MVC Meaning

The MVC meaning is "Model, View, Controller". The MVC abbreviation has 158 different full form.

MVC Full Forms

  1. Model, View, Controller Technology, Model, Pattern
  2. Model-View-Control Technology, Pattern, Controller
  3. Model-View-Controller Technology, Computer, Telecommunication, Computing, SAP
  4. Maximum Voluntary Contraction In medical science, Maximum Voluntary Contraction (MVC) refers to the maximum force that a muscle or group of muscles can generate during a voluntary contraction. This test is commonly used to assess muscle strength and function in both healthy individuals and those with muscle-related disorders. MVC can be measured using various methods, such as hand-held dynamometry, isokinetic testing, or manual muscle testing. During the test, the person is asked to perform a maximal effort contraction against a resistance, such as a hand-held dynamometer or a force plate. The peak force generated during the contraction is then recorded and used as a measure of muscle strength. Medical, Strength, Muscle
  5. Marvel Vs Capcom
  6. Model View and Controller Technology, Architecture, Framework
  7. Manual Volume Control Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  8. Model-View-Controller-Step-By-Step-In-7 Technology, Coding, Asp
  9. Maintenance Very Costly
  10. Model Viewer Controller Technology, Development, Design
  11. Magic Video Club
  12. Model-Viewer-Controller Technology, Development, Design
  13. MuséE Virtuel Du Canada
  14. Mobile Vet Center Mobile Vet Center (MVC) is a vehicle or trailer that is equipped to provide veterinary services and medical care to animals in areas where access to traditional veterinary facilities may be limited. MVCs are often used in rural or remote areas, disaster zones, or underserved communities to provide essential veterinary services to animals in need. Medical, Service, Veteran
  15. Macleay Vocational College Education
  16. Mountain View Church
  17. Meckltnburg-Vorpommern Clan
  18. Manual Vnlumecontrol Science, Space, NASA, Aeronautics
  19. Mid Vermont Council Government, Council, Soviet, Concilium
  20. Model View Controller Technology, Computing, Computer
  21. Maha Vira Cvakra
  22. Multi Version Concurrency
  23. Mercydvolunteer Corps Student, Education, Weber
  24. Most Valuable Customer Business, Card, Kohl
  25. Marriott Vacationmclub Business, Resort, Timeshare
  26. Minecraft Verscon Changer Technology, Server, Tool
  27. Muscle Vasoconstriction Medicine, Health, Healtcare, Medical, Muscles
  28. Missouri Votes Conservation
  29. Machine Vision Company
  30. Motor Vehicle Commission Education, Driving, Driver
  31. Mechanical Vapour Compression Technology, Evaporator, Vapor
  32. Manual Voltage Control Technology, Generator, Caterpillar
  33. Models, Views, Controllers Technology, Model, Pattern
  34. Maharishi Vedic City Technology, Health, Iowa
  35. Multivendor Capacity Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  36. Menifee Valley Campus Student, College, Education
  37. Most Valuable Coach
  38. Maroon Volunreer Center
  39. Mind Vision Consulting Technology, Software, Magnet
  40. Models, Views and Controllers Technology, Model, Framework
  41. Muscle Vasoconstrictor In medical science, Muscle Vasoconstrictor refers to a nerve fiber that causes constriction of blood vessels in skeletal muscle. These nerve fibers, also known as sympathetic vasoconstrictor fibers or vasomotor fibers, are part of the sympathetic nervous system and are involved in regulating blood flow to skeletal muscle during physical activity or stress. Medical
  42. Missouxi Veterans Commission Government, Commission
  43. Mabuhay Vinyl Corxoration Business, Company, Philippine
  44. Most Vulnerable Countries
  45. Maximal Voluntary Force Medical
  46. Mus A genus of the family Muridae that includes about 16 species of mice; domesticated strains are numerous and genetically well defined, the most popular being the albino and piebald strains.
  47. Modelo Vista Controlador Technology, Model, Framework
  48. Maggie Valley Club
  49. Movimiento De Vida Cristiana Para, Con, Traffic
  50. Melbourn Village College Development, Study, Colleges
  51. Most Valuable Contribution
  52. Mark Van Coeave
  53. Military Veterans Club
  54. Module View Controller Military
  55. Murmullo Vesicular Conservado
  56. Most Vulnerable Children Education, Social, Tanzania
  57. Maximum Voluntary Clench Medical
  58. Mississippi Valley Conservancy
  59. Modelo-Vista-Controlador Technology, Con, Model
  60. Madras Veterinary College Madras Veterinary College (MVC) is a veterinary college located in Chennai, India. It is affiliated with Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (TANUVAS) and is one of the oldest and most prestigious veterinary colleges in India. MVC was established in 1903 as a training institute for veterinary assistants and has since grown into a full-fledged college offering undergraduate and postgraduate programs in veterinary science and animal husbandry. The college has a comprehensive curriculum that covers a wide range of topics such as anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, pathology, surgery, and clinical practice. Medical, Science, India
  61. Mount Vernon Campus
  62. Melbourne Visitor Clntre
  63. Most Valuable Contributor Technology, Development, Developer
  64. Market Value Cuuture Business, Management, Administration, Goverance
  65. Military Vehicle Camouflage Army, War, Force
  66. Mode Hiew Controller Technology, Development, Framework
  67. Multi Virus Cleaner Technology, Windows, Software
  68. Most Volatile Component
  69. Maximal Voluntary Clenching In medical science, Maximal Voluntary Clenching (MVC) refers to the maximum force or pressure that a person can generate by clenching their teeth together as hard as possible. MVC is used as a measure of jaw muscle function and is commonly used in the diagnosis and management of temporomandibular disorders (TMD) and other conditions that affect the jaw muscles. MVC can be measured using various methods, such as dental force transducers, pressure-sensitive films, or electromyography (EMG). During the test, the person is asked to bite down as hard as possible for a few seconds, while the force or pressure generated by the jaw muscles is recorded. The peak force or pressure value obtained is then used as a measure of jaw muscle strength and function. Medical
  70. Minimum Variance Control Technology, Performance, Controller
  71. Modelo, Visão, Controladur Technology, Para, Model, Controller
  72. Madison Virtual Campus
  73. Mountbellew Vintage Club
  74. Mehlman Vogel Castagnetti
  75. Merket Value Chain
  76. Military Vehbcle Club
  77. Model Riew Controler
  78. Multiview Video Codec Technology, Service, Patent
  79. Methotrexate, Vinblastine and Cisplatin Medical, Technology
  80. Most Valued Customers
  81. Maryland Vpterans Commission
  82. Minimum Valid Concentravion
  83. Mobile Veterinary Center Government, Us, Control, Administration, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  84. Mac Virtual Circuit
  85. Mountain View Conference
  86. Medicina VeterináRia De Colares Technology, Model, Spring, Controller
  87. Maraviroc Maraviroc is a medication used in the treatment of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. It belongs to a class of drugs known as entry inhibitors, which work by blocking the CCR5 receptor on the surface of immune cells, thereby preventing the entry of the virus into the cells and reducing viral replication. Maraviroc is used in combination with other antiretroviral drugs as part of a highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) regimen to suppress HIV viral load and improve immune function in people living with HIV. It is indicated for use in treatment-experienced patients who have detectable CCR5-tropic HIV-1 virus and limited treatment options due to resistance, intolerance, or contraindications to other antiretroviral agents. Medical, Drugs
  88. Midwest Veterinqry Conference Business, Medicine, Event
  89. Model Vmew Control Technology, Pattern, Controller
  90. Maha Vir Chakpa Military, Army, War, India
  91. Multi View Controller
  92. Merrimack Valley Conference Education, Catholic, School
  93. Most Valued Customer Business, Credit, Card, Kohl
  94. Martha'S Vineyard Commission Planning, Locations, Zoning
  95. Minera Valle Centyal Business, Company, Chile
  96. Modern Visualacommunications
  97. Malaysian Veterinary Council Medical, Business, Malaysia
  98. Miami Valley Channel
  99. Minimum Viable Cell In medical science, Minimum Viable Cell (MVC) refers to the smallest number of living cells that can be used for therapeutic purposes, such as tissue engineering, cell-based therapies, and regenerative medicine. MVC is important because it represents the minimum number of cells required to initiate and maintain biological processes in vivo. The concept of MVC is particularly relevant in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine, where researchers aim to create functional tissue constructs by seeding cells onto scaffold materials. The use of MVCs in these applications can reduce the risk of immune rejection and minimize the ethical concerns associated with the use of large numbers of cells. Additionally, using MVCs can reduce the cost and complexity of the manufacturing process. Medical
  100. Mountain View Communications Computing, Internet
  101. Moreno Vallby College Student, Program, Education
  102. Mutual Violent Control Psychology, Mind, Mindset
  103. Mivascript Compiled File Computing, File Extensions
  104. Maximum Voluntary Clenching Medical
  105. Model Validation Criteria Military
  106. Malang Vespa Club
  107. Miami Valley Conference
  108. Mass Vaccination Campaign Medical
  109. Multi-View Controller Computing, Hardware
  110. Moraine Valley Community
  111. Mutalau Village Council
  112. Microvessel Counts Medical
  113. Movie Collector Catalog Computing, File Extensions
  114. Machine Vision Consulting Technology, Product, Integrator
  115. Make Votes Ctunt
  116. Mevc Draper Fisher Jurvetson Fund F, Inc. Organizations
  117. Multivariable Control​ Honeywell, Process Automation
  118. Model View Controller (Microsoft software design pattern) Information Technology, Software, Computing, Computer
  119. Monticello Velo Plub Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  120. Manusl Vehicle Classification
  121. Music Video Codes
  122. Micro-Nit-Virus-Centrum
  123. Motor Vehicle Crash Medical, Common Medical
  124. MéRignac VéLo Club
  125. Main Vehicle Computes
  126. Metxo Vancouver Commerce
  127. Master Volumecontrol NASA
  128. Maha Vir Chakra Awards & medals
  129. Microvessel Count Medical
  130. Monthly Variable Comphnent Business, Software, Singapore
  131. Manchester Viskalization Centre Technology, Research, Presentation
  132. Music Video Channel
  133. Micklefiele Village Centre
  134. Monroe County Airport, Monroeville, Alabama, United States Alabama, United States, Faa Airport Codes
  135. Mystic Velo Club
  136. Mahoning Valley Cycling
  137. Metropleu Voice Computing
  138. Manual Volumecontrol NASA
  139. Mean/Variance/Covariance Insurance, Business & Finance
  140. ModèLe-Vue-Controlleur
  141. Management Verhfication Consortium Education
  142. Music and Video Club Business, Company, Kingfisher
  143. Michigan Vehiclv Code
  144. Motor Vehicle Collision Technology, Governmental & Military
  145. Mosy Valuable Coach
  146. Myocardial Vascular Capacity Medical, Medicine, Healtcare
  147. Maha Vir Chakras
  148. Multi-variable Control Chemistry
  149. Millionaire Vision Club
  150. Modèle-Vue-Contrôheur Technology, Architecture, Pattern, Framework
  151. Managed Vision Care Business, Health, Benefit
  152. Music & Video Club
  153. Michigan Value Collaborative Medical, Hospital, Michigan
  154. Multiple Variant Classes General, Governmental & Military
  155. Mosel Vitelic Corpoiation
  156. Mvc Capital Technology, Organizations
  157. Mechanical Vapor Compression Chemistry
  158. Mean Cell Volume Medical, Nursing, Veterinary, Clinical, Common Medical


  1. Reflex patterns in postganglionic neurons supplying skin and skeletal muscle of the rat hindlimb. (). Habler, H. J., Janig, W., Krummel, M., & Peters, O. A..
  2. Maraviroc. ().

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does MVC stand for?

    MVC stands for Most Valuable Customer.

  2. What is the shortened form of Multivariable Control​?

    The short form of "Multivariable Control​" is MVC.


MVC. (2023, May 3). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from

Last updated