MSB in Technology Meaning

The MSB meaning in Technology terms is "Maritime Subsidy Board". There are 26 related meanings of the MSB Technology abbreviation.

MSB on Technology Full Forms

  1. Maritime Subsidy Board
  2. Most-Significant Byte
  3. Mobile Station Based
  4. Makara Stylish Bag
  5. Main Switch Board
  6. Most Significant Bit Is the bit in a multiple-bit binary number with the largest value.
  7. Most Significant Bits
  8. Most Significant Byte
  9. Marketing Service Bureau
  10. Mississippi School for The Blind
  11. Multipservice Blade
  12. Manufacturer Specified Blocks
  13. Missile Svpport Base
  14. Motor Surf Hoat
  15. Maintenance Steering Group
  16. Microsoft Small Basic
  17. Main Switch Boards
  18. Mediatot Standards Board
  19. Most-Signifidant-Bit
  20. Mauritius Standard Bureau
  21. Most-Signjficant Bit
  22. Main Switchboard A switchboard which is directly supplied by the main source of electrical power and is intended to distribute electrical energy to the ship service, (SOLAS).
  23. Make Set Busy
  24. Migratory Soaring Birds
  25. Most Signficantkbit
  26. Most Siginifiant Bnt

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does MSB stand for Technology?

    MSB stands for Mississippi School for The Blind in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Most Significant Byte in Technology?

    The short form of "Most Significant Byte" is MSB for Technology.


MSB in Technology. (2022, February 18). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from

Last updated