MUA Meaning

The MUA meaning is "Mail Users Agent". The MUA abbreviation has 85 different full form.

MUA Full Forms

  1. Mail Users Agent Technology, Server, Client
  2. Medically Underserved Area Medical, Technology, Health Care
  3. Manipulation Under Anesthesia Medical, Pain, Chiropractor, Chiropractic, Procedure
  4. Manipulation Under Anaesthesia Medical, Anesthesia, Pain
  5. Mail User Agent Computing, Computer, Computer Security
  6. Medically Underserved Areas Medical, Health, Population, Healthcare
  7. Memorandum of Understanding and Agreement
  8. Municipal Utility Authority Business, Water, Township
  9. Maintenance Group Unblocking Acknowledgement Signal Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  10. Ministry of University Affairs Education, Thailand, University, Stamford
  11. Mail User Agents Technology, Message, Client
  12. Manipulation Under Anesthetic Medical, Technology
  13. Multiple Use Area Locations, Trail, Valley
  14. Mehmet Uygar Aksu
  15. Multiuser Agent Technology, Telecom
  16. Mainland Undergraduate Association
  17. Message Upper Address
  18. Manchester Universal Academy Education, University, London
  19. Multiple Unit Adapter
  20. Meghalaya United Alliance
  21. Marquette University Archives Libraries, Reading, Books
  22. Multi User Adventure Technology
  23. Marvel Ultimate Alliance Alliances, Associations, Unions
  24. Meritorious Unit Awards
  25. Management User Agent
  26. Moodle Users Association
  27. Medical University of The Americas Medicine, America, Education
  28. Maritime Union Australia Business, Australia, Port
  29. Multi User Access Technology, Software, Mail
  30. Makeup Artist Beauty
  31. Meritorious Unit Award
  32. Management University of Africa Education, Africa, Kenya
  33. Modes Users Association
  34. Medical University of Americas
  35. Maritime Union of Australia Australia, Government, Port, Unions, Governmental & Military
  36. Multiunit Electrical Activity Medical
  37. Make Up Artists
  38. Mercado Urbano De Artesanato
  39. Major Unit Assembly Military, Army
  40. Mobilise Under Anaesthetic Medical, Health
  41. Manipulation Under Anaesthetic Medical, Pain, Shoulder, Healthcare, Clothes, Common Medical, Clinical
  42. Multi Unit Activity Medical, Brain, Cortex
  43. Mensch Und Arbeit
  44. Main Unit Assembly Military
  45. Mobile User Agent
  46. Major Urban Areas
  47. Manipulations Under Anesthesia
  48. Multiunit Activity Medical
  49. Mutual Usage Agreement
  50. Materials Usage Agreement Science
  51. Maximum Usable Altitude Flight, Space, Aerodynamics, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  52. Measurement Uncertainty Analysis
  53. Museum of Underwater Archaeology Education, History, Culture, Archaeology, Scientific & Educational
  54. Material(s) Usage Agreement NASA
  55. Munitions Unpack Area
  56. Master of Urban Affairs
  57. Message User Agent Computing, Technical
  58. Mcgill University Archives Education, Archive, Gill
  59. Museum of The University of Alicante
  60. 11-mercaptoundecanoic acid Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  61. Master of Urban Architecture
  62. MuniAssets Fund, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  63. Mauritius Union Assurance Business, Company, Banking
  64. Museo De La Universidad De Alicante Para, Art, Con
  65. Make Up Academy Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
  66. Machinery Users Association
  67. Mail User Agent (Internet email) Information Technology, Computing, Computer, Technical, IT Terminology
  68. Maurer United Architects Design, Architecture, Award, Architect
  69. Muristerone A Medical
  70. Machine Use Authorization Medical, Common Medical
  71. Mu Transposase Medical
  72. Make-Up Artist Occupation & positions
  73. Material Utilization Agreement Technology
  74. Municipal Utility Alliance
  75. middle uterine artery Medical, Artery And Arteries
  76. Murray Air Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  77. Medically Under-Served Area Medicine, Healthcare, Usa
  78. Musyawarah Umum Anggota Indonesia, Jakarta, Mei
  79. Mediterranean Urological Association Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  80. Material Uncertainty Analysis
  81. Municipal Utilities Authorities
  82. Munda, New Georgia Is., Solomon Islands Georgia, Iata Airport Codes, Solomon Islands
  83. Medically Undeserved Area Medical, Healthcare
  84. Musicians Union of Australia
  85. Material Usage Agreement NASA

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does MUA stand for?

    MUA stands for Manipulations Under Anesthesia.

  2. What is the shortened form of Mehmet Uygar Aksu?

    The short form of "Mehmet Uygar Aksu" is MUA.


MUA. (2021, December 15). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from

Last updated