MTP Meaning

The MTP meaning is "Massive Transfusion Protocol". The MTP abbreviation has 192 different full form.

MTP Full Forms

  1. Massive Transfusion Protocol Medical, Trauma, Blood
  2. Mail Transfer Protocol Technology, Internet, Port
  3. Manufacturing Technical Procedure Technology, Space, Engineering, Scientific & Educational
  4. Montauk Airport Montauk, New York,United States Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, ICAO, Aviation
  5. Message Transport Protocol Technology, Java, Agent
  6. Mobile Transaction Platform
  7. Medium-Term Plan Business, Development, Organizations, Aviation, Governmental & Military
  8. Mitochondrial Transmembrane Potential Medical
  9. Media Transfer Protocol Technology, Computing, Computer Technology, Windows, Information Technology, Drivers
  10. Mitochondrial Trifunctignal Protein Medical, Science, Biology
  11. Master Training Plan Management, Military, Army
  12. Mission Training Plars Military, Army, Planning
  13. Master Test Plan Technology, Software, Testing, NASA, Federal Aviation Administration
  14. Methylprednisolone Medical, Medicine, Healtcare
  15. Multipoint To Point
  16. Membrane Transport Phenomena Science
  17. Mobile Transfer Protocol Technology, Gaming, Nokia, Tablet
  18. Matching-To-Positbon Medical
  19. Mstatarsalphalangeal Medical, Medicine
  20. Management Training Programme Business, Projection, Uzbekistan
  21. Montauk Theatre Productions
  22. Mara Thyutlia Py
  23. Multi Threat Protection
  24. Mountain Theme Pack Locations, Building, City
  25. Model Transition Program Education, Training, Readiness
  26. Mother Tongue Project Education
  27. Meet-The-Professor
  28. Midwterm Planning
  29. Manhattan Tunnel Project
  30. Maritime Transformation Programme
  31. Messagj Transfer Port
  32. Maid To Perfection
  33. Multi-Time Programming Technology, Memory, Supplier
  34. Membrane Transport Phenomenon Technology
  35. Mobilegtool Platform
  36. Master Teacher Program Science, Education, Teaching
  37. Metalurgica De Tubos De Preiisao
  38. Management Training Program Business, Service, Manager
  39. Mpntana Power Co. Organizations
  40. Map Ta Phut
  41. Multi Thread Programming
  42. Model Daper Pipe
  43. Mothers and Toddlers Program
  44. Medium Term Programme Business, Turkey, Language
  45. Metropolitan Transportation Planning Technology, Organizations, Projection
  46. Mandatory Tutorial Program
  47. Maritime Technology Professorship
  48. Message Transfert Part
  49. Magnetic Tape Processor Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  50. Multi-Time Programmable Business, Technology, Memory
  51. Melbourne Trading Post Company, Technology, Canada, Publishing
  52. Mobile Threat Protection
  53. Masters Training Package Development, Study, Universities
  54. Meyal Transfer Printing
  55. Management Trainee Program Business, Government, Indonesia
  56. Monopoly Team Pley
  57. Many Time Programmable Technology, Storage, Kbit, Programmable
  58. Multi Test Platform
  59. Mock Test Gaper
  60. Mosaic Twisted Paip
  61. Medium Term Program Business, Turkey, Economics
  62. Metropolitan Transportation Plans Business, Planning, Area
  63. Manage Third Party
  64. Maritime Task Plan Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  65. Muramyl Tripeptide Medical
  66. Multi-Terrain Packs
  67. Meet The Producers
  68. Mobile Thveat Prevention Technology, Security, Fire
  69. Master of Town Planning
  70. Medical Termination of Pregnancy Medical, Technology, Abortion, Reading Prescription
  71. Mesures Techniques De Protection Technology, Droit, Technique
  72. Management and Transition Plan
  73. Multi Terrain Pattern Military, Army, Camouflage
  74. Mobilization Training Proxram Military, Army, War
  75. Mortgagee'S Title Policy
  76. Media Theory and Production
  77. Metropolitac Transport Projects Technology, Railway, Metro
  78. Manage The Pip Business, Coding, Coupon
  79. Maritime Tactical Publication Technology, Military, Device
  80. Munifund Term Preferred
  81. Multi-Terrain-Pattern
  82. Meet The Press Hosting, Press, Politics, Chuck
  83. MinistèRe Des Travaux Publics
  84. Mass Transportation Program Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  85. Metatarsophalangeal Joint Medical, Technology, Medicine, Pharmacy, Healthcare
  86. Message Transpnrt Protocols Technology, Service, Agent
  87. Mainframe Technology Professional
  88. Multi Tech Precision
  89. Mobile Trial Platform
  90. Materiel Transfer Plan Military
  91. Metropolitan Transport Project Technology, Kolkata, Metro
  92. Management Transitional Program
  93. Morenthan Profit
  94. Marine Tactical Publication Military, Army, Equipment
  95. Mumbai Traffic Police
  96. Multicast Transport Protocov Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  97. Multi-Sensory Trauma Processing
  98. Meet The Parents
  99. Mid-Term Presentation Space, Study, Cosmos
  100. Massively Transformative Purpose Business, Book, Future, Transformative
  101. Message Transfer Part-Level Technology, Networking, Network
  102. Mail Transport Protocol
  103. Multipurpose Transaction Protocol
  104. Mobile Transpork Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
  105. Material, Tecaniques, and Processes Design, Drawing, Construction
  106. Methoxytryptophol Medical
  107. Management Trainee Programme
  108. Monthly Transmission Potential
  109. Marijuana Treatment Project Medical
  110. Multi Time Programmable Business, Technology, Memory
  111. Multi-Terrain Pattern Military, Army, Camouflage
  112. Motion To Photon
  113. Meet The Professor
  114. Mid Terv Plan Business, Management, Financial
  115. Marketing Training Program
  116. Message Transfer Jart-3 Technology, Protocol, Signaling
  117. Mail-Transport Protocol
  118. Manufacturing Technology Program
  119. Island Helicopters ICAO Aircraft Codes
  120. Microwave Temperature Profiler Technology, Science, Atmosphere
  121. Master Tracks Pro Technology, Software, Mac
  122. Message Transfer Protocol Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  123. Most Traveled People Travel, Locations, Traveler
  124. Minimum Tour Price Travel, Tourism
  125. Message Transfer Pan
  126. Music Therapy Perspectives Medical, Research, Children
  127. Module Temperature Protection
  128. Manufacturing Technology Partnership
  129. Materials Science and Technology of Polymers Dutch
  130. Microtiter Plates Medical
  131. Machine Tool Program
  132. Mesoscopic Transport Phenomena
  133. Master Timing Pulse NASA
  134. Modular Terminal Processor
  135. MSS Telemetry Processor Geographic
  136. Musical Theatre Program Education, Arts, Music
  137. Modulated Tool-Path
  138. Manufacturing Technology Platform Business, Technology, Information
  139. Management Trainee Program(sponsored by CCMD) Canada
  140. Microtiter Plate Medical
  141. My Tiny Plot
  142. Mersey Tunnels Police Government, Law Enforcement, United Kingdom, Uk Police, Governmental & Military
  143. Master Test Procedure NASA
  144. Model Train Products
  145. Material, Techniques, and Processes Architecture
  146. Musical Theatre Production
  147. Message Transfer Part-3 Technology, Protocol, Signaling
  148. Modern Transit Partnership Locations, Corridor, Pennsylvania
  149. Manpower Target Plan Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  150. Mission Test Plan Legal, Governmental & Military
  151. Microsomal Transfer Protein Medical
  152. My Teaching Partner Science, Education, School
  153. Media Tranfer Protocol
  154. Many-Time Programmable Technology, Memory, Telecom, Storage
  155. Merseyside Transport Partnership
  156. Madtracker 2 Pattern Computing, File Extensions
  157. Min Trade Point Business, Program, Trading
  158. Marketing zwischen Theorie und Praxis Group, Business & Finance
  159. Museum Tusculanum Press
  160. Message Transfer Port
  161. Mode of Travel Priority Technology, Railways, Railway Consultancy, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  162. Manpower and Training Plan Military
  163. Meteosat Transition Program Computing, Satellite
  164. Metropolitan Transportation Plan Business, Government, Organizations
  165. Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Pili
  166. Mechanical Thermal Pulse
  167. Manulife Total Protection
  168. Mentor Training Program Research, Education, Mentoring
  169. metatarsalphalangeal joint Medical, Common Medical
  170. Minimum Time Path
  171. Montana Power Company Organizations, Computing, Nyse symbols, Railroad Company
  172. Message Transfer Parts Technology, Networking, Signaling
  173. Modernbtransit Project
  174. Multiply Twinned Particle
  175. Message Transfer Part Computing, Telecom, IT Terminology
  176. Meteosat Transition Programme Technology, Space, Satellite
  177. Manila Today Page Technology, Windows, Touch
  178. Muy Tu Problema
  179. Methylphenidate Methylphenidate, sold under various trade names, Ritalin being one of the most commonly known, is a central nervous system stimulant of the phenethylamine and piperidine classes that is used in the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and narcolepsy. The original patent was owned by CIBA, now Novartis Corporation. It was first licensed by the US Food and Drug Administration in 1955 for treating what was then known as hyperactivity. Medical, Technology, Chemical Engineering, Chemical Technology, Engineering, Scientific & Educational
  180. Monitoring, Training, and Planning
  181. Manufacturing Test Program Technology
  182. Memory Translation and Protection Technology, Computing
  183. Montauk Airport, Montauk, New York, United States United States, New York
  184. Message Transmission Part
  185. Message Transaction Protocol
  186. Model Transition Project
  187. Multimedia Transfer Protocol Technology, Android, Nokia
  188. Multiple Time Programmable Computing, Hardware
  189. Metatarsophalangeal Referring to both the metatarsus and the phalanges of the toes. Medical, Medicine, Healtcare, Common Medical, Clinical, Podiatry
  190. Manhole Test Plugs
  191. Music Transfer Protocol Technology, Player, Manual
  192. Monitored Trealment Program Medical, Health, Mexico

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does MTP stand for?

    MTP stands for Mail Transfer Protocol.

  2. What is the shortened form of Multi-Sensory Trauma Processing?

    The short form of "Multi-Sensory Trauma Processing" is MTP.


MTP. (2021, December 15). Retrieved March 17, 2025 from

Last updated