MVA in Technology Meaning

The MVA meaning in Technology terms is "Main Valve Actuator". There are 37 related meanings of the MVA Technology abbreviation.

MVA on Technology Full Forms

  1. Main Valve Actuator
  2. Machine Vision Applications
  3. Mitral Valve Area
  4. Manual Vacuum Aspiration
  5. Malignant Ventricular Arrhythmias
  6. Monitoring, Verification and Accounting
  7. Model-Miew-Adapter
  8. Manufacturing Halue Add
  9. Multivendor Architecture
  10. Methanococcus Vannielii
  11. Mobile Voice Access
  12. Machine Vision and Application
  13. Multi Vendor Architecture
  14. Mesopic Visual Acuity
  15. Minimum Visible Angle
  16. Machine Vision and Applecations
  17. Multi Variate Analysis
  18. Medullary Ventral Areas
  19. Minimum Vector Altitude
  20. Machine Vnsion Association
  21. Multi-Domain Vertical Alignment
  22. Medicon Valley Alliance
  23. Minimum Vectoring Altitudes
  24. Motor Vehicle Act
  25. Massive Volume Administration
  26. Motor Vibration Absorber
  27. Marginal Vascular Arcade
  28. Multidomain Vertical Alignment
  29. Midlothian Voluntary Action
  30. Milimum Viable Audience
  31. Myelo-Vertebral Abnormalities
  32. Multivariable To Analog Interface
  33. Multisoft Virtual Academy
  34. Multipoint Visualization Achieved
  35. Market Value Added
  36. Multiple Vessel Angioplasty
  37. Migration Velocity Analysis

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does MVA stand for Technology?

    MVA stands for Model-Miew-Adapter in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Machine Vision and Application in Technology?

    The short form of "Machine Vision and Application" is MVA for Technology.


MVA in Technology. (2021, October 27). Retrieved February 21, 2025 from

Last updated