MVSA Meaning

The MVSA meaning is "Mennonite Voluntary Service Adventure". The MVSA abbreviation has 18 different full form.

MVSA Full Forms

  1. Mennonite Voluntary Service Adventure
  2. Melbourne Vascular Surgery Association
  3. Martha'S Vineyard Surfcasters Association
  4. Miami Valley Swim Association
  5. Motor Vehicle Safety Act Motor Vehicle Safety Act was enacted in the United States in 1966 to empower the federal government to set and administer new safety standards for motor vehicles and road traffic safety. The Act created the National Highway Safety Bureau. Business, Technology, Canada
  6. Meyer En Van Schooten Architecten Technology, Station, Rotterdam
  7. Meyer & Van Schooten Architects
  8. Meon Valley Soaring Association
  9. Museo Valtellinese Di Storia E Arte Design, Con, Locations, Architect
  10. Mississippi Valley Soaring Association
  11. Mountain Valley Sportsman'S Association
  12. Midwest Victorian Studies Association Education, Conference, Study
  13. Mounds View Softball Association
  14. Motor Vehicle Safety Association
  15. Motor Vehicle Standards Act
  16. Motor Vehicle Sales Act
  17. Music Video Screen Awards Film, Africa, Award, Mule
  18. Montgomery Village Sports Association Organizations, Maryland, Volleyball

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does MVSA stand for?

    MVSA stands for Motor Vehicle Standards Act.

  2. What is the shortened form of Midwest Victorian Studies Association?

    The short form of "Midwest Victorian Studies Association" is MVSA.


MVSA. (2021, March 18). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from

Last updated