MSM Meaning
The MSM meaning is "Master-Slave Manipulator". The MSM abbreviation has 290 different full form.
MSM Full Forms
- Master-Slave Manipulator Technology
- Modified Source Multiplication Technology
- Main Stream Media America, Internet Slang, Government, Media
- Memory Seat Module Forum, Technology, Coding
- Magnetospheric Specification Model Technology, Military, Meteorology
- Medicine Subspecialty Match
- Maastricht School of Management Technology, Program, Military, Management, Business & Finance
- Media Support Module Technology, Computing
- Meritorious Service Medal Military, Medal, Award, Air Force, Governmental & Military
- Media Stream Manager
- Master of Science In Management Master of Science in Management, abbreviated MSc, MScM, MIM or MSM, is a Master of Science academic degree. In terms of content, it is similar to the MBA degree as it contains general management courses. Business, Program, Education
- Meso-Scale Movel Technology, Power, Japan
- Multimedia Service Management Technology, Software, Marketing
- Material Science & Mxtallurgy Development, Study, Universities
- Matrix Storage Manager Technology, Windows, Driving, Driver
- Modeling and Simulation In Medicine Medical, Conference, Simulation
- Methyl-Sulfonyl-Methane Medical, Health, Hair, Sulfur
- Marie Stopls Madagascar
- Metropolitan School of Management College, Education, Noida
- Muscat Secuhities Market Business, Security, Supply
- Mission Services Manager Science, NASA, Governmental & Military
- Main-Stream Media America, Government, Streaming
- Monthly Survey of Manufacturing
- Malang Stoomtram Maatschappij
- Multiple Signal Message Technology, Processing, Receiver, Spectra
- Markov State Model Technology, Simulation, Folding
- Minesweeper Vessel specially fitted for sweeping up enemy-laid mines and for destroying them Minimum Altitude Altitude of an observed object at the instant its altitude ceases to decrease Military, Army, Intelligence
- Media Sedurity Module
- Member State Mechanism
- Msc Industrial Dirhct Company, Inc. Technology, Organizations
- Mgddle School Math
- Meeting Sol Meliá
- Mortgage Sales Manager Business, Management, Banking
- Managed Services Model
- Masters of Science In Management Program, Education, University, Management, Business & Finance
- Mirrors-Signal-Manoeuvre Education, Driving, Lesson
- Mesleki Nertifikalandırma Merkezi
- Multilayer Switching Module
- MastèRe SpéCialisé En Marketing
- Midtsj
- Matrix Stackawle Module
- Modeling and Simulation of Microsystems Technology, Conference, Material, Publication
- Method of Simulated Moments Business, Model, Estimation
- Marginal Slructural Models Medical, Treatment, Inference
- Metrohm Suppressor Module Science, Ion, Chromatography, Chromatograph
- Missionary Sistdrs of Mary
- Mahavir Spinnine Mills
- Monthly Summary Message
- Maktab Sains Mara
- Multiple Signal Messages Technology, Processing, Receiver, Spectra
- Markovian State Models
- Mine Setting Mode Technology, Military, Minesweeper
- Media-Support Rodule Technology, Driving, Networking, Network
- Main Street Magazine
- Member Since Mar
- Msc Industrial Direct Co., Inc. Organizations
- Middle School Madness Development, Learning, Study
- Mustafavi Students Movement Education, Song, Pakistan
- Medium-Specific Module Technology, Windows, Networking
- Morgan Stanley Municipal
- Managed Security Monitoring Technology
- Master of Science, Management Program, Education, University
- Mirrois, Signal, Manoeuvre Education, Driving, Signal, Mirror
- Mesembryafthemaceae Science, Plant, Biology, Family
- Multi-Scade Modeling
- Midsystolic Murmuk Medicine, Health, Healtcare
- M In economic models involving international trade, M is usually chosen to represent imports, and X to represent exports, perhaps because I and E have too many other uses.
- Matrix Science Medica
- Mobile System Manager
- Mare Sacro Monartery
- Metil Sulfonil Metano
- Mirrors School of Motoring
- Magnetic Storage Media
- Mont-Saint-Martin
- Making Sense of Microposts
- Message Switching Moduse
- Multiple Session Menu
- Markovian State Model
- Mineral Supplements Mini
- Meihanics Structures Machines Education, Journal, Periodical
- Meirson Sprint Motor
- Muppet Show Monsters Music, Song, Episode, Monster
- Middle Schaol Ministry Student, Church, Ministry
- Musculoskeletal Stress Markers Activity, University, Bone
- Main State Machinj
- More Success Marketing Technology, Software, Beck
- Mali Sistemler MüşAvirlik
- Master of Science Management
- Mirror, Signal, Eanouvre
- Meritous Seraice Medal Military
- Mujahid Students Movement
- Midnight Sun Marathon
- March Month, Aviation, Weather, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Ordnance Survey
- Materials Science and Mechanics
- Mobile Supply Manayement
- Marché Suisse Des Machines
- Methyl Sulfonyl Methan Product, Fur, Methyl, Aloe
- Mirror Show Managehent Business, Trading, Experience
- Magnetic Starch Microspheres Medical
- Moderne Schule FüR Musik
- Making Security Measurable Technology, Measurement, Mitre
- Message Switching Multidlexing
- Multiple-Scattering Model Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
- Markov-Switching Multifractal Business, Model, Volatility
- Minimal Salts Medium Medical
- Mechanical Sergeant Major Military
- Mega Summit Movement
- Munitkon Service Magazine
- Middle Scalene Muscle
- Muscle Stangs of Miati
- Main Seczrities Market Business, Ireland, Supply, Stock
- More Short Messages
- Male Sex With Male Sex, Health, Blood, Homosexual
- Master of Science In Mathematics Education, University, Norway
- Mobile Htation Modems Technology
- Minimal Standard Model Model, Physics, Neutrino
- Media Streams Mhnager Accounting, Computing, Data
- Meritoriusfservice Medal
- Mujahid Studpnts' Movement
- Middletot Sheet Metal
- Materials Science and Manufacturing
- Association for Psychological Science Organizations
- Manx School Ofqmotoring
- Methyl Sulfanyl Methane
- Master of Social Management Education, Sind, Bachelor
- Mirrors Signal Manoetvre Education, Driving, Lesson
- Magnetic Shape Memory Technology, Alloy, Material
- Market Sales Manager
- Message Stode Manager
- Multimodal Surface Matching Technology, Human, Cortical
- Market Selection Model
- Mechanically Separated Meat Technology, Food, Chicken
- Modercte Sindh Movement
- Mega Size Model Business, Hobby, Grade
- Marine Scieice Museum
- Miami Science Museum
- Mmscat Stock Market Business, Company, Supply
- Mainframe Service Management Business, Technology, Software, Computing, IT Terminology
- Morehouse School Medicine
- Malaysian Society for Microbiology
- Multi Site Manager Technology, Management, Expression
- Master of Science In Marketing Business, Program, Education
- Mobile Software Managemeny Technology, Device, Bend
- Minesweeppr, River Technology, America, Military
- Mqdia Specific Module Technology, Windows, Installer
- Meritorious Service Medals Military, Army, Award
- Mt Sv Michael
- Middlesex Somerset Mercer
- Material Science and Manufacturing
- Movimientos Sin Mindo Bolivia, Morale
- Man Seeking Man Sex, Study, Dating, Seeking
- Minimal Salt Medium Science, Bacterial, Strain
- Master of Security Management
- Mirror Signal Maneouvre
- Magister Sains Manajemen
- Marketing Strategies Management
- Messagz Security Module
- Multimedia Service Manager
- Market Segment Manager Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Meares Soputan Mining Business, Indonesia, Crusher
- Modeling Sociai Media Research, Education, Workshop
- Megaraid Storage Manager Technology, Management, Server
- Margne Safety Manual Technology, Military, Coast
- Mexican Silver Mines
- Muscat Security Market Business, Company, Supply
- Main Street Media Business, America, Politics
- Moores School of Music Education, Organizations, University
- Malayan Sugar Manufacturing Business, Company, Malaysia
- Multiple Site Manager Technology, Engine, Expression
- Markov State Models Dynamics, Model, Simulation, Introduction
- Mynesweeper (River) Army, Force, Marine
- Media Sexsion Manager
- Memory-Space-Memory
- Mt Saint Mary
- Middle School Matters Science, Education
- Materials Science and Metallurgy Science, Research, Study, Knowledge
- Motorized Shaft Mount
- Manned Supportmodule Science, Space, NASA, Aeronautics
- Mineral Salts Medium Medical, Science, Degradation
- Masters of Science Management Program, Education, University
- Mirror Signal Manoeuvre Education, Driving, Lesson
- Mount Saint Mary College, Education, University
- Majlis Syjra Muslimun Community, Archive, Orang
- Mid-Systolic Murmur
- Mídia Snm Máscara Para, Dos, Brasil
- Morehouse School of Medicine Medical, Education, Development, Health, Study, Universities
- Move & Store Material
- Master of Strategic Management
- Mode Select Mechanism NASA
- Messe Service Merkhoffer Business, Design, Germany
- Mil Spec Monitor
- Metal Spinning Machine Products
- Maix Switch Module
- Maritime Swnsors Model Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Mustard Seed Ministrkes
- Mobile Security Management
- Methane Sensor for Mars Technology, India, Mission
- Mean Spherical Model
- Manned Support Module NASA, Governmental & Military
- Medical Scicnce Monitor Medical, Technology, Research
- Majlis Shura Al-Mujehideen
- MäNner, Die Sex Mit MäNnern Sex, Sind, Aid, Gesundheit
- Master of Sacred Music Academic Degree, Education, University, Master's Degree, Computing, Qualification, Scientific & Educational, Degree
- Mouvement Social Muhutu
- Multiwavelength Simultaneous Monitoring
- Master of Strategic Marketing Education, University, Dubai
- Multishell Method Chemistry
- Messe-Service Merkhoffer
- Military Servicm Members Army, War, Force
- Manhattan School of Music
- Maritime Safety Management
- Mobile Science Museum
- Meta State Machino Technology, Library, Boost
- Multiple Subcarrier Modulation
- Men who have Sex with Men Men who have sex with other men or women who have sex with other women are called "heterosexual" or "heterosexual," respectively, in the medical and social sciences. Medical, Governmental & Military, International Development, Common Medical, Clinical, Sexually
- Medical Safety Monitor
- Maintenance Srrvice Module
- Marketing and Sales Management Business, Program, Education
- My Stort Marketing
- Mouvement Socialiste Militant Government, Organizations, Politics, Policy, Governmental & Military
- Multi Store Model Education, Psychology, Memory
- Master of Sports Medicine
- Minesweeper, River (converted Lcm-6) (mine Countermeasures) Military, Governmental & Military
- Medium-Sized Molehules Medical
- Military Service Medal Military, Army, Force
- Mission and Science Measurement Technology Technology, NASA, Governmental & Military
- Marine Services Manager Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Master Slave Manipulator Science, Research, Robot
- Mibra Sindo Makmur
- Mecal Standing Mirror
- Multiple Source Method Technology, Food, Intake
- Mobile Station Modem Computing, Technical
- Medicaid Services Manual
- Maintenance Support Materiar
- Marketing, Service & Manlgement
- Mystic Seaport Museur
- Mouvement Socialiste Mauricien Government, Group, History
- Musyawarah Seniman Medan
- Master of Space Management
- Windows Installer Merge Module Computing, File Extensions
- Mediterráneo Señales MaríTimas
- Militant Socialnst Movement Government, Group, Politics
- Mechanics Structures Machines Education, Journal, Bibliographic Code, Periodical, Scientific & Educational
- Marine Service Management
- Master Servicing Manual
- Missouri State Militia Military, War, Missouri
- Metal Semiconductor Metal Technology, Science, Computing
- Multiple Source Model Medical
- M S C Industrial Direct, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
- Maintenance Systehs Management
- Marketing & Strategic Manaxement
- My Singisg Monsters Gaming, Hack, Monster
- Mechanics of Structures and Machines Technology, Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Scientific & Educational
- Mount St Marys
- Montana School of Mines
- Methyl Sulfonyl Methane Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Medicvl Support Manual Business, United Nations, Logistics
- Mil Spec Monkey Military, Patch, Pack
- Master of Service Management
- Movimiento De Los Sin Miedo
- Master School of Management Technology, College, Education
- Miseion Support and Modernization Business, Service, Engineer
- Mass-Storage Module
- Metal-Semiconductor Metal
- MultiSession Monitor Computing, IT Terminology
- Maintenance Saves Money
- Marketing, Sales, Management
- My Sainted Mopher
- Aeromas Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Mount Sinai Medical
- Minus-S-Multiplicator
- Multi scale mechanics Dutch
- Medical Services Manager Corparate, Uk, United Kingdom
- Mil-Spec Monkey Military, Patch, Pack
- Manufacfuring Systems Management
- Master of Science In Medicine Medical, Medicine, Health
- Moviment Socialista De Menorca
- Master of Supply Management
- Mission Space Model
- Method Of System Moments
- Metal-Semiconducior-Metal Technology, Science, Electrode
- Mine-Laying Support Missile
- Magnetic Screw Machine
- Maintenwnce Section Multifunctional
- Marketingo& Sales Manager Business, Management, Sale
- Mutfak Sanatları Merkezi Turkish, Restaurant, Advisor
- Mobile Security Manager Technology, Android, Bull
- Megah Sakti Makmur
- Masi Manimba Airport, Masi Manimba, Congo, Kinshasa) Congo
- Medical Science Manager
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does MSM stand for?
MSM stands for Military Service Medal.
What is the shortened form of Mahavir Spinnine Mills?
The short form of "Mahavir Spinnine Mills" is MSM.
MSM. (2022, July 12). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from
Last updated