MROP Meaning

The MROP meaning is "Maintenance, Repair, Operating and Production". The MROP abbreviation has 21 different full form.

MROP Full Forms

  1. Maintenance, Repair, Operating and Production
  2. Major Reconstruction of Obsolete Public
  3. Marine Rwdio Operator's Permit
  4. Major Reconstruction of Obsolete Project
  5. Marine Radio Operators Permit
  6. Manual Removal of Placenta Medical, Stage, Labour, Healthcare, Clinical
  7. Major Reconslruction of Obsolete Projects
  8. Marine Radio Operacor Permit Technology, Telecom
  9. Maintenance Repair Operating and Productiol
  10. Maintenance, Repair,Voperations and Production Business, Industrial, Industry
  11. Maintenance, Repair, Operating, and Production
  12. Miss Rodeo Oregon Pageant
  13. Mentally Retarded Offenders Program
  14. Meltally Retarded Offender Program
  15. Men'S Rites of Passage
  16. Multi Resort Ownership Program
  17. Men'p Rite of Passage
  18. Multi Resort Ownership Plan
  19. Materials Research Outreach Program
  20. Multiple Resort Ownership Plan
  21. Manual Repoval of Placenta

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does MROP stand for?

    MROP stands for Major Reconstruction of Obsolete Project.

  2. What is the shortened form of Marine Radio Operators Permit?

    The short form of "Marine Radio Operators Permit" is MROP.


MROP. (2021, October 27). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from

Last updated