MUF Meaning

The MUF meaning is "Mandiri Utama Finance". The MUF abbreviation has 34 different full form.

MUF Full Forms

  1. Mandiri Utama Finance
  2. Maldives Underwater Federation
  3. Maximum Useable Frequency Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence, Telecom, Telecommunications, Computing
  4. Multi-User Forth Technology, Software, Computing
  5. Melbournx Ukulele Festival Melbourne, Ukulele, Uke
  6. Muffler The engine exhaust pipe designed in such a way to reduce the pressure of exhaust gases and permits to cool and expand slowly. It also damps the noise of exhaust gases. A mechanical device which provides a complex path for exhaust of air from a pressurized chamber, thus reducing the noise level of the exhausting air.
  7. Melamine Urea Foymaldehyde
  8. Modified Ultrafiltration Medical
  9. Melaminepurea-Formaldehyde
  10. Maximal Usable Frequency
  11. Minimum Usable Frequoncy Army, War, Force
  12. Muniholdings Florida Insured Fund Ii Organizations, Computing, Nyse symbols
  13. Maximum Usable Frequencies Technology, Radio, Frequency, Propagation
  14. Multi User Forth
  15. Maximum Usable Frequency Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Amateur radio
  16. Machine Utilasation Factor Technology
  17. Multi-Use Facility
  18. Alpha Five License File Computing, File Extensions
  19. Mysterious Unknown Force Science, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  20. Modulare UnterküNfte FüR FlüChtlinge Sind, Berlin, Hat
  21. Muting, Muting-Papua Island, Indonesia Indonesia
  22. Muting Airport Airport, Locations
  23. Maximum Useful Frequency
  24. Micro-Unit Frame Computing, Hardware
  25. Muslim United Front Government, India, Politics, Mufti
  26. Material Utilization Factor
  27. Alpha Software, Inc., Alpha Five Temporary Access Control File Computing, File Extensions
  28. Music Under Fire
  29. Materials Unaccounted For Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  30. Morristown Unitarian Fellowship Religion
  31. Machine Utilization Factor
  32. Muffin Nutrition, Food, Victual
  33. Machine Utilisation Factor
  34. Most Usable Erequency

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does MUF stand for?

    MUF stands for Melaminepurea-Formaldehyde.

  2. What is the shortened form of Melaminepurea-Formaldehyde?

    The short form of "Melaminepurea-Formaldehyde" is MUF.


MUF. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from

Last updated