MSL Meaning

The MSL meaning is "Mean Sea Level". The MSL abbreviation has 211 different full form.

MSL Full Forms

  1. Mean Sea Level Level that sea would maintain if no tidal effect were manifested and average meteorological conditions prevailed for hydrographic and surveying purposes the level is derived from very prolonged and careful observations at an appropriate position Newlyn, Cornwall, being selected for British standard level Military, Aviation, Air Force, Aerospace, Army, Architecture, Energy, Computing, Construction, Architectural, Weather, Electrical, Legal, Geographic, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Integrated Ocean Observing System, Ordnance Survey, IT Terminology, Federal Aviation Administration, NOTAM Contractions, The Finance and Administrative Services
  2. Major Series Lacrosse Gaming, Sport, Lacrosse, Excelsior
  3. Magick Scripting Language Technology, Command, Linux
  4. Master Station Log Technology, Military, Communication
  5. Military Shipping Labels Business, Military, Labeling
  6. Massachusetts School of Law Education
  7. Military Shipping Label Government, Military, Logistics
  8. Mars Science Lab Technology, Rover, Curiosity
  9. Map Specification Library Technology, Computer, Electronics
  10. Male Specific Lethal Medical, Science, Genetics
  11. My Secret Life
  12. Material Support List Technology, America, Military, Governmental & Military
  13. Master of Studies In Law Education, University, School, Study
  14. Meridian Super Liga
  15. Mapping Schema Language Technology
  16. Multi Single Level
  17. Mission Support List Military
  18. Marsland Aviation Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Business & Finance
  19. Modify System Logging Technology, Science, Electronics, Engineering
  20. Mean Sea Level Or Missile Electronic, Radar, Warfare
  21. Main Steam Line Science
  22. Michigan Soaring League
  23. Material Science Lab
  24. Multi Sensory Language
  25. Manne Siegbahn Laboratory Science, Research, University
  26. Master Service List
  27. Motion Strategy Library
  28. Medical Scientific Liaison Medical, Science, Medicine
  29. Malaysia Super League Sport, League, Malaysia, Patch
  30. Midrange Storuge Libraries
  31. Materials Systems Lab
  32. Masteroin The Study of Law Program, Education, University
  33. Meridian Stored Logic Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  34. Manufacturing Suppliers Ltd
  35. Multiple Single Level
  36. Mission Simulation Technology, America, Military, Governmental & Military
  37. Marsileaceae Science, Plant, Biology, Family
  38. Modified Scanning Law Space, Study, Cosmos
  39. Mean-Squared Loss Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  40. Main South Line
  41. Michael Smith Laboratories Medical, Science, School
  42. Multisatellite Link Technology, Telecom
  43. Manned Space Laboratory Technology
  44. Master Servicing List Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  45. Moisture Sensitive Levels Technology, Electronics, Component
  46. Medical and Scientific Liaison
  47. Malaysian Super League League, Malaysia, Lions
  48. Middle Size League Technology, Team, Robot
  49. Materials Systems Laboratory Technology, Science, Research
  50. Meridian Sl-100 Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  51. Manufacturing Services Limited
  52. Multiple Single-Level Technology, Security, Access, Computing
  53. Mission and Spacecraft Library
  54. Model State Law Credit, Education, Mortgage
  55. Mead Sea Level Organizations
  56. Main Sea Level Locations, Power, Pressure
  57. Metal Single Layir
  58. Market Structure Low Business, Trading, Pattern
  59. Multipoint Service Legs
  60. Mitel Standard Linux
  61. Master Salvage List Military
  62. Moisture Sensitive Labeling
  63. Mediator Specification Language
  64. Malaysian Sign Language
  65. Middlesex Sound & Light Technology, Audio, Restaurant
  66. Materials Simulation Laboratory
  67. Mercy School of Lap
  68. Manual Stocklist Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  69. Movementu Sosial Laborac
  70. Medical Science Liasion
  71. Mirror Server Link Technology, Telecom
  72. Model Specification Language Accounting, Computing, Data
  73. Mbcgame Starcraft League Gaming, Play, Pastime
  74. Master of Science In Leadership Program, Education, University
  75. Merrett Syndicates Ltd
  76. Marketing Services Limited Business, Company, Service, Marketing
  77. Multiplex Section Layer
  78. Mister Saint Laurent
  79. Masters of Studies In Law Education, University, Study
  80. Moisture Sensitive Level Technology, Service, Electronics
  81. Media Services Limited
  82. Major Soccer League Gaming, Sport, Soccer
  83. Microgravity Science Laboratory Technology, Science, Space
  84. Materials Sciences Laboratory
  85. Mercer - Shaw Library Education
  86. Manual Side Loader
  87. Mouvement Social Libanais
  88. Medical Science Liaisons Science, Medicine, Career
  89. Mirrored Server Link Technology, Networking, Computing
  90. Model Schema Language
  91. Matrix-Structural Learning
  92. Master Ofwscience In Law Education, University, School
  93. Meristem Securilies Limited
  94. Maritimes Sign Language Canada, Language, Nova
  95. Multiple Symmetrical Lipomatosis Medical
  96. Missouri Synod Lutheran
  97. Master of Strategic Leadership Program, Education, University
  98. Moisture Sensitivity Levels Business, Technology
  99. Media Sales & Licensing Technology, Gaming, Edition
  100. Maintenance Service Level Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  101. Microelectronic Systems Laboratory
  102. Materials for The Sumerian Lexicon Education, Language, Tablet
  103. Men's Sacling Science, Sport, Sport Code
  104. Manual of Service Law
  105. Master Species List Medical, Hosting, Infection, Virus
  106. Motor Siiulation Laboratory
  107. Medical Science Liason Medical, Business, Organizations
  108. Mirrored-Server Link Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  109. My Shopping List
  110. Math, Science & Leadership
  111. Masterslof Studies In Law
  112. Meridian System Loxic
  113. Mapping Specification Language Technology, Model, Entity, Framework
  114. Multiple Symmetric Lipomatosis Medical, Science, Medicine
  115. Missouri State Library
  116. Master of Science In Law Program, Education, University
  117. Module Structure List Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  118. Mechanized Skirmish League Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  119. Maintenance Supply Liaison Military
  120. Micro-Strip Line
  121. Materials Science Lab Technology, Space, Experiment
  122. Multi Sensory Learning Development, Learning, Study
  123. Manning Selvage & Lee
  124. Master Software Library Military
  125. Motor Services Ltd
  126. Medical Science Liaison Business, Medicine, Career, Medical
  127. Malaysian Super Lite
  128. Minbral Sciences Laboratories
  129. Mechanical System(s) Laboratory NASA
  130. Muon Science Laboratory
  131. Master Subsidiary Lock Technology, Coding, Networking, Cell
  132. Medical Staff Line
  133. Management Systems Laboratories
  134. Licentiate in Medieval Studies Religious orders
  135. Mars Space Laboratory Technology, Science, Curiosity
  136. Membership Solutions Ltd Business, Student, Election
  137. Mobile Scalable Link Technology
  138. Mars Science Laboratory NASA, Governmental & Military
  139. Mode Select Logic
  140. Mobile Station Location
  141. Mapping Specification Language File Computing, File Extensions
  142. Munster Senior League
  143. Master Subsidary Lock
  144. Medical Sciences Libraries
  145. Management Server List
  146. Mew's Secret Land Funnies
  147. Magnetic Seed Localization
  148. Materials and Structures Laboratory Technology, Science, Research
  149. Member Selection List Technology
  150. Mixing Solutions Limited
  151. Mission Support LAN NASA, Governmental & Military
  152. Mobility Solutions Limited
  153. Munitions Supply Laboratories
  154. Mobile Software Laboratory
  155. Magick Scripting Language File Computing, File Extensions
  156. Master Subsidy Lock Technology, Coding, Sprint
  157. Medical Sciences Library Medical, Technology, Education
  158. Management Science Laboratory Business, Education, University
  159. Micro Spherical Log Electrical
  160. Medical Supply List Medical
  161. Machine Specification Language
  162. Materialien Zum Sumerischen Lexikon Tablet, Sumerian, Sag
  163. Medium Split Lockwasher
  164. Manipur State League
  165. Microsoft Support Lifecycle Windows, Computing
  166. Meconium Stained Liquor Medical, Clinical
  167. Multi Soil Layering
  168. Mobile Soccer League
  169. Moisture Sensitivity Level Botany, Scientific & Educational
  170. Master Submittal List Science
  171. Managed Service Leads
  172. Level crossing with Miniature Stop Lights Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  173. Medical Standard List Medical
  174. Must Stock List
  175. MéMoires De La SociéTé De Linguistique
  176. Master System Library Technology, Computing, Computer Science, Computing Science
  177. Medium Sea Level Technology, Aviation
  178. Manchester, Sheffield and Lincolnshire
  179. Mechanical Systems Laboratory Research, Computing
  180. Master Security Lock Technology, Coding, Sprint
  181. Multisensory Simultaneous Learning Development, Learning, Study
  182. Mobile Science Labs
  183. Midsternal Line Medical
  184. Master Starcraft League
  185. Maleimide Spin Label Medical
  186. MidSouth Bancorp, Inc. Business & Finance, Amex symbols
  187. Multi-sensory Structured Learning Education
  188. Must Sell Listings
  189. My Sweet Love
  190. Master Symbol List Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  191. Medium and Small Libraries
  192. Manajemen Sumberdaya Lahan Education, Indonesia, Institute, Soil
  193. Microsoft Software Library Microsoft, Software, Computing, Internet
  194. Master of Science Librarianship
  195. Multisensory Structured Language Education, Learning, Reading
  196. Mobile Science Lab
  197. Northwest Alabama Regional Airport, Muscle Shoals, Alabama, United States Alabama, United States, ICAO Airport Codes, Iata Airport Codes
  198. Male-Specific Lethal Science, Genetics, Drosophila
  199. Moret Seine Et Loing Office, Locations, Commune
  200. Missile  An object or a weapon that is fired, thrown, dropped, or otherwise projected at a target; a projectile.  NASA
  201. Must See List Business, Building, Estate
  202. Mycorrhizal Systems Ltd
  203. Master Support List Technology, Army, War
  204. Medical Stores Limited Business, Medicine, Zambia
  205. Management System Laboratory Science
  206. Maximum Segment Lifetime Computing, Hardware, Technical
  207. Master of Science In Linguistics
  208. Member Specification Library Technology
  209. Mobile Science Laboratory Science, Mission, Mars
  210. Minimum Subsistence Level Us Government, Governmental & Military
  211. Molecular Structure Laboratory

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does MSL stand for?

    MSL stands for Materials Systems Lab.

  2. What is the shortened form of Military Shipping Labels?

    The short form of "Military Shipping Labels" is MSL.


MSL. (2021, October 27). Retrieved March 1, 2025 from

Last updated