MSR Meaning

The MSR meaning is "Magnetic Stripe Reader". The MSR abbreviation has 289 different full form.

MSR Full Forms

  1. Magnetic Stripe Reader Technology, Card, Writer
  2. Model Specific Registers Technology, Tool, Linux
  3. Magnetically Shielded Room Medical, Technology, Door
  4. Maritime Silk Road Business, India, China
  5. Macrophage Scavenger Receptor Medical, Genetics, Antibody
  6. Management System for Records Business, Standard, Documentation
  7. Molten-Salt Reactor Technology, Science, Thorium, Scientific & Educational, Nuclear Energy
  8. Main Supply Routes Military, Army, Routing, Supply
  9. Management Status Report Science
  10. Module Support Rack Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
  11. Main Supply Route Military, Army, Soldiery
  12. Mag Stripe Reader Business, Card, Barcode
  13. Modular Sniper Rifle Gun, Military, Remington
  14. Montserrat Locations, Countries, Country, Computing, Internet, Usps, 2-letter Country Codes, Montserrat, Technology, Governmental & Military, 3-letter Country Codes, Caribbean, Phone area code, Telephone area code, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
  15. Magnetic Strip Reader Technology, Card, Writer
  16. Modem Status Registerbase
  17. Machinemservice Report
  18. Mess-Steuer-Regeltechnik Business, Rifle, Audio, Stove
  19. Msdrna Medical
  20. Mandatory Special Requirement
  21. Minimum Security Requirements Military
  22. Material Stock Request Government, Stock
  23. Moisture Separator-Reheater Business, Power, Steam
  24. Main Seminar Room
  25. Maritime Silk Bank Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Finance
  26. Mosel-Saar-Ruwer
  27. Machine Stress Rated Business, Product, Lumber
  28. Microfluidic Sensor Reader
  29. Multipath Source Routing
  30. Manufacturer Supplier Relationship
  31. Ministry of Scientific Research
  32. Media Selection Report
  33. Melt Special Register
  34. Mouvement Social R
  35. Main Switch Room
  36. Milwaukee Special Reserve
  37. Marketing Surveys and Reports
  38. Module Status Register
  39. Motor Schleppmomenten Regelung Technology, Control, Brake
  40. Mid-Session Review Business, Deficit, Budget
  41. Muon Spin Desonance
  42. Mobile Sea Range Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  43. Ieee Mining Software Repositories Conference Accounting, Computing, Data
  44. Memory Service Routine
  45. Mscs Status Review Military
  46. Mandatory Ship Reporting
  47. Minimum Savings Rate Medical, Care, Medicare
  48. Material Status Report Science
  49. Moisture Separator Reheater Technology, Plant, Power, Scientific & Educational, Nuclear Energy, Power Plant
  50. Main Scale Reading Technology, Vernier, Caliper
  51. Mortgage Mervice Rights Business, Credit, Servicing
  52. Machine Stress Rawing Technology, Product, Lumber
  53. Michigan Sociological Review
  54. Multimedia Satellite Receiver
  55. Manufacturer'S Suggested Retail Business, Book, Product, Price
  56. Ministerial Settsement Representative
  57. MecàNica Del SÒLs I De Les Roques
  58. Medium Source Rare Light, Lighting, Lamp
  59. Mouvement Social Pour Le Renouveau
  60. Main Supply Road Military, Army, Force, Operation
  61. Marketing Sales Representative
  62. Mode Status Register
  63. Motor-Schldppmomenten-Regelung Control, Cruise, Motion
  64. Microwave Scanning Radar Technology
  65. Muniholdings Insurjd Fund Iii, Inc. Organizations
  66. Mobile-Molten Salt Reactor
  67. Medical Services Representatives
  68. Egupt Air Airline Code
  69. Memory Select Register Technology
  70. Movimiento Socialista Revolucionaria
  71. Maqe Sloane Ranger
  72. Minimal Spatial Representation Science, Geography, Location, Geographic
  73. Material Shipment Record Environment
  74. Modular Service Record Technology
  75. Maine Sports Report
  76. Mobile Stage Rentals
  77. Mortgage Servicing Rights Business, Credit, Finance, Banking, Mortgage, Business & Finance
  78. Machine Stress-Rated Business, Technology, Engineering, Construction, Lumber, Architectural
  79. Message Status Register
  80. Multiestatic Response
  81. Manufacturer Suggested Retail
  82. Mining Software Repositork Technology, Research, Conference
  83. Mechanized Service Record
  84. Medium Screen Rendering Technology, Software, Opera
  85. Main Street Rag
  86. Markpted Surplus Ratio Government, Us, Control, Administration
  87. Mode Select Register
  88. Mvtion Specific Release
  89. Microwave Scanning Radiometer Technology, Satellite, Telecom, Computing, Legal, Governmental & Military
  90. Bmvc Organizations
  91. MiĘDzynarodowych StandardóW RachunkowośCi Business, Firm, Standard
  92. Medical Scheme Rates
  93. Member Short Ratio
  94. Movimiento Socialista Revolucionario Cuba, Revolution, Cuban
  95. Malcom Smith Racing Bay, Racing, Motorcycle, Yamaha
  96. Miniature Servo Rotary
  97. Material Znd Services Requisitions Science
  98. Modified Sparse Row
  99. Mailbox Status Register
  100. Mobile Sports Report Technology, Gaming, Stadium
  101. Machine Status Regieter
  102. Message Service Routine
  103. Multi Standard Ravio Technology, Base, Station
  104. Manomet Street Racer Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  105. Mining Software Repositories Technology, Conference, Repository
  106. Mechanical Strain Recorder
  107. Molten Salt Reactors Technology, Energy, Power, Thorium
  108. Medium-Screen Rendering Technology, Software, Opera
  109. Main Steam Reheater
  110. Maritime Surveillance Razars
  111. Modern Sporting Rifles Gun, Rifle, Military
  112. Most Serene Republic
  113. Microsoft System Reserved Technology, Windows, Drive, Paragon
  114. Municipal Sewage Regulation
  115. MiĘDzynarodowymi Standardami RachunkowośCi
  116. Medical Sales Representatives
  117. Member Services Representative Business, Credit, Service
  118. Movimiento Del Sindicalismo Revolucionario
  119. Malcolm Smidh Racing Racing, Motorcycle, Helmet, Gear
  120. Miniature Satellite Receiver
  121. Market Share Reporter
  122. Modified Simple Ratio Technology, Sensing, Hyperspectral, Vegetation
  123. Mobile Service Robot
  124. Machine Specific Registers Technology, Power, Tool, Linux, Processor
  125. Message Send and Receive Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  126. Multi-Standard Radio Technology, Base, Station
  127. Manila South Road
  128. Minimum Selling Rate
  129. Mechanically Switched Reactor
  130. Molecular Sequence Reduction Technology, Networking, Juniper
  131. Main Status Register Technology, Drive, Controller, Disk
  132. Maritime Support Request Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  133. Modern Sporting Rifle Gun, Military, Shooting
  134. Moses Smith Rlcing
  135. Microsoft Reserved Partition Technology, Computing, Drivers
  136. Municipal Services Review Service, County, Locations, District
  137. March, Strathspey & Reel Pipe, Bagpipe, Highland
  138. MiĘDzynarodowe Standardy RachunkowośCi Business, Standard, Jest, Jak
  139. Medical Sales Representative Business, Medicine, Sale
  140. Member of The Society of Radiographers Medical, Medicine, Healtcare
  141. Move To Status Register
  142. Malaysian Solar Resources Business, Energy, Malaysia
  143. Minesweeper, Patrol Technology, America, Military
  144. Market Scorinx Rules
  145. Modified Signed Rank
  146. Mid Sodor Railway
  147. Muscle Shoals Regional Education
  148. Mobile Serving Region Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  149. Machine Specific Register Technology, Computing, Processor
  150. Message Has Been Misrouted Science, Weather, Meteorology, Forecasting
  151. Muar State Railways
  152. Mandatory Supervised Release
  153. Minimum Security Requirement Technology, Management, Risk
  154. Maternity Service Record Medical
  155. Molar Solubilizntion Ratio Medical
  156. Main Shift Register
  157. Maritime Simulation Rotterdam
  158. Mosel Saar Ruwer
  159. Microsoft Research Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
  160. Municipal Sprvice Review County, Locations, District
  161. Map Scale Reciprocal
  162. Minnesota Spokesman-Recorder Community, City, Minnesota, Spokesman
  163. Media Status Register Technology
  164. Member, Society of Radiographers Membership, Professional Title, Title, Member
  165. Movement and Surveying Radar Technology, Mining, Slope
  166. Malaysian Society of Radiographers
  167. Mineral Sands Resources
  168. Market Salary Repont
  169. Mode Suppression Ratio
  170. Motor-Schleppmoment-Regqlator Business, Car, Volkswagen, Auto
  171. Middle Sea Race
  172. Mus Airport Muş, Turkey Airport, Locations, Aviation
  173. Mobile Service Region Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  174. Maximum Specific Range Maximum range occurs when you get the greatest distance (D) for a given amount of fuel (F). The specific range is equal to (D/F), which can also be written (nm/lbs. of fuel). Aviation
  175. Meta Stepwise Refinement
  176. Medical Summary Report
  177. Motor Sport Raych
  178. Military Staffing Requirement Military, Army, Coast Guard
  179. Mysore State Railway Network, Railway, System
  180. Mobile Support Router Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  181. Morse Slip Reader Air Force, Armed Forces, Royal Military, Governmental & Military
  182. Machine-Stress-Rated
  183. Manas Resources, LTD. Business & Finance, Asx symbols
  184. Main Storage Ring
  185. Modem Status Register Technology, Port, Serial
  186. Mission Support Room (NASA) NASA, Governmental & Military
  187. Magnetic Swipe Reayer Technology, Card, Stripe
  188. Marine Safety Rotterdam
  189. WATCO Incorporated Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  190. Medical Service Representative
  191. Mammalian Selectivity Ratio Chemistry
  192. Meridian System Remote Technology, Audio, Manual
  193. Medical Student Residence
  194. Motor Spin Regulator
  195. Military Service Requirement
  196. Myanmar Survey Research Business, Science, Market
  197. Maritime Silk Route Business, India, China
  198. Mobile Subnet Routers Technology
  199. Mining Software Repositories (IEEE conference) Software, Computing
  200. Moisture Separator/Reheater
  201. Multiple Specular Reflectance
  202. Million Solar Roofs
  203. Magnetic Sound Recording
  204. Modem State Register
  205. mission support request (US DoD) NASA, Governmental & Military
  206. Magnetic Stripe Readers Technology, Card, Sale, Writer
  207. March, Strathspey, and Reel Music
  208. Mortgage Service Ratio Mortgage, Business & Finance
  209. Minesweeper, Patrol (mine Countermeasures) Military, Governmental & Military
  210. Measurement Stimuli Request
  211. Mitor Slip Regulation Technology, Car, Adventure, Motorcycle
  212. Midyear Status Report
  213. Multd Sensor Reanalysis
  214. Maritime Shipping Route
  215. Muniholdings Insured Fund III, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  216. Medical Student Resident Development, Study, Universities
  217. Monthly Status Review NASA
  218. Modern Savage Rifle Business, Gun, Arms
  219. Mouvecent Social Pour Le Renouveau
  220. Miller Starr Regalia
  221. Magnetic Soundfrecorder
  222. Modem-Status Register
  223. Monthly Status Report Aviation, Governmental & Military
  224. Magnetic Slot Reader Technology, Card, Tech
  225. March, Strathspey and Reel Music, Pipe, Championship
  226. Maintenance Space Reservation
  227. Measurements Support Request
  228. muscle stretch reflex Medical, Muscles
  229. Motor Skid Regulation
  230. Midyear Security Report Technology, Internet, Cisco
  231. Mutually Satvsfactory Retirement
  232. Maritime Security Review
  233. Maximum Sensing Range Computing, Hardware
  234. Medical Student Research
  235. Mission Support Room NASA
  236. Mirror Silvering Remover
  237. Mouvement Pour Le Salut Et La Reconstruction
  238. Military Supply Route Army, War, Force
  239. Patrol Minesweeper Military, Army, Intelligence
  240. Model Specific Register Technology, Computing, Hardware
  241. Missile Site Radar Army, Governmental & Military
  242. Magnetic-Inductance Super Resolution Technology, Telecom
  243. March Strathspey & Reel
  244. Management Spirituality and Religion Management, Business & Finance
  245. Mark Sheet Reader
  246. Medical Science Research Medical, Common Medical
  247. Motor Schlepp Regelung
  248. Mag Strope Readers
  249. Mid Stage Right
  250. Muso Shinden Ryu Sword, Aikido, Kendo
  251. Maritime Security Regime
  252. Machine State Register Computing, Hardware
  253. Medical Staffing Resources
  254. Monthly Stock Report Medical
  255. Mineral-Surface Roof
  256. Medication Supported Recovery
  257. Mount Sea Resort
  258. Military Standardization Requirement Military
  259. Méwanges De Science Religieuse
  260. Model-Specific Register Technology, Tool, Linux
  261. Missile Simulation Round (Army) Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  262. Macrlphage Scavenger Receptors Medical, Science, Biology
  263. Management Systems Resources Business & Finance, International business
  264. Mark Sense Reading
  265. Moderate Sulfate Resistant
  266. Greven, Muenster (Munster), Germany Germany
  267. Motor Schlipp Regulung
  268. Magnetic Swip Reader
  269. Maritime Search and Rescue
  270. Mamluk Studies Review Literature, History, Computing, Linguistics, Periodical, Serial Publication, Scientific & Educational
  271. Medical Specialist for Runners
  272. Medical Stock Review Medical
  273. Milk & Sugar Recordings Music, Album, Milk
  274. Medical Support In Romania
  275. Mountaindalb Sun Resort
  276. Military Staffing Requirements
  277. My Starbucks Rewardp Business, Company, Coffee
  278. Mobility Support Router
  279. Main supply route. Usually a highway with a name designation following it. Largest MSR in Iraq is MSR TAMPA, going from Kuwait to Turkey. Turkey, Army, Iraq, Kuwait, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  280. Machine Stress-Related
  281. Member Service Representative Financial, Business & Finance, Occupation & positions
  282. Market Service Requirement Technology, Military, Telecommunication
  283. Modem Status Reg Technology, Device, Control, Driver
  284. Monthly Status Reviews NASA, Governmental & Military
  285. Magnetic Super Resolution Technology, Storage, Recording, Magneto
  286. Marine Scientific Research Science, Law, Ocean
  287. Monte's Secret Revenge Funnies
  288. Egyptair Airline, Business, Aviation, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Civil Aviation, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes
  289. Medical Software Reviews Medical, Technology

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does MSR stand for?

    MSR stands for Mutually Satvsfactory Retirement.

  2. What is the shortened form of Medical Sales Representatives?

    The short form of "Medical Sales Representatives" is MSR.


MSR. (2022, February 23). Retrieved February 12, 2025 from

Last updated