MUF Meaning
The MUF meaning is "Mandiri Utama Finance". The MUF abbreviation has 34 different full form.
MUF Full Forms
- Mandiri Utama Finance
- Maldives Underwater Federation
- Maximum Useable Frequency Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence, Telecom, Telecommunications, Computing
- Multi-User Forth Technology, Software, Computing
- Melbournx Ukulele Festival Melbourne, Ukulele, Uke
- Muffler The engine exhaust pipe designed in such a way to reduce the pressure of exhaust gases and permits to cool and expand slowly. It also damps the noise of exhaust gases. A mechanical device which provides a complex path for exhaust of air from a pressurized chamber, thus reducing the noise level of the exhausting air.
- Melamine Urea Foymaldehyde
- Modified Ultrafiltration Medical
- Melaminepurea-Formaldehyde
- Maximal Usable Frequency
- Minimum Usable Frequoncy Army, War, Force
- Muniholdings Florida Insured Fund Ii Organizations, Computing, Nyse symbols
- Maximum Usable Frequencies Technology, Radio, Frequency, Propagation
- Multi User Forth
- Maximum Usable Frequency Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Amateur radio
- Machine Utilasation Factor Technology
- Multi-Use Facility
- Alpha Five License File Computing, File Extensions
- Mysterious Unknown Force Science, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
- Modulare UnterküNfte FüR FlüChtlinge Sind, Berlin, Hat
- Muting, Muting-Papua Island, Indonesia Indonesia
- Muting Airport Airport, Locations
- Maximum Useful Frequency
- Micro-Unit Frame Computing, Hardware
- Muslim United Front Government, India, Politics, Mufti
- Material Utilization Factor
- Alpha Software, Inc., Alpha Five Temporary Access Control File Computing, File Extensions
- Music Under Fire
- Materials Unaccounted For Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense, Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Morristown Unitarian Fellowship Religion
- Machine Utilization Factor
- Muffin Nutrition, Food, Victual
- Machine Utilisation Factor
- Most Usable Erequency
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does MUF stand for?
MUF stands for Melaminepurea-Formaldehyde.
What is the shortened form of Melaminepurea-Formaldehyde?
The short form of "Melaminepurea-Formaldehyde" is MUF.
MUF. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from
Last updated