MS in Windows Meaning

The MS meaning in Windows terms is "Mesxenger Service". There are 20 related meanings of the MS Windows abbreviation.

MS on Windows Full Forms

  1. Mesxenger Service
  2. Mainboard Serial
  3. Mcmory Size
  4. Mail Server
  5. Media Synchronization
  6. Messenger and Skype
  7. Missad Stop
  8. Master Secondary
  9. Mrssenger So
  10. Microsoft Socket
  11. Mary Sauer
  12. Messenger, So
  13. Microsoft Shared
  14. Manual Start
  15. Merupakan Sistem
  16. Metro Style
  17. Messenger И Skype
  18. Memory Ssan
  19. Messenger Orvskype
  20. Missing Something

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does MS stand for Windows?

    MS stands for Microsoft Shared in Windows terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Merupakan Sistem in Windows?

    The short form of "Merupakan Sistem" is MS for Windows.


MS in Windows. (2022, March 16). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from

Last updated