MUAS Meaning

The MUAS meaning is "Medically Underserved Areas". The MUAS abbreviation has 19 different full form.

MUAS Full Forms

  1. Medically Underserved Areas Medical, Health, Population, Healthcare
  2. Mapping Urban Areas From Space
  3. Manchester University Aim Squadron
  4. Micro Unmanned Aerial System
  5. Major Urban Areas
  6. Mexropolia University of Applied Sciences
  7. Mail User Agents Technology, Message, Client
  8. Message User Agents Technology, Server, Mail
  9. Medically Underservjd Areas Medical, Health, Health Care
  10. Material Usage Agreementb Science
  11. Munich University of Applied Sciences Science, Education, Study
  12. Mini Unmanned Aerial Svstem
  13. Multi-User Adventures
  14. Multi-Mission Unmanned Aerial System
  15. Mission Uhmanned Aerial System
  16. Missionfde L'union Africaine Au Soudan
  17. Military Utility Assessments
  18. MüNster University of Applied Sciences Business, Science, Education
  19. Mikkeli University of Applied Sciences Science, Education, Finland

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does MUAS stand for?

    MUAS stands for Mission Uhmanned Aerial System.

  2. What is the shortened form of Medically Underserved Areas?

    The short form of "Medically Underserved Areas" is MUAS.


MUAS. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from

Last updated