MVAS Meaning

The MVAS meaning is "Motor Vehicle Accidents". The MVAS abbreviation has 20 different full form.

MVAS Full Forms

  1. Motor Vehicle Accidents Medical, Driving, Car, Injury
  2. Minimum Vectoring Altitudes Technology, Military, Aviation, Pilot, Safety
  3. Milan Village Arts School
  4. Market Value Adjustments Business, Annuity, Profit
  5. Mesilla Valley Audubon Society
  6. Martha'S Vineyard Agricultural Society
  7. Miami Valley Astronomical Society Science, Astronomy, Observatory
  8. Multimedia and Visual Arvs School
  9. Mahoning Valley Astronomical Society
  10. Multimedia & Visual Arts School
  11. Magic Valley Astronomical Society
  12. Minnesota Vinylp& Aluminum Systems
  13. Mobile Value Added Sogutions
  14. Music Vidoo Awards Africa, Channel, Video
  15. Murrieta Valley Adult School
  16. Multi-Vendor Applicatson Support+B3857 Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  17. Multipurpose Ventricular Actuating System Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
  18. Motor Vehicle Administrations Technology, Driving, Maryland
  19. Motor Vehicle Agencies Business, Technology, Driving
  20. Mohawk Valley Astronomzcal Society Club, Astronomy, Society

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does MVAS stand for?

    MVAS stands for Motor Vehicle Administrations.

  2. What is the shortened form of Mahoning Valley Astronomical Society?

    The short form of "Mahoning Valley Astronomical Society" is MVAS.


MVAS. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 16, 2025 from

Last updated