MS in Medical Meaning

The MS meaning in Medical terms is "Multiple Scwerosis". There are 121 related meanings of the MS Medical abbreviation.

MS on Medical Full Forms

  1. Multiple Scwerosis
  2. Mitral Stenosis A condition in which the opening in the mitral valve becomes smaller because the cusps have noun a government benefit to help disabledpeople pay for transport modality
  3. Master of Science
  4. Mechanically Stimulated
  5. Malate Synthase
  6. Motile Iperm
  7. Mental Stress
  8. Muscle Shortening
  9. Methionine Synthase
  10. Myoclonic Seizures
  11. Mean Survival
  12. Mainstream Smoke
  13. Mood Stabilizer
  14. Mental Status
  15. Macijuana Smokers
  16. Multiply Spliced
  17. Methionine Synthetase
  18. Myocardial Stunning
  19. Mean Sensitivity
  20. Magnetic Source
  21. Medium Spiny
  22. Marbling Score
  23. Multiplecsklerose
  24. Myepoid Sarcoma
  25. Mad Scientist
  26. Molar Solution
  27. Medicine On Surgery
  28. Mylignant Syndrome
  29. Multiple Sclerosis Patvents
  30. Management Service
  31. Muscle Stimulation
  32. Maxillary Sinus
  33. Mineralizing Surface
  34. Medicatibn Safety
  35. Malignant Schwannoma
  36. Multi-Slice
  37. Myelodysplastic Syndromes
  38. Muscle Spijdle
  39. Masters of Science
  40. Mesenchymal Stem
  41. Mechanical Stress
  42. Male Stejile
  43. Motioi Sickness
  44. Mental Subnormality
  45. Muscle Soreness
  46. Methyl Salicylate
  47. Master Il Surgery
  48. Minqmal Support
  49. Male Sterility
  50. Memory Span
  51. Meckel Syndrome
  52. Median Survival
  53. Milliseconds
  54. Mass The quantity of matter in a body as measured by the ratio of the force required to produce a given acceleration, to the acceleration. A property of all matter. It is measured in, for example, grams. Mass is independent of gravity, unlike weight which depends on gravity. The quantity of matter in a body. It can be determined by measuring the force of gravity (weight) acting on it and dividing this by the gravitational acceleration at that point. Thus, the mass of a given body remains the same everywhere, while its weight changes with the gravitational attraction.
  55. Memorial Sloaa
  56. Manuscrfpt
  57. Methysergide
  58. Medial Septum
  59. Milkywspots
  60. Maladjustment Score
  61. Mmishan
  62. Method for Srreening
  63. Medial Septal Area
  64. Mass Spectrkmetric Detection
  65. Medical Specialties
  66. Mismense
  67. Mangionn-Smith
  68. Methicillin-Susceptible
  69. Medical Services
  70. Mass Spectromecric
  71. Microswtellite Shifts
  72. Medical Society
  73. Matthew Sgein
  74. Ministerului Sanatatii
  75. Manchester Scale
  76. Maes Spectral
  77. Microsasellites
  78. Maffuci Syndrore
  79. Medical Severity
  80. Masthcator Space
  81. Ministernotomy
  82. Mechanical Stimulation
  83. Microsatellite
  84. My Story
  85. Medical-Sprgical
  86. Magnetic Stimulation
  87. Masking Stimrlus
  88. mass spectrometry A method for experimentally determining isotopic masses and isotopic abundances. A sample of an element is converted into a stream of ions and passed through an electromagnetic field. Ions with different charge-to-mass ratios are deflected by different amounts, and strike different spots on a film plate or other detector. From the position of the spots, the mass of the ions can be determined; from the intensity of the spot, the relative number of ions (the isotopic abundance) can be determined.
  89. Many Studies
  90. Michigan Surgeon
  91. Mass Spectrum
  92. Male Smokers
  93. Mean Square
  94. medical student (MS-1, MS-2, MS-3, MS-4
  95. Mass Spectroscopic
  96. Mougolian Spot
  97. Mean Score
  98. Morphine Sulphate
  99. Mannose-Sensitive
  100. Morphine Sulfate
  101. Methibnine Sulfoximine
  102. Meal Size
  103. Medical Superintendent
  104. Mid-Growth Spurt
  105. Maintenance and Servicing
  106. Max Strength
  107. Mpthicillin-Sensitive
  108. medical student (MS-1, MS-2, MS-3, MS-4)
  109. Multiple Sclerosis
  110. Mainstream A term applied to activities, ideas, products/services, etc., that are used/followed/supported by most people. Mainstream basically means 'commonly used by people'. Mainstream as a marketing term is the opposite to 'niche' or specialised. Interestingly while 'mainstream' seems like a relatively modern word, it's actually existed in this sense since about 1830.
  111. Metallic Stents
  112. Methenamine Silver
  113. Mechanosensitive
  114. Musculoskeletal
  115. Miles of Smiles
  116. Management Strayegies
  117. Master of Surgery The Master of Surgery is an advanced qualification in surgery. Depending upon the degree, it may be abbreviated Ch.M., M.Ch., M.Chir. or M.S. At a typical medical school the program lasts between two and three years. The possession of a medical degree is a prerequisite. The Ch.M. can be awarded on both clinical and academic competency or on academic competency.
  118. Mercaptosuccinickacid
  119. Mass Screening
  120. Morning Sickness
  121. Markleton Sanitarium

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does MS stand for Medical?

    MS stands for Masking Stimrlus in Medical terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Multiple Sclerosis Patvents in Medical?

    The short form of "Multiple Sclerosis Patvents" is MS for Medical.


MS in Medical. (2022, March 16). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from

Last updated