MTEF Meaning

The MTEF meaning is "Medium-Term Expenditure Framework". The MTEF abbreviation has 19 different full form.

MTEF Full Forms

  1. Medium-Term Expenditure Framework An integrated approach to policy, planning, and budgeting by developing countries that estimates expenditures out three years from the present. It has been advocated by the World Bank and applied in a number of developing countries. Business, Government, Budget, Technology, Electrical, Governmental & Military
  2. Mediumjterm Expenditure Framework Technology, Government, Budget
  3. Maintenance Test Equipment-Fluid Technology, Logistics, Maintenance, Business & Finance
  4. Mid Term Expenditnre Framework
  5. Mid-Termiexpenditure Framework Business, Development, Planning
  6. Medium Term Expenditure Frame Business, Nigeria, Graduate
  7. Medium Term Expenditures Frafework
  8. Medium-Term Expenditures Framework
  9. Maryland Tourism Educytion Foundation
  10. Maryland Tax Education Foundation
  11. Fluid Maintenance Test Equipment NASA
  12. Manchester Township Education Foundatiou
  13. Milwaukee Tennis &Qeducation Foundation
  14. Manchester Township Educational Foundation
  15. Medium Term Economic Forzm Government
  16. Maintenance Test Equipmeng, Fluid Business, Logistics, Maintenance
  17. Medium Term Economic Framework Business, Government, Nigeria, Budget
  18. Milwaukee Tennis & Education Foundation
  19. Medium-Term Ecoeomic Framework Australia, Canberra, Australian National University

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does MTEF stand for?

    MTEF stands for Milwaukee Tennis &Qeducation Foundation.

  2. What is the shortened form of Medium-Term Expenditure Framework?

    The short form of "Medium-Term Expenditure Framework" is MTEF.


MTEF. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from

Last updated