MULE in Internet - SMS - Text & Chating Meaning

The MULE meaning in Internet - SMS - Text & Chating terms is "A character made solely for storing items or to gain profiency in crafting skills to "backup" the players main character". There are 1 related meanings of the MULE Internet - SMS - Text & Chating abbreviation.

MULE on Internet - SMS - Text & Chating Full Forms

  1. A character made solely for storing items or to gain profiency in crafting skills to "backup" the players main character

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does MULE stand for Internet - SMS - Text & Chating?

    MULE stands for A character made solely for storing items or to gain profiency in crafting skills to "backup" the players main character in Internet - SMS - Text & Chating terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of A character made solely for storing items or to gain profiency in crafting skills to "backup" the players main character in Internet - SMS - Text & Chating?

    The short form of "A character made solely for storing items or to gain profiency in crafting skills to "backup" the players main character" is MULE for Internet - SMS - Text & Chating.


MULE in Internet - SMS - Text & Chating. (2021, December 15). Retrieved June 2, 2024 from

Last updated