MVP Meaning
The MVP meaning is "Mitral Valve Prolaps". The MVP abbreviation has 191 different full form.
MVP Full Forms
- Mitral Valve Prolaps Medical, Technology
- Minimal Viable Product Business, Development, Startup
- Ministarstvo Vanjskih Poslova Technology, Croatia, Hrvatska
- Millennium Villages Project Education, Development, Village, International
- Mitral Valve Prolapse Medical, Cardiology, Biology, Technology, Dental, Governmental & Military, Common Medical, NAACCR, Clinical
- Maximum Vertical Pocket Medical, Meteorology, Forecasting
- Major Vault Protein Science, Genetics, Antibody, Chemistry
- Most Valuable Player Management, Sport, Sports, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Minimum Viable Product Business, Development, Startup, Products, Medical
- Maladie Vésiculeuse Du Porc
- Minimum Viable Project Business, Technology, Service
- Maximising Velocity and Power
- Model View Presentation
- Microsoft Valued Professional Microsoft, Technology, Windows
- Missouri Valley Physicians
- Marianist Volunteer Program
- Manhattan Venture Partners
- Member & Vendor Partnering Technology
- Military and Veterans Program Education, University, Mexico
- Minimum Value Product Business, Development, Startup
- Marketing Via Phone
- Meridian Venture Partners
- Mobile Virtual Platform Technology, Android, Virtualization
- Milk Volume Production
- Maladie V
- Minimum Viable Populations
- Maximal Voiding Pressure Medical
- Model Verification Program
- Microsoft Valuable Professional Microsoft, Technology, Windows
- Missouri Valley Petroleum
- Marginal Value Product Business, Labor, Productivity
- Mandatory Variable Part
- Mega-Vision Pictures
- Most Valuable Puppy
- Military and Veterans Programs Student, Education, University
- Minimum Valuable Product
- Market Validation Program Business, Technology, Health
- Mera Vasda Punjab
- Mobile Virtualisation Platform
- Military Voting Protection
- Making Vacation Plans
- Minimum Viable Population Technology, Science
- Matrix-Vector Product Technology, Processing, Arithmetic
- Model Validation Program Science
- Metropolitan Volunteer Program University, Houston, Volunteer
- Missouri and Valley Park Railroad Organizations
- Management Volunteer Program
- Medium Vehicle Pintle
- Most Valuable Publisher
- Military & Veterans Psychology
- Mitral Value Prolapse
- Marketing Value Program
- Mentor Volunteer Program
- Mobile Virtualization Platform Technology, Device, Virtual
- Member Value Programs Business, Service, Benefit
- Military Voter Protection Government, Projection, Election
- Fabio Alberto Len Bentley Airport Airport, Locations
- Minimum Variance Portfolio Business, Risk, Asset
- Mathematics Vision Project Education, Module, Math
- Mobile Voice Pack Military
- Messi, Villa, Pedro
- Managed Ventricular Pacing Medical, Patient, Pacemaker
- Medical Volunteer Program
- Monster Venture Partners
- Microvascular Pressure Medical, Medicine, Health
- Mitral-Valve Prolapse
- Marketing, Ventures & Promotions
- Mentor Violence Prevention Development, Learning, Study
- Mobile Video Productions
- Member Value Program Business, Organizations
- Military Vme Processor Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Most Valuable Philosopher
- Minimum Value Plans
- Matching Volunteeers and Pupils Development, Learning, Study
- Mobile Voice Platform
- Mesenteric Venous Pressure Medical
- Mitral Valve Proplaspe
- Mammoth Value Pass
- Medical Value Plan
- Monofilament Vaporization Propulsion
- Microsoft Volunteer Program Technology
- Missouri Valley Partners
- Market-Value Pay
- Mentors In Violence Prevention Program, Education, Sex
- Membership Vice-President
- Military Virtual Machine Environment Processor Military, Army, Ministry Of Defense
- Montel Vontavious Porter Government, Banking, Wrestling, Porter, Smack
- Minimum Value Plan Business, Employment, Benefit
- Market Value Potential
- Mobile Virtual Player Medical, Sport, Football, Dartmouth
- Merrimack Valley Project
- Mitral Valve Plasty Medical
- Malaise Voie Publique
- Minnesota Vikings Podcast Gaming, Team, Viking, Minnesota
- Media Vision Pocket
- Modular Valve Positioner Product, Valve, Separation
- Microsoft Value Professional Business, Technology, Organizations
- Missouri Valley Park
- Marine Vocational Program
- Manhole Ventilation Passthru Technology, Election, Allegro
- Membership Vice President
- Military Veterans Program Business, Service, Colorado
- Magnum Venus Plastech Business, Technology, Product, Composite, Equipment, Brochure
- Minimum Viable Products Business, Development, Startup
- Marketing Vice President
- Mobility Virtualized Platform
- Merrimack Valley Pirates
- Moisture Vapor Transpiration Clothes
- Mitral Valve Prolaspe Medical, Medicine, Pharmacy
- Millennium Village Project Development, Health, Village
- mitarl valve prolapse Medical, Nursing
- Mobile Valued Partner
- Mentoring Viable Prospects
- Multi View Progressive
- Moderate Vacuum Packaging
- Mississippi Valley Partners
- Merculet Value Protocol
- Mobile Video Platform Business, Software, Streaming
- Media Venture Partners Business, Company, Investment
- Music and Video Player Products
- Manulife Value Protector Business, Financial, Indonesia
- Member Value Plus Business, Association, Realtor
- Million Voters Project
- Most Valuable Product Products
- Fabio Alberto Leon Bentley, Mitú, Colombia Colombia, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
- Mobile, Voice, Positional
- Mentoring Valuable Peers
- Multiple Virtual Processing
- Moisture Vapor Protective Aviation
- Mission, Values, Philosophy
- Mobile Video Portal
- Matrox Vision Processor
- Manufacturer Vantage Point Technology, Design, Tool
- Member Values Program Business, Insurance, Benefit
- Midwest Volleyball Power
- Music Video Player Products
- Most Valuable Person Air Force, Governmental & Military
- Marginal Value Products Business, Labor, Productivity
- Mitrion Virtual Processor
- Menomonee Valley Partners Business, River, Bray
- Motion Volleyball Program
- Master Verification Plan NASA
- Mission, Values, and Philosophy Army, War, Force
- Mobile Video Production
- Markus Verbeek Praehep
- Manual Vacuum Pump Business, Rescuer, Suction
- Microsoft Valuable Professionals Microsoft, Technology, Russia, Tech
- Moving Vessel Profiler Geographic
- Munivest Pennsylvania Insured Fund Computing, Nyse symbols
- Million Veteran Program Medical, Research, Health
- Marcel Van Program
- Mitral Valvoplasty Medical, Technology
- Meningitis Vaccine Project Medical, Africa, Health
- Most Valuable Promotions
- Movieplus Project File Computing, File Extensions
- Minority Veterans Program
- Mobile Video Phone
- Margin of Victory Partners
- Manpower Validation Program
- Methyl-Violet Paper
- Most Valuable Pick Food
- MPEG Video Peripheral Computing, Hardware
- Millennium View Point
- Marathi Vidnyan Parishad
- Memphis Video Production Media, Radio, Television
- Most Valuable Pup Dog, Bowl, Puppy
- Magix Video Project File Computing, File Extensions
- Minority Venture Partners Business, Insurance, Partner, Accelerator
- Mobile Vet Practice
- My Voter Page
- Modernist Versions Project Modernist
- Man In A Van With A Plan
- Mississippi Valley Population Canada, Goose, Hunting
- Merrimack Valley Paintball
- Missouri & Valley Park Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- MediaView Project Computing, File Extensions
- Maratha Vidya Prasarak Medical, Science, College, Education
- Member Video Post
- Modelo Vista Presentador
- Millennium Villages Projects
- Magmatic Volatile Phase Geology, Scientific & Educational
- Mobile Variance Platform
- Mentors, Ventures and Plans
- Mystic Vegan Pizza Space, Element, Mystic
- Mega Volts Peak
- Mississippi Valley Paintball
- Merrimack Valley Pavilion
- Most Valuable Professional Microsoft, Windows, Information Technology, Computing, Computer
- Many Valuable Parents Gaming, Sport, Parenthood
- Member Verification Program Business, Association, Truck
- Mobile Video Party Business, Gaming, Group
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does MVP stand for?
MVP stands for Minimum Value Product.
What is the shortened form of Market Validation Program?
The short form of "Market Validation Program" is MVP.
MVP. (2022, July 13). Retrieved February 14, 2025 from
Last updated