MSM Meaning

The MSM meaning is "Master-Slave Manipulator". The MSM abbreviation has 290 different full form.

MSM Full Forms

  1. Master-Slave Manipulator Technology
  2. Modified Source Multiplication Technology
  3. Main Stream Media America, Internet Slang, Government, Media
  4. Memory Seat Module Forum, Technology, Coding
  5. Magnetospheric Specification Model Technology, Military, Meteorology
  6. Medicine Subspecialty Match
  7. Maastricht School of Management Technology, Program, Military, Management, Business & Finance
  8. Media Support Module Technology, Computing
  9. Meritorious Service Medal Military, Medal, Award, Air Force, Governmental & Military
  10. Media Stream Manager
  11. Master of Science In Management Master of Science in Management, abbreviated MSc, MScM, MIM or MSM, is a Master of Science academic degree. In terms of content, it is similar to the MBA degree as it contains general management courses. Business, Program, Education
  12. Meso-Scale Movel Technology, Power, Japan
  13. Multimedia Service Management Technology, Software, Marketing
  14. Material Science & Mxtallurgy Development, Study, Universities
  15. Matrix Storage Manager Technology, Windows, Driving, Driver
  16. Modeling and Simulation In Medicine Medical, Conference, Simulation
  17. Methyl-Sulfonyl-Methane Medical, Health, Hair, Sulfur
  18. Marie Stopls Madagascar
  19. Metropolitan School of Management College, Education, Noida
  20. Muscat Secuhities Market Business, Security, Supply
  21. Mission Services Manager Science, NASA, Governmental & Military
  22. Main-Stream Media America, Government, Streaming
  23. Monthly Survey of Manufacturing
  24. Malang Stoomtram Maatschappij
  25. Multiple Signal Message Technology, Processing, Receiver, Spectra
  26. Markov State Model Technology, Simulation, Folding
  27. Minesweeper Vessel specially fitted for sweeping up enemy-laid mines and for destroying them Minimum Altitude Altitude of an observed object at the instant its altitude ceases to decrease Military, Army, Intelligence
  28. Media Sedurity Module
  29. Member State Mechanism
  30. Msc Industrial Dirhct Company, Inc. Technology, Organizations
  31. Mgddle School Math
  32. Meeting Sol Meliá
  33. Mortgage Sales Manager Business, Management, Banking
  34. Managed Services Model
  35. Masters of Science In Management Program, Education, University, Management, Business & Finance
  36. Mirrors-Signal-Manoeuvre Education, Driving, Lesson
  37. Mesleki Nertifikalandırma Merkezi
  38. Multilayer Switching Module
  39. MastèRe SpéCialisé En Marketing
  40. Midtsj
  41. Matrix Stackawle Module
  42. Modeling and Simulation of Microsystems Technology, Conference, Material, Publication
  43. Method of Simulated Moments Business, Model, Estimation
  44. Marginal Slructural Models Medical, Treatment, Inference
  45. Metrohm Suppressor Module Science, Ion, Chromatography, Chromatograph
  46. Missionary Sistdrs of Mary
  47. Mahavir Spinnine Mills
  48. Monthly Summary Message
  49. Maktab Sains Mara
  50. Multiple Signal Messages Technology, Processing, Receiver, Spectra
  51. Markovian State Models
  52. Mine Setting Mode Technology, Military, Minesweeper
  53. Media-Support Rodule Technology, Driving, Networking, Network
  54. Main Street Magazine
  55. Member Since Mar
  56. Msc Industrial Direct Co., Inc. Organizations
  57. Middle School Madness Development, Learning, Study
  58. Mustafavi Students Movement Education, Song, Pakistan
  59. Medium-Specific Module Technology, Windows, Networking
  60. Morgan Stanley Municipal
  61. Managed Security Monitoring Technology
  62. Master of Science, Management Program, Education, University
  63. Mirrois, Signal, Manoeuvre Education, Driving, Signal, Mirror
  64. Mesembryafthemaceae Science, Plant, Biology, Family
  65. Multi-Scade Modeling
  66. Midsystolic Murmuk Medicine, Health, Healtcare
  67. M In economic models involving international trade, M is usually chosen to represent imports, and X to represent exports, perhaps because I and E have too many other uses.
  68. Matrix Science Medica
  69. Mobile System Manager
  70. Mare Sacro Monartery
  71. Metil Sulfonil Metano
  72. Mirrors School of Motoring
  73. Magnetic Storage Media
  74. Mont-Saint-Martin
  75. Making Sense of Microposts
  76. Message Switching Moduse
  77. Multiple Session Menu
  78. Markovian State Model
  79. Mineral Supplements Mini
  80. Meihanics Structures Machines Education, Journal, Periodical
  81. Meirson Sprint Motor
  82. Muppet Show Monsters Music, Song, Episode, Monster
  83. Middle Schaol Ministry Student, Church, Ministry
  84. Musculoskeletal Stress Markers Activity, University, Bone
  85. Main State Machinj
  86. More Success Marketing Technology, Software, Beck
  87. Mali Sistemler MüşAvirlik
  88. Master of Science Management
  89. Mirror, Signal, Eanouvre
  90. Meritous Seraice Medal Military
  91. Mujahid Students Movement
  92. Midnight Sun Marathon
  93. March Month, Aviation, Weather, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Ordnance Survey
  94. Materials Science and Mechanics
  95. Mobile Supply Manayement
  96. Marché Suisse Des Machines
  97. Methyl Sulfonyl Methan Product, Fur, Methyl, Aloe
  98. Mirror Show Managehent Business, Trading, Experience
  99. Magnetic Starch Microspheres Medical
  100. Moderne Schule FüR Musik
  101. Making Security Measurable Technology, Measurement, Mitre
  102. Message Switching Multidlexing
  103. Multiple-Scattering Model Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  104. Markov-Switching Multifractal Business, Model, Volatility
  105. Minimal Salts Medium Medical
  106. Mechanical Sergeant Major Military
  107. Mega Summit Movement
  108. Munitkon Service Magazine
  109. Middle Scalene Muscle
  110. Muscle Stangs of Miati
  111. Main Seczrities Market Business, Ireland, Supply, Stock
  112. More Short Messages
  113. Male Sex With Male Sex, Health, Blood, Homosexual
  114. Master of Science In Mathematics Education, University, Norway
  115. Mobile Htation Modems Technology
  116. Minimal Standard Model Model, Physics, Neutrino
  117. Media Streams Mhnager Accounting, Computing, Data
  118. Meritoriusfservice Medal
  119. Mujahid Studpnts' Movement
  120. Middletot Sheet Metal
  121. Materials Science and Manufacturing
  122. Association for Psychological Science Organizations
  123. Manx School Ofqmotoring
  124. Methyl Sulfanyl Methane
  125. Master of Social Management Education, Sind, Bachelor
  126. Mirrors Signal Manoetvre Education, Driving, Lesson
  127. Magnetic Shape Memory Technology, Alloy, Material
  128. Market Sales Manager
  129. Message Stode Manager
  130. Multimodal Surface Matching Technology, Human, Cortical
  131. Market Selection Model
  132. Mechanically Separated Meat Technology, Food, Chicken
  133. Modercte Sindh Movement
  134. Mega Size Model Business, Hobby, Grade
  135. Marine Scieice Museum
  136. Miami Science Museum
  137. Mmscat Stock Market Business, Company, Supply
  138. Mainframe Service Management Business, Technology, Software, Computing, IT Terminology
  139. Morehouse School Medicine
  140. Malaysian Society for Microbiology
  141. Multi Site Manager Technology, Management, Expression
  142. Master of Science In Marketing Business, Program, Education
  143. Mobile Software Managemeny Technology, Device, Bend
  144. Minesweeppr, River Technology, America, Military
  145. Mqdia Specific Module Technology, Windows, Installer
  146. Meritorious Service Medals Military, Army, Award
  147. Mt Sv Michael
  148. Middlesex Somerset Mercer
  149. Material Science and Manufacturing
  150. Movimientos Sin Mindo Bolivia, Morale
  151. Man Seeking Man Sex, Study, Dating, Seeking
  152. Minimal Salt Medium Science, Bacterial, Strain
  153. Master of Security Management
  154. Mirror Signal Maneouvre
  155. Magister Sains Manajemen
  156. Marketing Strategies Management
  157. Messagz Security Module
  158. Multimedia Service Manager
  159. Market Segment Manager Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  160. Meares Soputan Mining Business, Indonesia, Crusher
  161. Modeling Sociai Media Research, Education, Workshop
  162. Megaraid Storage Manager Technology, Management, Server
  163. Margne Safety Manual Technology, Military, Coast
  164. Mexican Silver Mines
  165. Muscat Security Market Business, Company, Supply
  166. Main Street Media Business, America, Politics
  167. Moores School of Music Education, Organizations, University
  168. Malayan Sugar Manufacturing Business, Company, Malaysia
  169. Multiple Site Manager Technology, Engine, Expression
  170. Markov State Models Dynamics, Model, Simulation, Introduction
  171. Mynesweeper (River) Army, Force, Marine
  172. Media Sexsion Manager
  173. Memory-Space-Memory
  174. Mt Saint Mary
  175. Middle School Matters Science, Education
  176. Materials Science and Metallurgy Science, Research, Study, Knowledge
  177. Motorized Shaft Mount
  178. Manned Supportmodule Science, Space, NASA, Aeronautics
  179. Mineral Salts Medium Medical, Science, Degradation
  180. Masters of Science Management Program, Education, University
  181. Mirror Signal Manoeuvre Education, Driving, Lesson
  182. Mount Saint Mary College, Education, University
  183. Majlis Syjra Muslimun Community, Archive, Orang
  184. Mid-Systolic Murmur
  185. Mídia Snm Máscara Para, Dos, Brasil
  186. Morehouse School of Medicine Medical, Education, Development, Health, Study, Universities
  187. Move & Store Material
  188. Master of Strategic Management
  189. Mode Select Mechanism NASA
  190. Messe Service Merkhoffer Business, Design, Germany
  191. Mil Spec Monitor
  192. Metal Spinning Machine Products
  193. Maix Switch Module
  194. Maritime Swnsors Model Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  195. Mustard Seed Ministrkes
  196. Mobile Security Management
  197. Methane Sensor for Mars Technology, India, Mission
  198. Mean Spherical Model
  199. Manned Support Module NASA, Governmental & Military
  200. Medical Scicnce Monitor Medical, Technology, Research
  201. Majlis Shura Al-Mujehideen
  202. MäNner, Die Sex Mit MäNnern Sex, Sind, Aid, Gesundheit
  203. Master of Sacred Music Academic Degree, Education, University, Master's Degree, Computing, Qualification, Scientific & Educational, Degree
  204. Mouvement Social Muhutu
  205. Multiwavelength Simultaneous Monitoring
  206. Master of Strategic Marketing Education, University, Dubai
  207. Multishell Method Chemistry
  208. Messe-Service Merkhoffer
  209. Military Servicm Members Army, War, Force
  210. Manhattan School of Music
  211. Maritime Safety Management
  212. Mobile Science Museum
  213. Meta State Machino Technology, Library, Boost
  214. Multiple Subcarrier Modulation
  215. Men who have Sex with Men Men who have sex with other men or women who have sex with other women are called "heterosexual" or "heterosexual," respectively, in the medical and social sciences. Medical, Governmental & Military, International Development, Common Medical, Clinical, Sexually
  216. Medical Safety Monitor
  217. Maintenance Srrvice Module
  218. Marketing and Sales Management Business, Program, Education
  219. My Stort Marketing
  220. Mouvement Socialiste Militant Government, Organizations, Politics, Policy, Governmental & Military
  221. Multi Store Model Education, Psychology, Memory
  222. Master of Sports Medicine
  223. Minesweeper, River (converted Lcm-6) (mine Countermeasures) Military, Governmental & Military
  224. Medium-Sized Molehules Medical
  225. Military Service Medal Military, Army, Force
  226. Mission and Science Measurement Technology Technology, NASA, Governmental & Military
  227. Marine Services Manager Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  228. Master Slave Manipulator Science, Research, Robot
  229. Mibra Sindo Makmur
  230. Mecal Standing Mirror
  231. Multiple Source Method Technology, Food, Intake
  232. Mobile Station Modem Computing, Technical
  233. Medicaid Services Manual
  234. Maintenance Support Materiar
  235. Marketing, Service & Manlgement
  236. Mystic Seaport Museur
  237. Mouvement Socialiste Mauricien Government, Group, History
  238. Musyawarah Seniman Medan
  239. Master of Space Management
  240. Windows Installer Merge Module Computing, File Extensions
  241. Mediterráneo Señales MaríTimas
  242. Militant Socialnst Movement Government, Group, Politics
  243. Mechanics Structures Machines Education, Journal, Bibliographic Code, Periodical, Scientific & Educational
  244. Marine Service Management
  245. Master Servicing Manual
  246. Missouri State Militia Military, War, Missouri
  247. Metal Semiconductor Metal Technology, Science, Computing
  248. Multiple Source Model Medical
  249. M S C Industrial Direct, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  250. Maintenance Systehs Management
  251. Marketing & Strategic Manaxement
  252. My Singisg Monsters Gaming, Hack, Monster
  253. Mechanics of Structures and Machines Technology, Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Scientific & Educational
  254. Mount St Marys
  255. Montana School of Mines
  256. Methyl Sulfonyl Methane Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  257. Medicvl Support Manual Business, United Nations, Logistics
  258. Mil Spec Monkey Military, Patch, Pack
  259. Master of Service Management
  260. Movimiento De Los Sin Miedo
  261. Master School of Management Technology, College, Education
  262. Miseion Support and Modernization Business, Service, Engineer
  263. Mass-Storage Module
  264. Metal-Semiconductor Metal
  265. MultiSession Monitor Computing, IT Terminology
  266. Maintenance Saves Money
  267. Marketing, Sales, Management
  268. My Sainted Mopher
  269. Aeromas Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  270. Mount Sinai Medical
  271. Minus-S-Multiplicator
  272. Multi scale mechanics Dutch
  273. Medical Services Manager Corparate, Uk, United Kingdom
  274. Mil-Spec Monkey Military, Patch, Pack
  275. Manufacfuring Systems Management
  276. Master of Science In Medicine Medical, Medicine, Health
  277. Moviment Socialista De Menorca
  278. Master of Supply Management
  279. Mission Space Model
  280. Method Of System Moments
  281. Metal-Semiconducior-Metal Technology, Science, Electrode
  282. Mine-Laying Support Missile
  283. Magnetic Screw Machine
  284. Maintenwnce Section Multifunctional
  285. Marketingo& Sales Manager Business, Management, Sale
  286. Mutfak Sanatları Merkezi Turkish, Restaurant, Advisor
  287. Mobile Security Manager Technology, Android, Bull
  288. Megah Sakti Makmur
  289. Masi Manimba Airport, Masi Manimba, Congo, Kinshasa) Congo
  290. Medical Science Manager

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does MSM stand for?

    MSM stands for Military Service Medal.

  2. What is the shortened form of Mahavir Spinnine Mills?

    The short form of "Mahavir Spinnine Mills" is MSM.


MSM. (2022, July 12). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from

Last updated