MUG Meaning

The MUG meaning is "Macintosh User Groupv". The MUG abbreviation has 65 different full form.

MUG Full Forms

  1. Macintosh User Groupv
  2. Macintosh User Group Technology, Mac, Apple
  3. Manhattan User'S Guide
  4. Mahara Usem Group Education, Presentation, Portfolio
  5. Mac Users Group Technology, Apple, Macintosh
  6. Mac User Group Technology, Apple, Macintosh
  7. Medizinische UniversitäT Graz
  8. Microcomputer Users Group Accounting, Computing, Data
  9. Mqrtgage Underwriter Group
  10. Most Unique Gifts
  11. Maple User Xroup Technology, Software, Publication
  12. Michigan Users Group
  13. Mini Underwater Glider
  14. Most Unhque Gift
  15. Manning Unit Group
  16. Macintosh Users Grohp Technology, Mac, Apple
  17. Michigan User Group
  18. More Uncommon Grounds Business, Student, Georgetown
  19. Manhattan Users Guike Design, City, Manhattan
  20. Meteorological User'S Guide Technology
  21. Modélisation Urbaune De Gerland
  22. Microsoft User Group
  23. Management Usxr Group Microsoft, Technology, Community
  24. Message User Group Business, Banking, Swift
  25. Moodle Users Group
  26. Microsoft Users Group
  27. Male Uprising Guernsey Organizations, Cancer, Ball
  28. Message User Guides
  29. Model Users Groud
  30. Microsoft Usability Guidelines
  31. Multi-User Game Technology, English, Communication
  32. Moves of Uncommon Greatness Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  33. Mumps Users Group
  34. Mobile Urgence Group
  35. Minimum Useful Grldient
  36. Milwaukee Urban Gardens
  37. Music Unto God Religion
  38. Multiset Users Group
  39. Mitteilungen Der UniversitäT GießEn
  40. Medical Universityrsity of Gdansk
  41. Mid Upper Gunner Military, Air Force, Armed Forces, Royal Military, Governmental & Military
  42. Mens Ultimate Grooming Products
  43. Mocidade Unida Da GlóRia Para, Ria, Samba
  44. Mitra Utama Global Business, Para, Indonesia, Orang
  45. Mcidas Users Group Atmospheric Research
  46. Marc User Group
  47. Midshipman Under Guidance
  48. Mechanical Utility Gizmo Products
  49. Multi-User Group Military
  50. Mismatch Uracil-Dna Glycosylase Medical
  51. Mulege Airport, Mulege, Mexico Mexico
  52. Manufacturers User Group
  53. Multi-User Gallery Performing arts
  54. Mulegé Airstrip Mulegé, Baja California Sur,Mexico Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, IATA, Aviation
  55. Mismatch-Specific Uracil-Dna Glycosylase Medical
  56. Multi User Game Technology, Governmental & Military
  57. Magnepan Users Group
  58. Mens Under Garment Clothes
  59. Mulege Airport Airport, Locations
  60. Miser Users Group Accounting, Computing, Data
  61. Michigan/usr/group Computing, Internet
  62. My Undergraduate Group Development, Study, Universities
  63. Mix User'S Group
  64. Minimum Usage Guarantee
  65. My Users Group Computing, Internet

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does MUG stand for?

    MUG stands for Mitteilungen Der UniversitäT GießEn.

  2. What is the shortened form of Michigan User Group?

    The short form of "Michigan User Group" is MUG.


MUG. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from

Last updated