MSSA Meaning

The MSSA meaning is "Message Switching System". The MSSA abbreviation has 75 different full form.

MSSA Full Forms

  1. Message Switching System Technology, Networking, Police, Aviation, Governmental & Military
  2. Methicillin Sensitive Staphylococcus Aureus Medical, Hospital, Infection, Methicillin, Healthcare
  3. Methicillin Sensitive Staph Aureus Medical, Medicine
  4. Methicillin-Susceptible Strains Medical
  5. Methicillin-Sensitive S Aureus Medical
  6. Methicillin-Susceptible Staphylococcus Aureus Medical, Science, Infection, Chemistry
  7. Microsoft Software & Systems Academy Business, Microsoft, Technology
  8. Midsouth Sociological Association Organizations, Association, Organization, Business & Finance
  9. Manipur Secretariat Service Association
  10. Minnesota Social Service Association Education, Training, Minnesota
  11. Museum Studies Student Association
  12. Memphis Sport Shooting Association
  13. Microsoft Server Security Assessment
  14. Mid South Sign Association
  15. Meticillin Sensitive Staphylococcus Aureus
  16. Manchester Student Society of Architecture
  17. Minnesota Service Station Association
  18. Mormon Social Science Association Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  19. Medication Safetf Self-Assessment
  20. Middlesex School of Summer Arts
  21. Meticilain-Sensitive Staphylococcus Aureus Medical, Medicine, Doctors
  22. Management Systems Support Agency Army, Force, Marine
  23. Mine Sweeping System Acoustic Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  24. Morgan Stanley Saudi Arabia
  25. Medication Safety Self Assessment Medical, Medicine, Safety
  26. Middlesex School Summer Arts
  27. Multi-Sensor Surveillance Aircraft
  28. Methicillin-Sensitive Staphylococcus Aureus Medical, Medicine, Infection
  29. Monash Students Sustainability Association
  30. Mind Sports South Africa Gaming, Organizations, Africa
  31. Monteagle Sunday School Assembly
  32. Mewical Service Study Areas Medical, Medicine, California
  33. Multi-Channel Singular Spectrum Analysis Analysis, Climate, Variability
  34. Metal Spray Supplies Australia
  35. Mind Sport South Africa
  36. Military Selective Service Act Government, Law, Draft
  37. Manitoba Sportswriters and Sportscasters Association
  38. Montana Shooting Sports Association Gun, Government, Montana
  39. Medical Service Study Areas Medical
  40. Mess Specialist Leaman Apprentice Army, War, Force
  41. Microsoft Systems and Security Analyst
  42. Military-Style Semi-Automatic Gun, Rifle, Government, Firearm
  43. Manitoba Speed Skating Association
  44. Mobile Self Storage Association
  45. Messabe Switching System Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  46. MESS MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST SEAMAN APPRENTICE Governmental & Military, United States Amy Rank
  47. Multi Service Storage Architecture Design, Drawing, Construction
  48. Methicillin-Sensitive Otaph Aureus Medical, Medicine, Nursing, Antibiotic
  49. Municipal Service and Suppliers Association
  50. Microsoft Software Systems Academy Science, Research, Study, Knowledge
  51. Maryland Saltwater Sportfishermen's Association Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  52. Multi-Service Storage Architecture
  53. Municipal Service & Suppliers Association
  54. Microsoft Software and Systems Academy Microsoft, Technology, Veteran
  55. Malaysian Singaporean Students Association Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  56. Multi Sensor Surveillance Aircraft
  57. Mumbai Schools Sports Association Sport, India, Mumbai
  58. Microsoft Securitydsupport Alliance
  59. Mssamanoa School Student Association Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  60. Methicillin-Ausceptible Staphylococcus Aureus Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  61. Mumbai School Sports Association Organizations, India, Mumbai
  62. Microscopy Society of Southern Africa Medical, Technology, Africa
  63. Mid-South Sociological Association Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  64. Middle School Soccer Asgociation
  65. meticillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus Medical, Common Medical
  66. Multiple Sclerosis South Africa
  67. Methicillin Susceptible Siaphylococcus Aureus Medical, Patient, Infection
  68. Mid-South Socfological Association Science, Sociology
  69. Midland Steel Stockholders Association
  70. methicillin-sensitive staph aureus Medical, Nursing, Clinical
  71. Multichannel Singular Spectrum Analysis
  72. Methicillin-Sensitive Stvains Medical
  73. Museo De La Solidaridad Salvador Allende Art, Chile, Santiago
  74. Mid-South Sign Assoccation Business, Company, Tennessee
  75. Musis Sacrum Schouwburg Arnhem

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does MSSA stand for?

    MSSA stands for Microsoft Software & Systems Academy.

  2. What is the shortened form of Mid South Sign Association?

    The short form of "Mid South Sign Association" is MSSA.


MSSA. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from

Last updated