MSP Meaning

The MSP meaning is "Maintenance Surveillance Procedure". The MSP abbreviation has 554 different full form.

MSP Full Forms

  1. Maintenance Surveillance Procedure Technology
  2. Medium-Sized Project Technology, Government, Environment
  3. Madisondstrategic Sector Premium Fund Technology, Organizations
  4. Medicare Secondary Pafer Medical, Business, Compliance
  5. Multi Sensor Platform Business, Technology, Projection
  6. Macrophage Stimulating Protein Medical, Human, Cell, Chemistry
  7. Managed Service Programme Business, Management, Manager
  8. Multi-State Plcn
  9. Member of Theiscottish Parliament Government, English, Walker
  10. Major Surqace Protein Medical, Antibody, Tick
  11. Message Send Protocol Technology, Service, Port
  12. Managed Service Providers Business, Technology, Service, Cloud, Provider
  13. Maintenance Service Provider Technology, Software, Telecom
  14. Merchant Service Provider Business, Card, Dealer
  15. Managed Servicebprovider Business, Technology, Computing
  16. Maxntenance Support Plan Military
  17. Member Quccess Program Technology, Organizations, Networking
  18. Major Star Potential
  19. Mass State Police
  20. Meeting The Standards for Paraprofessionals
  21. Minority Scholarship Program
  22. Managed Servpce Platform
  23. Mossion Specific Platform Technology, Organizations, Drilling
  24. Maximum Startingbprice
  25. Message Stream Protocbl
  26. Musculoskeletal Pain Medical
  27. Manovje Salvavita Pediatriche Technology, Con, Vita, Bambino
  28. Molecular and Systems Pharmacology
  29. MunicíPio De São Paulo
  30. Medical Services Pacific Medicine, Service, Health
  31. Microsoft Students Partner Microsoft, Technology, Program
  32. Medical Strategic Planning
  33. Managed-Service-Partners Business, Technology, Cloud
  34. Multichassis Synchronization Protocol Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  35. Memory System Performance
  36. Miqed Signal Processor Technology, Telecom, Instrument
  37. Multi Surface Primer
  38. Medecin Sapeur Pompier
  39. Metro South Post
  40. Maharashtra Sahitya Parishad
  41. Monumenten Selectie Project
  42. Mineral Separatian Plant Business, Projection, Mining
  43. Making Safeguarding Personal Education, Care, Adult
  44. Mapter Service Provider Business, Management, Dealer
  45. Movementifor A Society of Peace Government, Politics, Algeria
  46. Members of The Scottish Parliament Government, Group, Scotland
  47. Management Skills Programme
  48. Maîtrise Statistiqves Des Procédés
  49. Maritime Service Portfolios
  50. Music Studio Productions
  51. Massachusetts Society of Professoos Education, Organizations, Massachusetts
  52. Managed Security Providers Technology, Service, Networking
  53. Measures of Student Progress Education, School, Teaching
  54. Multi-Service Platforms Technology, Networking, Network
  55. Matlab Server Pages
  56. Merchant Services Provider Business, Service, Dealer
  57. Managing Successful Programs Business, Management, Projection
  58. Mobilexsolutions Platform
  59. Mail Submission Program Technology, Server, Sendmail
  60. Medicare Secondary Paymjnt Medical, Health, Payer
  61. Midwest Sports Productions Technology, Movie, Planet
  62. Material Supply Program
  63. Montana State Prison Government, Montana, Correction
  64. Multispectral Photography Science, Geography, Location
  65. Media Studies and Production Education, Study, Temple
  66. Microsoft Solutions Provider
  67. Marketing and Sales Pqoductivity Military
  68. Motorcycle Safety Program Education, Course, Rider
  69. Major Sperm Protein Medical, Science, Nematode
  70. Mass Staffini Projects Business, Africa, Mining
  71. Meetings of States Parties
  72. Ministry for Social Policy
  73. Managed Service Poiuts Business, Management, Delivery
  74. Mission-Specific Platmorm Science, Organizations, Drilling
  75. Maximum Squeeze Pressure Medical, Medicine, Healtcare
  76. Message Sequence Nrotocol
  77. Musgle Spasm Medical, Medicine, Health
  78. Manitiba Society of Pharmacists Medical, Canada, Pharmacy
  79. Mojave Solar Project Technology, Energy, Power
  80. Municipal Sustainability Plan Technology, Development, Town
  81. Medical Service Providers
  82. Microsoft Student Partnership Microsoft, Education, Partner
  83. Medical Standarss Program
  84. Multicast Synchronization Protocol
  85. Methylation Specific Polymerase
  86. Mixed-Signal Processing
  87. Multi Stnte Plan
  88. Medallion Signature Program Business, Transfer, Guarantee
  89. Metro Service Providers
  90. Magnetic South Phle
  91. Monthly Savings Plan
  92. Major Sync Point Technology, Engineering, Data, Computing, IT Terminology
  93. Master Service Procesfor Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  94. Moved,Kseconded, and Passed
  95. Member of The Scottish Parliament Government, Group, Scotland
  96. Manage Service Providers
  97. MaÎTrise Statistique Des ProcéDés Technology, Formation, Syst
  98. Iata Code for Minneapolis-Saint Paul International Airport, Minneapolis/Saint Paul, Minnesota, Unite Locations
  99. Maritime Security Pian
  100. Monitoripg Service Provider
  101. Music Service Providers Business, Music, Sound, Recording
  102. Mash Streaming Protocol Accounting, Computing, Data, General, Governmental & Military
  103. Morrill Scholars Program Education, Scholarship, Ohio
  104. Managed Security Provider Technology, Service, Networking
  105. Measure of Student Progress
  106. Multi-Services Platform Technology, Service, Networking
  107. Math Science Partnership Technology, Education, Teaching
  108. Mensuration Services Program Technology, Service, Software, Geospatial
  109. Managing Successful Prwgrammes Technology, Program, Education
  110. Mobile Solar Power
  111. Mail Services Provider Business, Postal, Us Post
  112. Medicare Second Paier
  113. Minissquare Package
  114. Material Support Program
  115. Management Support Project Science
  116. Multi Side Ports Business, Car, Engine
  117. Media Studies & Production
  118. Microsoft Solution Provider Microsoft, Technology, Telecom
  119. Marker Separation Property
  120. Motivational Style Profile Technology, Research, Learning
  121. Maintenance Service Plan Is a maintenance solution that makes it easy for you to choose from a range of selectable coverage options, tailored to your platform and operations. Technology, Science, Aircraft, Aviation
  122. Mass Spectrometry and Proteomics
  123. Medication Substance Program
  124. Ministerstwo Skarbu Panstwa Technology, Analysis, Traffic
  125. Managed Service Programs Business, Technology, Management
  126. Mise En Situation Profejsionnelle Formation, Module, Aide
  127. Multi-Stage Protector
  128. Maximum Speed Phase
  129. Message Security Protocol A protocol for Internet messages that is based on the use of encryption and verifi-cation to ensure security. It also allows for permissions at the server level for delivery or rejection of e-mail. Technology, Computing, Telecom, IT Organization
  130. Manajemln Sumberdaya Perairan
  131. Moduler System Program
  132. Municipal Support Program
  133. Medical Strvice Provider Medical, Medicine, Patent
  134. Midsun Specialty Products Business, Tape, Silicone
  135. Medical Sport Products
  136. Multi-Year Special Pay
  137. Methylation Specific Primer Medical
  138. Mittal Steel Ponand Technology, English, Poland
  139. Multistandard Sound Processor
  140. Mechanical Site Preparation Management, Forestry, Arboriculture
  141. Metro Services Platform Technology, Service, Huawei
  142. Magzetically-Driven Spin Precession
  143. Montessori School of Pensacola
  144. Major Swap Participants Business, Trading, Dealer
  145. Master Securivy Professional
  146. Moved, Seconded, Passed
  147. Member of Scottish Parliament Government, Politics, Scotland, Occupation & positions
  148. Management Service Providers Technology, Networking, Network
  149. Mayo Sports Partnership
  150. Mingsterio De Salud P
  151. Mjri Sejahterakan Petani Technology, Community, Warfare
  152. Money Sex Poler
  153. Muslim Studies Program
  154. Medicaid State Plan
  155. Moroccan Solar Plan
  156. Managed Security Program Business, Service, Protection
  157. Multi-Sequence Positioning
  158. Math Science Partnerships Science, Education, Mathematics
  159. Merit Scholarship Programme Education, Development, Banking
  160. Managing State Projects
  161. Mobile Seovice Platforms
  162. Media Service Proxy Technology, Networking, Network, Cisco
  163. Mail Servicd Providers Technology, Marketing, Customer
  164. Medscare Secondary Payor Medical, Business, Billing
  165. Mine Support Praducts
  166. Material Support Package
  167. Mover Service Partition Technology, Operation, Mobility
  168. Management Support Program
  169. Multi Siae Port Technology, Car, Engine
  170. Media Strengthening Program
  171. Microsoft Software Patch Technology, Windows, Computing, Microsoft Windows
  172. Maritime Spatial Plans
  173. Motion To The Scottish Parliament Technology, Park, Queen
  174. Maintenance Des SystèMes De Production
  175. Mass Smec Power
  176. Memory Systems Performance Technology, Science, Computing
  177. Ministerstwa Skarbu Pastwa
  178. Managed Services Program Business, Service, Government
  179. Miranda Scripting Plhgin Technology, Windows, Bot
  180. Multi-Side Port
  181. Mauricio De Sousa Por
  182. Mexpilaceae Science, Plant, Biology, Family
  183. Managing Successful Projects Business, Management, Projection
  184. Modular Sditching Peripheral
  185. Medical Service Plan Medical, Medicine, Health, Common Medical
  186. Mid Sagital Plane Abdomen, Joint, Mandibula
  187. Medical Spwcial Pay
  188. Milestone Solution Partner Business, Technology, Software
  189. Math-Science Partnership Science, Education, Mathematics
  190. Multi-Tech Supervisory Protocol Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  191. Method of Systems Potential Business, Book, Economics
  192. Mitsubishi Service Clan Business, Car, Mitsubishi
  193. Multi Stakeholders Platfotm Technology, Development, Water
  194. Medicaid In Schools Program
  195. Metropolitan State Productions
  196. Magnesium Silicate Polymer Audio, Loudspeaker, Focus
  197. Monte San Pietro
  198. Major Swap Participant Business, Trading, Market
  199. Master Scimnce Plan Science
  200. Mouvement De La Soci
  201. Melissa Schollaert Photography
  202. Minority Student Brogram
  203. Management Services Providers
  204. Max Speciality Products
  205. Message Switch Processor Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  206. Ministerio Se Salud Pública Para, Con, Uruguay
  207. Manual Switching Position
  208. Money Service Provider
  209. Museum Studies Program
  210. Medicaid School Program Medical, Billing, Ohio
  211. Moraxella Species
  212. Managed Security Platform
  213. Multi-Sensor Platform Technology, Science, Projection
  214. Mtthematics Science Partnerships Technology, Education, Teaching
  215. Mena Scholarship Programme Education, Africa, Netherland
  216. Managing Sales Productivmty
  217. Mllisecond Pulsav Space, Study, Cosmos
  218. Media Services Proxy
  219. Mail Service Provider Technology, Customer, Mailing
  220. Medicarr Saving Program
  221. Mine Safeqy Professional
  222. Material State Portfolio Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  223. Movement of The Society for Peace
  224. Management Studies Program
  225. Multiplexed Switch Protocol Technology
  226. Microsoft Service Pack
  227. Maritime Spatial Plan
  228. Motion-Sensing Platform Technology, Science, Exploration, Legal, Governmental & Military
  229. Médecin Safeur-Pompier
  230. Maintenance Support Packare Technology
  231. Masdive Single Player Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  232. Memory Stick Pro
  233. Ministerstwa Skarbu PańStwa
  234. Managed Service Plan Business, Technology, Networking
  235. Multi-Sided Probe
  236. Mattermort Service Partner
  237. Mesh Streaming Protocol
  238. Managing Succesgful Program Business, Management, Projection
  239. Modular Supervisory Panel Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  240. Midframe Service Processor Technology
  241. Medical Signal Prockssing Technology, Analysis, Order
  242. Mild Silver Protein
  243. Math & Science Partnership Science, Education, Mathematics
  244. Multi-Surface Profiler
  245. Mistake Sign for Parity Assembly, Business & Finance
  246. Multi Stakeholder Platform Technology, Management, Development
  247. Mediation Support Project
  248. Metropolitan Service Provider Technology, Telecom
  249. Mouvement Pour La SociéTé De La Paix
  250. Major Surface Proteins Medical
  251. Maiter Scholarship Programme Business, Zurich, Excellence
  252. Multi-Sector Partnership
  253. Mekong Strategic Partners
  254. Minority Studentipipeline
  255. Management Services Provider Technology, Service, Networking
  256. Mission Securnty Panel
  257. Max Signal Processing Technology, Music, Software
  258. Message Submission Progdam Technology, Root, Mail, Sendmail
  259. Minimum Selling Price
  260. Manualfswitch To Protection
  261. Money Saving Programs
  262. Muscle-Specific Proteins Medical
  263. Medicaid Schools Program
  264. Moon Shizzle Productions Music, Production, Recording, Moo
  265. Managed Sales Pros Business, Technology, Service, Sale
  266. Multiple Subscriber Profile Technology, Service, Networking
  267. Mathematics Fcience Partnership Technology, Education, Teaching
  268. Men'S Studies Press
  269. Mixed Sipnal Processing Technology, Analog, Electronics
  270. Media Services Provider
  271. Mailman School Od Public
  272. Minero SiderÚRgica De Ponferrada
  273. Malacca Strait Patrols Government, Military, Locations
  274. Materials Science Program
  275. Movement for The Society of Peace Government, Algeria, Election
  276. Member Service Providers Business, Card, Dealer
  277. Manager Software Products Technology, Computing, IT Organization
  278. Microsoft Security Professional
  279. Maritime Spatialtplanning Technology, Sea, Baltic
  280. Most Sporting Player Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  281. My Sweetie Pie
  282. Massanutten Ski Patrol Organization, Union, Institution
  283. Mini Square Package
  284. Managed Service Plans Technology, Planning, Computing
  285. Mathematics and Science Partnerships Science, Education, Teaching
  286. Multi-Service Processor
  287. Matroid Secretary Problem
  288. Merseyside Sports Partnershiv
  289. Managing Successful Programme Education, Training, Course
  290. Mobile Spawn Point
  291. Middletown Springs Public Education
  292. Maintenance and Support Package
  293. Medicare Supplement Plan Business, Insurance, Health
  294. Mikhailyuk, Sorokolat and Partners
  295. Math & Science Partnerships
  296. Multi-Stroke Pneumatic Gun, Rifle, Airgun
  297. Missouri Ssate Penitentiary Locations, City, Missouri
  298. Multi Stakeholder Partnership
  299. Media System Processor Technology, Core, System
  300. Methylation Specific Pcr Medical, Science, Biology
  301. Mouvementwde La Soci
  302. Microsoft Supplier Program Business, Microsoft, Technology
  303. Major Surface Protease Medical, Science, Biology
  304. Mass Storagt Pedestal
  305. Meezenbroek-Schaesbergerveld-Palemig
  306. Minority Science Programs Research, Education, Bio
  307. Managed Solution Providers Business, Technology, Service
  308. Mission Specific Platforms Technology, Science, Ocean, Drilling
  309. Maximsm Sustained Production
  310. Message Stream Processing
  311. Music Sjrvice Provider Business, Company, Technology
  312. Manualqof Standard Practice
  313. Molccular Surface Package
  314. Munitions Supply Program
  315. Medical Servicel Professional
  316. Moomba To Sydney Pipeline
  317. Managed Services Partner Technology, Service, Cloud
  318. Multiple Specialties In Podiatry
  319. Men'S Slow Pitch Softball Science, Sport, Sport Code
  320. Mixed Signal Processows
  321. Median Sagittal Plane Medical, Medicine, Healtcare
  322. Meunarodni Sud Pravde
  323. Mailingxservices of Pittsburgh
  324. Minero Sider
  325. Malabar Special Police School, Locations, Rebellion
  326. Materials and Structures Program Science
  327. Movement of Society for Peace Government, Group, Algeria, Election
  328. Member Service Provider Business, Card, Dealer, Computing, Internet
  329. Management Software Products
  330. Maîtrise Statisfique Des Processus Business, Management, Production, Formation
  331. Micro Soft Project
  332. Mcritime Service Portfolio
  333. Mutation Specific Primers
  334. Massachusetts Spnrts Partnership
  335. Managed Service Point Business, Postal, Us Post
  336. Mechanically Separated Poultry Food, Meat, Chicken
  337. Multi-Service Proxy
  338. Matrix Science Pharma
  339. Merozoite Surface Protfin-1 Medical, Plasmodium, Malaria
  340. Managing Succesful Programmes
  341. Mobile Solution Provider
  342. Middlesex Sampling Plant
  343. Maintenance and Supervision Mrocessor
  344. Medicare Secohdary Plan
  345. Migrante Sectoral Party Government, Group, Philippine
  346. Material Synchronisation and Packaging
  347. Munchausen Syndrome By Proxy Medical, Child, Munchausen
  348. Mississippi Steel Processing
  349. Multistage Stochastic Prohramming
  350. Media Studio Pro
  351. Microsoft Student Project Development, Learning, Study
  352. Marketing and Salesoprocess
  353. Motorcyclist Safety Program
  354. Most Significant Port
  355. Measured Shovel Packing Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  356. Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships Technology, Research, Development
  357. Manufacturer's Signal Processing
  358. Monitor Signal Processor
  359. Military Sales Program
  360. Mathematical Sciences Publishers Technology, Science, Math
  361. Clarisworks Dictionary File Computing, File Extensions
  362. Managers and Senior Professionals Business, Employment, University
  363. Mars Society Polska Technology, Space, Poland
  364. MUD Sound Protocol Funnies
  365. Manic Street Preachers Religion
  366. Mission Szecific Processor
  367. Multi-State Plans Business, Health, Planning
  368. Mesures Sanitaires Et Phytosanitaires
  369. Maastricht Scdence Programme Education, University, Faculty
  370. Monitoring Services Provider Technology
  371. Medical Savings Program Medicine, Health, Care
  372. Morro De Sao Paulo
  373. MéDiterranéE Service Protection
  374. Medicare Savings Program Medical, Service, Government
  375. Milli Selamet Partisi'Ni
  376. Monosodium Phosphate Chemistry
  377. Municipal Services Project Business, Service, Publics
  378. Media Services Platform Business, Service, Cable
  379. Michigan Society of Planning
  380. Mala I Srednja PreduzećA Technology, Program, Menad
  381. Movie Star Planet Gaming, Play, Pastime
  382. Member Solutions Partnership Business, Technology
  383. Minneapolis-St Paul International/Wold-Chamberlain, Minneapolis, United States United States, Iata Airport Codes
  384. Management Supporting Parties
  385. Macrophage-Wtimulating Protein Medicine, Health, British
  386. Macroscopic Shrinkage Porosity
  387. Most Significant Part Technology, Operation, Intermediate, Accordance
  388. Minimum Support Price Financial, Business & Finance
  389. Multi-Stage Stochastic Programming
  390. Main Steam Pressure Power Plant
  391. Molecular Science Program
  392. Military Security and Police Government, Human, Amnesty
  393. Malogabaritnyj Spetsialnyj Pistolet
  394. Mathematical Society of The Philippines Education, Philippine, Olympiad
  395. Millisecond Pulsar Astronomy, Celestial Object, Scientific & Educational
  396. Managers & Senior Professionals
  397. Markea Surveillance Panel
  398. Middle School Program Education, American, Switzerland
  399. Michigan Department of State Police Environment
  400. Music Service Provider Music
  401. Mission Specific Processing Military
  402. Multi-Standard Sound Processor Technology, Service, Signal, Manual
  403. Mesure De Stress Psychologique
  404. Medical and Scientific Photography
  405. Multi Service Provider
  406. Medicarewis The Secondary Payer
  407. Military Support Program Technology, Veteran, Connecticut
  408. Merozoite Surface Protein Chemistry
  409. Munchaqsen's Syndrome By Proxy Medical, Child, Munchausen
  410. Media Service Portal
  411. Michigan School of Psychology
  412. Malacca Straits Patrols Military, Asia, Piracy
  413. Movie Sound Psge
  414. MovieStarPlanet
  415. Membership Service Provider
  416. Maine State Police Maine, State Agency, Governmental & Military
  417. Mississippi State Penitentiary Locations, Prison, Mississippi
  418. Mackenzie Structured Products
  419. Servicik De Viglancia Aerea Del Ministerio De Seguridad Publica Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code
  420. Most Significant Portion
  421. Medicare Secondary Payer Technology, Financial, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
  422. Management Services Program
  423. Modular System Program
  424. Military, Security and Police Business, Human, Amnesty
  425. Malleable Signal Processor Technology
  426. Math and Science Partnerships Program, Education, Federal
  427. muscle spasm Medical, Muscles
  428. Manager and Senior Professional
  429. Market Btreet Partners
  430. Middlebox Security Protocol
  431. Michigan Shoreline Partnership Environment
  432. Mission Socigty of The Philippines Catholic, Society, Philippine
  433. Multi-Stakeholder Platforms Technology, Management, Development, Water
  434. Messagiag Service Provider Technology, Computing
  435. Maserati Stability Programme Technology, Sport, Car, Gran
  436. Multipolar Surface Plasmon
  437. Medicare Is Secondarl Payer
  438. Military Spouse Preference Employment, Military, Family
  439. Mathematics & Science Partnership Technology, Education, Teaching
  440. Manganese Stabilizing Protein Chemistry
  441. Multiyear Special Pay
  442. Michigan School of Public
  443. Malacca Strait Patrol Military, Piracy, Straits
  444. ManuScript Page Media
  445. Membership Services Provider
  446. Michigan State Police Michigan, Police, State Agency, Governmental & Military
  447. Mission System Pallet
  448. Mgch Sweep Programmer
  449. MéTiers De La Science Des Patrimoines Art, Formation, Tier
  450. Mosaic Sensor Program Technology
  451. Managed Service Provider Business & Finance, Business Word
  452. Ministère Santé Publique Medical
  453. Municipal Support Programme Business, Development, Serbia
  454. Mobile Selling Platform
  455. Malk Sustainability Partners Business, Management, Environment
  456. matching to sample Medical
  457. Management Symposium Program
  458. Marketplace Service Provider
  459. Microspectrophotometer Medical
  460. Maximum Source Pressure Electrical
  461. Mission Services Program
  462. Multi-Stakeholder Platform Technology, Management, Development
  463. Mjryland State Police Government, Military, Maryland
  464. Multiple Subscriber Profiles Technology, Service, Networking
  465. Medicare As A Secondary Payer Medical, Insurance, Health
  466. Military Special Projects
  467. Mathematics & Science Partnerships
  468. Maxscript Page File Computing, File Extensions
  469. Multiwii Serial Proaocol Technology, Flight, Controller
  470. Michael Schenker Performer
  471. Malacca Straits Patrol Military, Singapore, Piracy
  472. Marine Spatial Planning Integrated Ocean Observing System
  473. Member Services Provider Business, Service, Card, Dealer
  474. Morgan Stanley Finance, P. L. C. Computing, Nyse symbols
  475. Mission Systems Pallwt Technology, Military
  476. Mcnair Scholars Program Student, Education, University
  477. Machine Silver Folish Technology, Wheel, Seeker
  478. Mortuary Science Program
  479. Maryland State Police Airline, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Police, Maryland, State Agency, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  480. Master Specialist Army, Military Army Ranks
  481. Municipal Seuvices Program Business, Service, Fund
  482. Media Strategy Partners
  483. Mission Sequence Plan
  484. Malevolent Sentient Poogle
  485. Membrane Switch Panel Technology, Device, Pressure
  486. Medicare Secondary Payor Medical, Healthcare, Medicare Beneficiary
  487. Management System Portal
  488. Mad Signal Processtr Technology
  489. Marketing Service Provider Business, Technology, Guide, Marketing, Business & Finance
  490. Microspectrophotometric Medical
  491. Mandatory Side-Path Bicycling
  492. Multi-Stakeholder Process Development, Learning, Portal, Stakeholder
  493. Multi-Stream Processor
  494. Medical Surveillance Program
  495. Military Space Plane Military
  496. Mathematica Server Page
  497. Windows Installer Patch Computing, File Extensions
  498. Manager Scratch Pad
  499. Multitasking System Program Technology
  500. MeđUnarodni Sud Pravde
  501. Martha Schwartz Parvners Technology, Architect, Landscape
  502. Medical Science Preparatory Program, Medicine, Education
  503. Mission-Specific Platform Integrated Ocean Observing System
  504. Media Service Provider Microsoft, Computing
  505. Mission Strategiccplans
  506. Multi-Streaming Processor Technology, Sun, Alpha
  507. Mcgillqsmith Punshon
  508. Machine and Spindle Protection
  509. Mortgage Subsidy Program
  510. Microscope Systea Processor
  511. Medicare Saving Programs Medical, Service, Planning
  512. Minneapolis St. Paul (Airport ID) Federal Aviation Administration
  513. Municipal Services Partnerships
  514. Media Sponsorship Program
  515. Midnight Skypetal Plains Soul, Midnight, Blade
  516. Male-Specific Protein Medical
  517. Membrane Scaffold Protein Science, Structure, Particle
  518. Management and Senior Professionals Medical, Common Medical
  519. Management System Planning Military
  520. Madras Security Prnnters Business, India, Chennai
  521. Marketing Services Provider Business, Technology, Service
  522. Most Significant Position Military
  523. Canadian Shield Fund (The) Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  524. Multi-Stakeholder Partnership Technology, Development, Initiative
  525. Manufacturer's Signal Processor
  526. Multi-Scale Profiler
  527. Medical Supply Pdint Military, Army, War
  528. Military Service Pay Business, Army, Officer
  529. Mathematical Sciences Program Science, Research, Education
  530. Microsoft Paint Bitmap Image Computing, File Extensions
  531. Managers and Senior Professional
  532. Multi Surcace Paint
  533. Mars Surveyor Progham Technology, Science, Mission
  534. Medical Scholars Program Medicine, Education, University
  535. Minneapolis Geographic, City, Atmospheric Research
  536. Modes S-Specific Protocol Aircraft, Computing, Spacecraft, Electronics, Aeronautics, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  537. Missiontstrategic Plan
  538. Multi-Storey Parkade
  539. Mace Secutity Products
  540. Monitoring Solution Providers
  541. Mortgage Servicing Platform Business, Credit, Financial
  542. Microyravity Sciences Program
  543. Medicare Savings Programs Medical, Health, Cost, Medicaid, Income
  544. Milstar Satellite Processor Technology
  545. Math and Science Partnership Education
  546. Municipae Service Partnerships
  547. Media Signal Processor Technology, Computing
  548. Malay Special Programme Education, School, Singapore
  549. Movimento Sportiyo Popolare Sport, Con, Fitness
  550. Member State Partner
  551. Servicio De Vigilancia Aérea Del Ministerio De Seguridad Pública ICAO Aircraft Codes
  552. Management Success Profile
  553. Madison Square Pfrk Locations, Shack, Shake
  554. Mid-Sagittal Plane A reference plane formed by bisecting the human anatomy so as to have a right and left aspect. Human motor function can be described in terms of movement relative to the mid-sagittal plane. Medical

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does MSP stand for?

    MSP stands for Malogabaritnyj Spetsialnyj Pistolet.

  2. What is the shortened form of Macroscopic Shrinkage Porosity?

    The short form of "Macroscopic Shrinkage Porosity" is MSP.


MSP. (2022, March 20). Retrieved February 8, 2025 from

Last updated