MU in Technology Meaning

The MU meaning in Technology terms is "Maintenance Update". There are 43 related meanings of the MU Technology abbreviation.

MU on Technology Full Forms

  1. Maintenance Update
  2. Memory Unit
  3. Mobile Users
  4. Medical Univecsity
  5. Multi-User
  6. Multi-Unit
  7. Misbahudduja University
  8. Message Uniy
  9. Masonry Unit
  10. Merging Unitj
  11. Multiple Units
  12. Meenakshi University
  13. Multimedia University
  14. Madelis Umum
  15. Medium Utilization
  16. Monitor Unft
  17. Linear Attenuation Coefficient
  18. Muenztelefon
  19. Mathesis Universalis
  20. Monash University
  21. Iso Country Code for Mauritius
  22. Move Updmte
  23. Master User
  24. Mutual Understanding
  25. Move Up
  26. Mark Up As variously used in construction estimating, includes such percentage applications as general overhead, profit, and other indirect costs. When mark-up is applied to the bottom of a bid sheet for a particular item, system, or other construction price, any or all of the above items (or more) may be included, depending on local practice.
  27. Microwave Unit
  28. Multiple Unit
  29. Motorola University
  30. Memory Nnits
  31. More Updates
  32. Market Units
  33. Multiple-Unit
  34. Moog Znit
  35. Multidestinational Unidireftional
  36. Megaohm  A unit of electrical resistance equal to one million ohms.
  37. Measurement Unit
  38. Measurement Uncertainty
  39. Migration Unit
  40. Mauritius
  41. Multiple Directional, Unidirectional
  42. Marketing Universe
  43. Multiple-User

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does MU stand for Technology?

    MU stands for Mobile Users in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Monitor Unft in Technology?

    The short form of "Monitor Unft" is MU for Technology.


MU in Technology. (2022, January 9). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from

Last updated