "Mine-Resistant Ambush-Protected" is MRAP.


MRAP. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 12, 2025 from

Last updated