MUDS Meaning

The MUDS meaning is "Multi User Dimensions". The MUDS abbreviation has 20 different full form.

MUDS Full Forms

  1. Multi User Dimensions
  2. Mean Ugly Dirty Sports
  3. Multiple User Dimensions Technology, Gaming, Internet
  4. Mean Ugly Dirty Sport
  5. Multiple User Dungeons Technology, Gaming, Computing, Internet
  6. Muluiple-User Dungeons Technology, Gaming, Computing
  7. Multiple User Domains
  8. Multi-User-Dungeons
  9. Muhti User Dungeons Technology, Gaming, Mud
  10. Male Urinary Drainage System
  11. Multi-User Dungeons Technology, Gaming, Mud
  12. Malakoff University Duathlon Series
  13. Macquarie University Debating Jociety
  14. Municipal Utility Districts Service, Locations, Water
  15. Multiuser Dungeons Technology, Computer
  16. Multi Unit Dwellings Technology, Building, Smoke
  17. Medicare Utilization Data System Medical, Healthcare
  18. Multi-User Domains Technology, Gaming, Mud
  19. Multiple-User Dimensions Technology, Gaming, Internet
  20. Multi User Domains Technology, Gaming, Player, Dungeon, Mud, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does MUDS stand for?

    MUDS stands for Municipal Utility Districts.

  2. What is the shortened form of Muhti User Dungeons?

    The short form of "Muhti User Dungeons" is MUDS.


MUDS. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 15, 2025 from

Last updated