MT in Transportation Meaning

The MT meaning in Transportation terms is "Metric Tons". There are 6 related meanings of the MT Transportation abbreviation.

MT on Transportation Full Forms

  1. Metric Tons
  2. Metric Ton The tonne (symbol: t) or metric ton is a non-SI metric unit of mass equal to 1000 kilograms, it is thus equivalent to one megagram (Mg). 1,000 kilograms is equivalent to approximately 2,204.6 pounds, 1.10 tons (US) or 0.984 tons(imperial).
  3. Missile Technology
  4. Manitoba Trunk
  5. Measurement Ton USA Imperial measure; 40 cubic feet.
  6. Martz Trailways

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does MT stand for Transportation?

    MT stands for Measurement Ton in Transportation terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Manitoba Trunk in Transportation?

    The short form of "Manitoba Trunk" is MT for Transportation.


MT in Transportation. (2022, April 22). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from

Last updated