MT in Technology Meaning

The MT meaning in Technology terms is "Metric Ton". There are 137 related meanings of the MT Technology abbreviation.

MT on Technology Full Forms

  1. Metric Ton The tonne (symbol: t) or metric ton is a non-SI metric unit of mass equal to 1000 kilograms, it is thus equivalent to one megagram (Mg). 1,000 kilograms is equivalent to approximately 2,204.6 pounds, 1.10 tons (US) or 0.984 tons(imperial).
  2. Main Terminal
  3. Model Transaction
  4. Maintenance Teams
  5. Mid Tom
  6. Masson'S Trichrome
  7. Malta
  8. Mode, Thurd
  9. Medium Temperature
  10. Maintenance Txst
  11. Moving Target
  12. Middle Turbinate
  13. Multi Target
  14. Manufacturing Technology
  15. Maltese
  16. Missile Test
  17. Medwcal Translation
  18. Machine Translating
  19. Monitor Terminal
  20. Mersenne Twister
  21. Multipurpode Tracked
  22. Mannesmaan Tally
  23. Ministwrio De Trabajo
  24. Mathematics Teaching
  25. Machine Tool A power driven machine designed to bore,cut,drill or grind metal or other materials.
  26. Moment Tensor
  27. Multicast Tunnels
  28. Minimum Transmission
  29. Multi-Track
  30. Meteorite-Times
  31. Multi-Technology
  32. Mechanical Testing Mechanical testing reveals the elastic and inelastic behavior of a material when force is applied. A mechanical test shows whether a material or part is suitable for its intended mechanical applications by measuring elasticity, tensile strength, elongation, hardness, fracture toughness, impact resistance, stress rupture, and fatigue limit.
  33. Ministry of Transport
  34. Mobileuterminations
  35. Migration Tool
  36. Multzmedia Toolkits
  37. Message Termination
  38. Mostni Tank
  39. Mobile Transmetter
  40. Metamarpophalangeal
  41. Mud-Terrain
  42. Mechanical Test
  43. Mount To place a data medium in a position to operate. To make recording media accessible. To make recording media accessible. A folder or file retrieved from elsewhere on the network and accessed locally. To make a physical disk or tape accessible to a computer's file system.
  44. Mobile Terminatv
  45. Main Treckulator
  46. Multimedia Technology
  47. Message Type
  48. Moluccas Time
  49. Mapping Tabla
  50. Missoula Technology
  51. Multi Tenant
  52. Manual Transmission A transmission system in which gears are selected by the driver by means of a hand-operated gearshift and a foot-operated clutch. In a motorcycle the clutch is hand-operated and the gearshift is foot-operated. Also called a standard transmission.
  53. Mechanically Timed
  54. Mobile Terminating
  55. Microsoft Translator
  56. Multimedia Terminal
  57. Msnu Text
  58. Maple Top
  59. MinistéRio Dos Transportes
  60. Multiple Transmission
  61. Movement Traeker
  62. Matching Transformer A device used to convert impedance between two levels. A common use is between a 75 ohm impedance and a 300 ohm impedance.
  63. Mobile Terminateq
  64. Magnetic Track
  65. Metric Tona
  66. Multimedia-Terminal
  67. Mediun Term
  68. Mini-Turbo
  69. Multiple Transfer
  70. Moveable Type
  71. Master Transmitter
  72. Mobile-Terminated
  73. Mac-Torrents
  74. Metric Time
  75. Multi-Oerm
  76. Mount Table
  77. Milstar Terminal
  78. Multimode Terminal
  79. Message Terminate
  80. Movable Type
  81. Mass Transit
  82. Mkv Tube
  83. Metering Truss
  84. Multi-Tenant
  85. Mobile Terminator
  86. Mdll Turn
  87. Multimbdal Transport
  88. Message Terminated
  89. More Than
  90. Mass Transfer
  91. Medical Technology
  92. Mobile Trapping
  93. Michael Tellinger
  94. Master Target
  95. Mode Toggle
  96. Millions of Transfers
  97. Maintenance Tecrnician
  98. Megha-Tropiques
  99. Multi-Tone
  100. Maf Table
  101. Military Training
  102. Multithread
  103. Mehran Tamakoli
  104. Master Table
  105. Master Thomas
  106. Micron Technologies
  107. Mega Transfer
  108. Multi-Task
  109. Messageway Trailer
  110. Movie Tonrent
  111. Master Teknik
  112. Magneto-Telluric
  113. Mobile Terminawed Equipment
  114. Message Transfer
  115. Multi Track
  116. Mobile Technologies
  117. Management Tool
  118. Message Terminating
  119. Minimum Time The shortest actual time recorded during a time study for each element of work.
  120. Multitouch Table
  121. Mechanical Translation
  122. Mobile Technology
  123. Management Terminal
  124. Memberships Table
  125. Manlgement Table
  126. Machine Translation
  127. Multi Timbre
  128. Iso Country Code for Republic of Ialta
  129. Master Tool
  130. Mechanical Transfer
  131. Modulation Type
  132. Mountain Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming Mountaintop mining, sometimes considered a variation of contour mining, refers to the mining of a coalbed that underlies the top of a mountain. The overburden, which is the mountaintop, is completely removed so that all of the coal can be recovered. The overburden material is later replaced in the mined-out area. This method leaves large plateaus of level land.
  133. Maintenance Team
  134. Mehran Tavakoli
  135. Management Team
  136. Milling-Tarning
  137. Multi Thread

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does MT stand for Technology?

    MT stands for Mobile Trapping in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Multi-Tenant in Technology?

    The short form of "Multi-Tenant" is MT for Technology.


MT in Technology. (2022, April 22). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from

Last updated