MTBD Meaning

The MTBD meaning is "Mean Time Between Degradations". The MTBD abbreviation has 12 different full form.

MTBD Full Forms

  1. Mean Time Between Degradations Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  2. Mean Time Between Demand Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA, Governmental & Military
  3. Mean-Time-Between-Demand Military
  4. Mahindra Truck and Bus Division
  5. Mahindra Truck & Bus Division Business, Safety, Launch
  6. Mean Time Between Demands Technology, Army, Marine, Military, Governmental & Military
  7. Muay Thai Bund Deutschland Organizations, Fight, Gym
  8. Muay-Thai-Bund-Deutschland
  9. Meet The Blues Day
  10. Mechanical Transport Base Unit Military, Air Force, Armed Forces, World War Ii, Royal Military, Governmental & Military
  11. Mean Time Between Detection
  12. Mean Time Between Defects Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does MTBD stand for?

    MTBD stands for Mahindra Truck and Bus Division.

  2. What is the shortened form of Mean Time Between Demand?

    The short form of "Mean Time Between Demand" is MTBD.


MTBD. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from

Last updated