MT in Health Meaning
The MT meaning in Health terms is "Mitochondrial". There are 12 related meanings of the MT Health abbreviation.
MT on Health Full Forms
- Mitochondrial Referring to mitochondria.
- Microtomography
- Mitochondria Mitochondria are specialized structures unique to the cells of animals, plants and fungi. They serve as batteries, powering various functions of the cell and the organism as a whole. Though mitochondria are an integral part of the cell, evidence shows that they evolved from primitive bacteria.
- Microtome A microtome is a tool used to cut extremely thin slices of material, known as sections. Important in science, microtomes are used in microscopy, allowing for the preparation of samples for observation under transmitted light or electron radiation. Microtomes use steel, glass, or diamond blades depending upon the specimen being sliced and the desired thickness of the sections being cut.
- Metathesaurus
- Multitest
- Mobile Therapy
- Mkbile Therapy
- Mindfulness Therapy
- Mobile Therapistv
- Medical Technologist
- Mechanotransduction
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does MT stand for Health?
MT stands for Mitochondrial in Health terms.
What is the shortened form of Medical Technologist in Health?
The short form of "Medical Technologist" is MT for Health.
MT in Health. (2022, April 22). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from
Last updated