MSL in Computing Meaning

The MSL meaning in Computing terms is "Mean Sea Level". There are 13 related meanings of the MSL Computing abbreviation.

MSL on Computing Full Forms

  1. Mean Sea Level Level that sea would maintain if no tidal effect were manifested and average meteorological conditions prevailed for hydrographic and surveying purposes the level is derived from very prolonged and careful observations at an appropriate position Newlyn, Cornwall, being selected for British standard level
  2. Mirrored-Server Link
  3. Multiple Single-Level
  4. Model Specification Language
  5. Mirrored Server Link
  6. Mechanical Systems Laboratory
  7. Master System Library
  8. Microsoft Software Library
  9. Master Symbol List
  10. Maximum Segment Lifetime
  11. Mapping Specification Language File
  12. Magick Scripting Language File
  13. Microsoft Support Lifecycle

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does MSL stand for Computing?

    MSL stands for Mirrored-Server Link in Computing terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Microsoft Software Library in Computing?

    The short form of "Microsoft Software Library" is MSL for Computing.


MSL in Computing. (2021, October 27). Retrieved March 5, 2025 from

Last updated